Final Fantasy is a masterpiece in writing, presentation and execution in literally every form. Go play FFXIV right now.
#ffxiv #kanoodle #shadowbringers
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I can't fight It! It's true! FFXIV is a masterpiece of videogames culture! A Fact!
Feels good doesn't it.
Same here dude. I have been playing video games since 1985. My very first RPG was Final Fantasy 1 itself. You can guess how surprised I was at 5.3, it was basically my childhood starring back at me like some sort of Avenger end game level hype. After going through this, I legit cannot go through Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Knowing what I know how Final Fantasy story can be, anything else seems like a cringfest. And I don't think it's too far fetch for me to say that FF14 online is like the Citizens Kane to the MMORPG genre. The level of cinematography used during cutscene is unlike anything out there today. It's simply art.
The Syracuse tower 😂
Welcome to the community! It's a trip isn't it. 🙂 I started playing at the end of Stormblood and have caught up and eagerly waiting for the next step of the story in Endwalker. It cannot come soon enough.
worth every dollars on the sub for the game and they design game still works for you just to sub every patch drop.
The heavensward cinematic music used here in on point!
But maybe next time dont make the music as loud as your voice pls. 😅
I will always carry this story with me I think. The fact that we got to experience it together as a community has given it all something even greater, especially during these past two years when fear and isolation has left such a huge impact on people's lives. This amazing journey we got to take together, despite everything.
Crystal Tower when it was first release was tough af! We get tons of wipe from the first boss dragon…Skeleton will wipe the whole raid from AOE damage.
Coils…. I cried badly…
Sultana, I cried.
Raubahn, I cried.
Haurchefant, I cried… bad…
Count Edmont, I cried… worse…
Papalimo, I cried.
Lyse, just cried a bit…
Tsuyu…. man… Tsuyuuuuuu Q_Q
Omega… lost it at the end…
Emet-Selch, I cried.
Lady Chai + Alphi, I cried, suuuper hard.
Crystal Tower, I cried.
Exarch, I cried.
Elidibus, I cried… and it was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad….
Ryne, I cried.
Ardbert, I cried…. bad… don't even start with Seto………..
Even fucking Lyna had me really bad…
Yeah… if you wanna cry to an amazing story, FFXIV is it, especially fucking Shadowbringers brings the tear storm to the maximum level… After typing this… it's embarassing I cried so many times to this game but it has it's moments! Believe me. Oh and I don't mean it's a bad thing, I rarely tear to a movie, a game, or whatever, this is the first time I actually just can't control it and that's a lot of merit right there, and to think this has literally NEVER happened with an MMO before… well, tells you many things.
I actually don't think I can handle Endwalker lmao, the feels will be all over the place this time, worse than Shadowbringers I bet. But it can't arrive soon enough, I'm super hyped for the expansion >_<!!! I want to know what will happen and what's coming next!!!
I'm on the same place Kanoodle is, I don't think any other game will fill my eye, all other games seem to feel empty, without a reason, just creating a game for the sake of creating a game, with no substance, that is… compared to FFXIV. This game is what MMORPG should stand for, the RPG element is as important as the MMO element, most just focus on the MMO element. The difference being your character IS part of the story, you're not just a random person, the characters you meet ACTUALLY matter, they just don't give you random quests to fetch stuff or kill 4 million tigers.
Ask a new player how they're understanding the WoW story, it's bad! LOL
Welcome to FFXIV!! They should've told us to get stock in Kleenex (or Kimberly-Clark since they are the owner ..I don't do the stocks, that's what my husband is for…:)..) since we'd need it so much…eesh. hehe
When it comes to games, I've found that not comparing things to each other can bare a more enjoyable experience. When I first started FFXIV (in 2016) I was new to mmo's and had begun playing SWTOR. Up until that point I had been a single player and mostly a Bioware game player. A little background, I didn't grow up playing video games since I was born in the 70's and by the time consoles were becoming popular I was close to junior high. My brother was more the gamer since he is 6 years younger than I am. As it turned out, in 2012 I needed ankle surgery so I was off my feet for what was supposed to be 6 weeks, but ended up being 9 weeks (we had 4 kids so we already had the 360 and PS3). So I picked up Prince of Persia, Fable II (at the glowing recommendation of my aunt who was in her late 50's at the time), and Dragon Age Origins. Well, I care much for Prince of Persia and I did enjoy Fable II so I had my husband go out and get Fable III so I could play that before moving on to DAO. I then moved on to DAO and that opened a whole new world: customization of characters and I haven't looked back. 😀 The next year, 2013,I had to have surgery again on that ankle and was down for another 6 weeks so I did get DA: II played, but since then I've played DA:I, ME I-III & A, and SWTOR (All 8 classes are complete). Like I said I started FF in 2016, but was so lost since it wasn't like a Bioware game. If I wouldn't have compared it I most likely would have stayed with it.
As for FF I'm completely done with the 5.x story and started Omega. I have the first raid to do and I want to mount farm Heavensward birds soon. 🙂 Sorry for the book and have a great day!
Nobody who gave the game a proper chance, and is caught up in the msq and payed any sort of attention to the story along the way is going to fight you on this.
A really good example of side character still being relevant in some way is two character in the Azim steps that have new dialogue after Shadowbringer even though they're in a Stormblood zone.
"No fight left to fight"
A really good example of side character being relevant is Hildibrand Manderville cause hes a Gentle Man
in the time left before Endwalker you might enjoy the ARR WAR relic grind. Its Ardbert's Axe. I will always carry that and a Fortemps shield in my inventory.
Note: it starts clean. And at atma stage it gets bloody. But the later stages it becomes something completely different looking.