Now Everyone Hates FFXIV

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4:40 – Sponsorship End

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#kougaon #ffxiv


33 thoughts on “Now Everyone Hates FFXIV”

  1. Good video. Not fishing for drama, just a balanced analysis. Hope you have fun when it is time (or choice) to return. As for your question: I'm still playing (and loving) the FF4-inspired 6.X series, plus casual stuff (leveling jobs, doing Variants, etc). Just chilling.

  2. Endwalker's been fineeee for me at least.

    Yeah this expansion did kinda execute its content badly and needs improvement. Island sanctuary felt just there, i mean I did it for the glam piece at 15 but only when the glam piece came out. Then you got relic tomes and criterion being dead. This expansion rly gave me the time to grind out old expansion max relics for all classes lol.

    I do get both sides and I rly wish houses gave you more time to resub b4 they remove it, but personally I just moved on to other shiz. I'm working on some skills like coding and game design/ wasting time in other games. SMT4's been lit for its story, and Deepwoken's been a nice punishing game to try and progress in with its social factor there.

    Honestly mane if u bought a house knowing about the 30 day eviction, das on you lol my apartment is ballin rn and it ain't ever going away. I ain't even playing this game till 6.55

  3. Honestly, I think complaining gets changes faster. If people are unhappy, want a change and that becomes a trend with multiple views? I'd argue that is more effective than a Suggestion & Feedback with a 100 views in the official forums. GIVE US CHAT BUBBLES ALREADY.

  4. 6:20 I will say this until my voice fails, the 4 month patch cycle we have is fine and in fact pretty quick. Look at wow's patch history where you would be stuck on a patch anywhere from 5-16 months before something new released. The issue currently is the lack of longevity with the content, but the actual patch cycle is more than fine in and of itself.

  5. Honestly, I took their announcement that they’re gonna focus on updating, improving the QoL, and adding the duty support system to previous expansions as them subtly letting us know that post expansion content is gonna be light, good to see I was proven right.

    Plus BG3 and Armored Core released this year, so my free time is non-existent right now.

  6. I personally love the current FFXIV. I stopped being "influenced" by morons like Zepla years ago.

    I run a guild and have lots of fun with my friends in the game, I am insulated from all those morons making videos.

  7. For someone who is currently working 16/7 this year, the latest relic grind is chill and achievable before the next patch comes. It's the first time I'm able to grind the whole series. At the moment, I don't need another Bozja or Eureka in my life… I love Bozja but I still have Eureka to catch up.

    If people want to do the grind, they can try Mabinogi… Each endgame weapon requires 100 qty of each mat… and each mat has 0.00032-0.00052 drop rate… At the same time, if you don't don't P2W, you can barely do any endgame dungeons without hard carry… And player there doesn't do hard carry… well

  8. best way to enjoy ffxiv- stay out of the content creator meta about the state of the game and stop playing because someone from your xiv friend's group hit on you and wait for the awkwardness to pass.

  9. I've definitely logged in less than past times but with shit like HSR, Genshin Fontiane, Cyberpunk, Baldurs Gate and Starfield, I'm actually REALLY happy lmao

    There's stilla ton of things I have to do in Endwalker (variant dungeons and side quests to name a few) but I would NEVER say things are BAD right now. I'm kinda chilling and I'm glad the game is letting me play it AND other games.

  10. I like that you were pretty balanced in your views in this video because I honestly feel the same way. I see where many people are coming from with being unhappy with the relics being a tome turn in, especially those who have been playing for a long time and really have no reason to go back and do the older relics, but as someone who's just getting their toes wet with not only savage content and the first relic "grind," i don't mind it too much. I understand why some may not like it, but a good friend of mine can't really get on every day to do so much grinding and they're in my static (irl work) so they're thankful af about the relics being easier.
    Maybe it's because I'm still considered "new" to the game (going on three years next year) but I have a LOT to do lol.

    Oh top of that, all my friends are basically online. I am honestly logging in to XIV a lot still, even when I'm doing absolutely nothing, to sit or stand with friends. It's the closest I'll be to them "irl" so I don't think I'll stop playing any time soon!

  11. The only people whose opinions get 'shoved aside' are those who still enjoy their time in FFXIV. People who refuse to jump on the hate train (for example, because nothing has actually changed, it's the same amount of content they've had always, if not more, but dare to say that..) just get flamed away. Proof? The comment sections of EVERY ONE OF THESE VIDEOS COMPLAINING. More proof? The Balance. People keep complaining about their opinions being shoved to the side when their opinion is the only one people are allowed to have.

    It's so backwards.

  12. Casual player here: Took time away to play BG3, plan on stepping away again if Lords of the Fallen is any good. Just leveling up my crafting jobs, doing stuff I missed, and doing one or two queues a day for my relics.

    Still love the game to death

  13. Personally, when I don’t do savage content, or when my group clears early for the week, I just play Frontlines. I love the chaotic nature of it and discovering the methods for each map that can help score points for my team. Besides that, I’ve just been catching up on my backlog of shows. Idk, it’s nice.

    I get some of the complaints, but at some point, it started to becomes annoying and seeing those people jump down the throats of people that say that they’re enjoying their time within the game was a huge turnoff.

  14. 7:45 You can criticize the relic all you want. But do NOT call people who work themselves to the bone 'lazy'. It's disrespectful when Zepla does it, it's disrespectful when you do it.

