Mythic WoW raider learns how much better FFXIV raids are

Check out @NamesLynx ‘s original video here! This really resonated with me!

I found this video of an ex high end Mythic WoW raider and how he’d switch to FFXIV raiding and offered some of my personal insights to the topics discussed! This was quite a long one and I had to cut a lot out, so the full VOD can be found here (timestamped) if you’re interested:

I’ve started my first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV over on Twitch. I hope some of you will join me on this adventure!

Will be streamed LIVE at

VODs will be uploaded here @justrussvods


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31 thoughts on “Mythic WoW raider learns how much better FFXIV raids are”

  1. While he was spot on with the factual information about the differences between the two games, Lynx isn't necessarily a person to latch onto with regard to FFXIV. He was actually chased out of the community because he was a pretty toxic gatekeeper type that loads of people left WoW to get away from. I don't think he's even uploaded in like a year or two.

  2. I've heard more people laugh and enjoy themselves when wiping in FFXIV raids, than I ever have in WoW. Even today's WoW we're still dealing with players who don't do mechanics and try to kick people who did less damage than "x" amount, but MORE damage than they did. I hate Damage Police.

  3. Loving the content dude, so glad you joined FF14. It's a joy watching new people experience and learn about stuff and I hope you continue to have an amazing journey 😊😊😊😊😊

  4. The conversation about people backing out of raids brings back ptsd. Obviously real life > raid. But when you commit to being a member of a raid you have to treat it like a Team sport, or even a job. If that's too much commitment then raiding isn't for you. The consequence of a single person being flakey is far reaching because it plays a huge toll on burning out other people and stagnating progression. I have seen many groups collapse due to a couple people not respecting others time.

  5. "The Best Way to Do Old Raids in FFXIV (Low iLvl Raids)"

    If you type the above into the youtube search bar you should find a video from MrHappy.
    This could be a solution if getting synced down is really bothering you but it is a bit more involved.

  6. FF14 fights are dances. Not battles.
    Meaning that the bosses have a scripted fights.
    If it were a battle, you would have no idea when a skill will be used.

    It penalizes you for not knowing the dance. But once you know the dance. Is BORING.
    And that's why people don't usually do old Extremes unless unsync. They are entertaining the first time. Not so later. With very few exceptions.

  7. Hey JustRuss, love your content! A small piece of feedback though: you should really stop talking over the video you are watching, it’s extremely annoying whenever you do. Just pause the video before starting to comment. Firstly it makes it hard to understand both your comments and the video. Secondly it makes it seem like you don’t care about what the video is saying, so why should we care if you don’t?

    Other than that, really enjoying your perspective, keep up the good work! 🙂

  8. As a savage raider in a static, replacing people is pretty easy in ff14, we've been dealing with it since half our party has covid, so sometimes theres no point in finding subs for a party of 2 people. Also, boss length feels just right, ebough to get cool mechanics out and challenge the players, but not so long you sit and stare for decades, with current 2 minute burst rotation meta the game has going 4 minutes feels like you have done nothing, 10 minutes in a boss fight flies by, especially once the party optimizes and the pull goes from 11 min kill to 8-9:30min kill.

  9. It's probably already been mentioned, but on the topic of raiding differences, I feel 14 doesn't impact a player as harshly as in WoW if s/ he dies early on. In 14, yes your group dps is diminished, but the newly revived player can still perform, with a status debuff applied. From the devs perspective, it's meant to teach us about the mechanics. I'm looking at you, black mages.

  10. One thing I truly enjoy about FFXIV raiding is, if your available/have time you can pretty much raid nearly everything. Doesn't have to be the newest or hardest, as many in the community will enjoy your personal progression as much as you do even if you are not super grindy or into hardcore game play. Not to mention, many groups pop up at all hours in the party finder just to run certain aspects so new and returning players can get a grasp of content and mechanics on all different difficulties. There is a DRK, PLD and SCH and SAGE on Malboro (forget their names atm) who run "Teaching Courses of X raid being: extreme, savage and certain ultimates" for hours on end. Not every group will be a perfect run, and not every group will be hair pulling WoW PuG levels of bad. Majority of the time you will have fun… speaking of fun, you should really need to just do a full sit through JoCat's: JoCrap's guide to Final Fantasy series. As humorous as they are, there is plenty of things to learn, and some sic rhymes.

  11. About the difficulty of enjoying old stuff in WoW, when I played WoW I set up a group for the Ulduar level 80 itemlevel locked feat of strength in a future expansion. It required me getting 10 people to agree to make a level 80 locked alt of specific roles and help gear them all up and make sure no one used an illegal item, the whole thing taking weeks of preperation and was more stressful and taxing than my usual raid leading just to do something that wasn't even hard due to class changes and stat crunches, it was just the stress of setting the whole thing up. if I could level / itemsync back in WoW that whole ordeal could have been done within an hour with random people, yes doing it the hard way was more impactful, but not worth the weeks of stress.

  12. 15:25 The whole spiel here is why savage raiding isn't for me anymore. It stops sounding like a fun activity with friends and starts feeling like a job with full on attendance policies. And it comes with the stress of having to perform for a bunch of people or you piss them off. Like a job. And if you want to quit, get ready to prepare a two week notice or more, or you piss people off again. You're an unreliable friend just like you're an unreliable worker.

    I'd rather erase my brain and start Elden Ring and Bloodborne over so I have to deal with Orphan of Kos and Malenia, Blade of Miquella again with no knowledge of what they do, than continue savage raiding. I don't even touch ultimates.

  13. This is probably just me but I think it would be better if you’ll just play the game on your own pace without watching too much videos about the end game. ‘Coz one, to avoid spoilers, two, you will not get too excited about the end game.
    If you’ll be playing ffxiv for the end game and not the story you can skip the story by spam clicking or esc, just don’t buy story skip. In that way you can still learn the basics, progress the game and reach the end game so so so much faster. But of course, in return, you will have lesser attachment to your character, lesser contents to make, lesser viewer counts, and hate from the community. Just my opinion though, just concern that you’ll skip the best part of the game, which is the journey, coz you’re too excited for the end game. Goodluck mate!

  14. For a what-if comparison for the kind of insanity and difficulty spike that Ultimate battles have over the rest of FF14, here's how Icecrown Citadel Ultimate would go:

    Phase 1. Gunship battle, but both Saurfang and Muradin hate you. Marrowgar is BONESTORMing around the battlefield nonstop.
    Phase 2: The gunships crash into the plagueworks. Raid has to fight Saurfang Jr in the slime room. Putricide is absent because they couldn't get Billy West back but some Festergut and Rotface mechanics are mixed into the fight.
    Phase 3: Heal the green dragon, but instead of skeleton adds you get to fight the Blood Council.
    Phase 4: Lich King riding Sindragosa as a mount.
    Phase 5: The Lich King is dead, as Bolvar takes on his grave dut- WHAT IS THE JAILER DOING HERE!?

  15. The Alliance Raids in a way are kinda like WoW 24 man raids just without all the hassle and more streamlined simple to learn for new players.

    The real difficult raids are all the 8 player raids Extreme, Savage, Ultimate

    Its far easier finding 7 other people for hard content and all classes being on the same character makes switching easier.

  16. So, I've played 14 off and on since about patch 3.2, and raiding has always kinda intimidated me. Don't know what it is, but coming back about a month ago has made me seriously consider doing ultimates. Problem is that I have a difficult time reaching out to new people, but I'd really like to do the content.


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