Here we are! Endwalker! The ending to a long grand adventure. i can’t believe how great this trailer is.
Game: Final Fantasy 14
Publisher: Square Enix
All rights of the game: Square Enix
I have been watching this trailer all day and everyday every since I made it here!. It’s still blows my mind I am finally caught up with everything. This trailer was a masterpiece! So much to talk about. So much to speculate! I’m ready!
Wooo! Finally! Glad to be among the first to welcome you to the Endwalker waiting room! 😀
Looks like you're in the waiting room with the rest of us. 24 days to go!
It’s almost time
The music for the trailers just gets better and better every time. I also love how much the music from this one takes you on a trip down memory lane with the sections from each expansion.
Edit: I only just realized between the G'raha and Y'shtola parts there's two lines of lyrics in the background, One brings shadow, one brings the light, two-toned echoes tumbling through time.
That's not Tiamat. He says the dragon's name – Vrtra.
"How is anybody getting to the moon?"
Cid. Cid is how.
I still can't stop watching the trailer for Endwalker it's freaking amazing and the music is soooo good!!! I've been playing since 2013 on the PS3 and I finished Shadow Bringers up to Zenos and everyone looking at the Moon 🌚 I can't wait! I need to pre order soon for those ear rings.
And it’s Emet-Selch narrating the trailer too. I think others have mentioned the singers of this theme song are supposed to be Zodiark and Hydaelyn, but don’t quote me on that. I’ve tried to not read much about what’s coming beyond job changes (since I did level summoner as my first job.)
A coworker showed me the Shadowbringers trailer a little before the expansion came out and it immediately drew me in. The Endwalker trailer is that level of hype and more. It's damn near the perfect trailer.
Welcome to the waiting room!
Some info: In the beginning, you see your character walking with the sun in the background. Azem/Azim/Azeyma is associated with the sun, plus look at what your character looks like in silhouette. The dragon isn't Tiamat, it's Vrtra (Estinien calls the name but usually people are so pumped for him being there that they miss the name :D). So we have now seen 6 out of the 7 of the First Brood; we may end up seeing the 7th as well (Azdaja). The creature at the end is the First Beast, the first boss in the Amaurot dungeon, the one that heralded the fall of Amaurot.
not tiamat, vrtra, her youngest brother
I can't count how many times I've seen these trailers… but this was the first time I noticed there are lands BEYOND Old Sharlayan that weren't covered in clouds.