    It's not good for discourse.

    Having decent discourse is not hard. Just pick the decisions you don't like and criticize it. Don't start calling hard working people lazy. It helps no one and it's toxic as fuck. You normally are quite nuanced, Kou. I am disappoint.

  15. I don't normally keep myself up to date with "drama" or things like this unless social media (like this) expose me to it but I've heard and seen the uproar as of late. I play in a very casual way and that is coming from someone that started to "love" the MSQ of this game once I got to ShB (yeah I did not have a good time with ARR, HW nor SB). After 10 years doing a story (like Marvel) it is normal to have a downtime where you have to start building that peak again and that is gonna take time, question being how much. For some like me I get that and I'm not mad with the MSQ patches that we have now, it's really cool seeing all the FF4 love adapted to 14 and it is exciting thinking where things are going next. In the meantime I either gpose, do EX's (I don't do Savage or Ultimates, I don't have a group) and lastly I go to venues and try to meet people, that makes me even sub when I have nothing else to do because I have a good time (normally but not always) and I meet people and some of those connections go to Discord and become good friends that can enjoy other games just as you so that's cool. So yeah I'm just normal with the content we have now and not really feeling like I'm missing some type of content but I can understand others wanting more for different reasons.

    In the end, pleasing most people in an MMO (or game in general) is one of the hardest thing to do. I guess that these devs have put their heart and soul into this game for years and they've given us so much that even though yes we have to pay a sub to play this, I think if any dev out there deserves the benefit of the doubt and be patient are these people. I can understand also people not wanting to hear "go play something else" cause it feels like it invalidates their critique but it is true that for most that helps a lot and you can express your disappointment with post patch content while also go and play something else, we are not here to suffer in a game in the end. I also take breaks between patches most times especially when a game I wanna play is coming out like I did with FF16 that also helps a lot to not be there in 14.

  16. Why does it feel like everyone has gotten so used to the battle pass or grindy event every 2 weeks formula that almost every game has nowadays. I feel like a healthy game should have time where you're able to stop and play another game if you want to. It doesn't need to be log in every day for 15 hours or else you'll fall behind or miss stuff. Don't get me wrong though, I do still understand and want some content that I can go back and do from time to time instead of just one and done. I just also don't feel the need for ffxiv to be just another game that follows the formula every other game does now, which is play this game like your life depends on it and you fall behind.

  17. Kou you hit the nail on tha head son!!! It's time peeps remember what Yoshi-P said to us years ago! You are gonna wanna play other games! I agree they slacked off this expansion… but damn it after COVID and the fuckin grind of the last expansion launch, let 'em rest homies! WORK LIFE BALANCE!

  18. Good video! to me if variant wasnt a thing and they had added literally anything else it would be a better expasion, to think that we technically skipped a new bozja/eureka zone to have those 3 dungeons and a deep dungeon is mind boggling to me, from the rewards to the actual content itself, it looks like waaaaaay too much work for a piece of content you will do for like 2 days and forget it exists. Also not having a new bozja/Eureka means its taking 2+ years to actually see a new "open world map", and it kinda sucks to wait so long for such a thing in a MMO rpg. I really hope square listens to the feedback.

  19. Approaching my second anniversary of starting this game coming from WoW and it really seems like the FF14 community have been spoiled for content in previous expansion and now there’s a relative drought it’s tough. Other MMO’s have had much longer and while that’s not meant as an excuse, there is still plenty for people to do *if they want to do it*. Unlike WoW though, the devs encourage you to take downtime rather than timegate everything and keep you there even if you don’t want to be just to be caught up.

  20. These games are competing for your time. Endwalker is fine, but it’s not great. And that’s the problem here. They’ve raised the bar so high that they need to do something fresh. As a long time player, that’s the reality of the game. New players don’t have this feeling because you still have a mass of content to complete.

  21. As a filthy casual with only 1,600 hours in the game, I am still swamped with stuff I want to do now I've finished Endwalker. Still got to try Savage content, palace of the dead, blue mage, tanking, Eureka, Bozja, PvP, crafting, Island Sanctuary, Heaven on High, Ishgard restoration, Doman reconstruction, Criterion Dungeons, Variant dungeons and who knows how many raids I've missed. Stiill working through Eden, and only just found out about fighting Saphire/Ruby Diamond etc weapons in a mecha from the Gringing Gear videos. This will keep me going for a LONG time yet.

  22. I kinda strongly disagree with alot of the criticisms, personally i dont want the game to consume my life and the amounts of content we get every 4 months is I feel the right amount to come back for a month or two, have plenty to do then leave and play other games until the next patch is out. I don't want some torghast level all consuming grind that obligates me to log in every week lest I fall behind forever on the treadmill.

  23. Unfortunately for me, FF14 isn't really the kind of game for me long term anymore. I now only sub for maybe 1 month per major patch now (coming back for 6.5 at the end of this week).

    FF14 is still my favorite MMO overall, but I've playing GW2 for the past year has been better for me as that MMO doesn't have a sub fee. So I can drop the game and come back whenever I want; and with the horizontal power progression, I'm behind on gear when I come back.

    Even though I'm not in a guild in either MMO, the social interactions with randoms in GW2 is much better because every zone is comparable to Eureka/Bozja content of events and bosses are happening everywhere, but not limited to a single zone. Zepla was right, I have felt pretty lonely in post EW outside of Bozja and the occasional chat during EX prog.


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