2nd part of P12S fight looks fun! Looking forward to the unlimited number of wipes during prog 😭🤣
🎤 FFXIV lyric videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYKzbQU9NYDz-Hi_Ro5_X1C_mC72H2SDE
🎼 Endwalker – Sights and Sounds playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYKzbQU9NYDycxrImEaAHvZ2c1ynt7P-J
🎬 Post-Endwalker – The Movie playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYKzbQU9NYDxjJbwjHy9oYvRFqpJwckqK
🎬 Asteria’s Endwalker – The Movie playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYKzbQU9NYDxG_cMoPZDS12OQnueoJlj4
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#FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV #Endwalker
Tentacle mommy. ♥
"Am I the one who's out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong" as a character
Loved this transition, especially the reveal of her idealized perfect world as shown in the background + ultima's perfection playing in the background to really set the mood that you are, in fact, in the present of a god-like being.
If you thought P8S Natural Alignment positioning was precise, have fun with Caloric 1!
Ah, yes, tentacles are the perfect extremity.
"Only the hands of a God can fix it. MY HANDS!" Lady you no longer have hands, chill out.
I love how all her attacks are DISPROVEN scientific theories. And she thinks she can become a god? Hahahah.
there is too much hentai on the internet to know where this is going
Emet-Selch: Our society was perfect
WoL: points at Athena
Emet-Selch: Ignore that