Zepla interviews LlamaTodd about FFXIV Burnout, Dawntrail and Playing Other Games

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42 thoughts on “Zepla interviews LlamaTodd about FFXIV Burnout, Dawntrail and Playing Other Games”

  1. Your not obligated to play this game. If your burnt out, PLAY SOMETHING ELSE or DO SOMETHING ELSE. This isnt rocket science people.

    If you didn't like the expansion, its not the end of the world. Not every expansion is going to be a homerun. Some will be great, some not so much. This happens with every franchise. Get used to it.

  2. As a casual Andy, I prefer it when there’s some difficulty to the alliance raids. And I think they should be on par with the normal raids in terms of progression. There’s always room to had a second difficulty if need be.

    I definitely agree on needing to have some changes in how dungeons feel, except for me I wish it just didn’t always feel exactly the same outside of the boss fights.

    Definitely should have done more with criterion and it’s not even content I do.

    Overall, FFXIV isn’t bad by any means and I appreciate it’s consistency a whole lot over WoW’s dart board toss game design style, but FFXIV most certainly needs to branch out and introduce more gameplay things.

  3. If people only play FF14 especially the ones that played since 1.0 of course they will get burned out. It's not a bad thing. It's a natural thing that happens to all game andies. I personally aren't burned out, just bored of the content and everyone left my data center for Aether.

  4. I think cold burnout would just be apathy. Novelty wears out quicker the more apathetic you get. So even if the new content is interesting, without a grind to force engagement, it wont be interesting after doing it once. Even if you have the forced engagement it wont necessarily mean the apathy will disappear.

    People have to take breaks because no one can enjoy a game forever. Also there's a lot of really good games out there to enjoy.

    That's all to say that yeah the game is lacking in mmo style content, and frankly I think they can do a much better job of utilizing the 6 zones they have per expansion to get people to stay into the game. I like when there's people going to do tribe quests. But they are gone after a few weeks and then it's just dead.

  5. I was truly surprised in a negative way that they were using ff4 bosses for the patch content, but they did the same in ShadowBringers with the Weapons bosses. I hope they don't continue this formula. It is outplayed.

  6. OG XI and 1.0 player here – burnout hit me several times but always between patches. Hot damn I'm happy it's this way. I can get stuff done, play other games, touch grass. Reminder Yoshi-P has said over and over again this is by design. Welcome to XIV burnout – you are normal. That being said, I've felt since Pre-Stormblood the: Do MSQ, do raid, get tomes, buy gear, repeat has been stale. The side stuff like Eureka/Bozja/Diadem/Criterion was devs trying new stuff. You know how those went and in hindsight players are realizing their opinions has changed given that "they did everything of interest". I've only recently started to do content from 2 patches ago. Been playing other games, 2023 just been nuts for gaming. There's still lots of new players/streamers that haven't reached endgame and loving the crap out of it. Story content now is more akin to Anime filler episodes to me and none of it I find bad.

  7. Please no fc achievements, I know it was kind of a sidebar convo but still. This game has so many boring achievements and I just don't think this makes it any more interesting to run with an fc to do etc. I think not only is it a boring achievement it would also isolate many people including myself who mainly do achievements. Achievements are something that I feel most creators in the space don't really do and it is really underrepresented. There need to be changes for sure but I don't think fc specific achievements are the way. Some people have fc for social aspects with massive amounts of people and some have solo fc's to make bank off of subs and put w/e buffs they want up at any time.

  8. I don't know how you gear your jobs but there were 20 weeks between release of abyssos and release of TOP plus minus.
    450*20 is 9k tomes.
    For my current BiS as tank I need 2820 tomestones. plus 500 if you do the tomestone weapon.
    5 upgrade mats.
    So tomestones should be enough to equip 3 jobs. If you are fortunate to play tank or phys range or partially caster and healer you can even share the tomestone gear for the WHOLE role. For melee unfortunately it's a bit shittier but still worst case you can still equip more than 1.5 jobs

    My paladin is BiS and the only thing keeping the other tanks from BiS is the weapon which isn't tomestones. And I think in 20 weeks (since it's mostly week 1 raiders I hear complaining about this) First of all you can buy two weapons and even in a very unlucky PF setting you should be able to obtain at least one or two.

    So the thing locking you out of BiS is the weapon not tomes.

    But that's also besides the fact that raiders are a fraction of the playerbase, ultimate raiders a fraction of that fraction, day 1 ultimate raiders another fraction of that and then you have another fraction of people that would play more than 3-4 jobs ON day 1.
    And you don't need anything more than the crafted gear for savage if you gonna help out people.
    The only time you need BiS is for ultimates.

    tl;dr yes gearing multiple jobs sucks in some ways but it's nowhere near as bad as some complaints I've heard and it's not the 450 tomes that hinder you.

  9. The comments section here is horrible. Many people really don’t understand that the problem is not subjective — “i am a streamer / play one game too much, and so I am out of content”. Although, sure, the streamers will have a worse experience.

    The problem lies in basics of an MMO design — replay value and reward structure. Because contrary to what people say, they don’t want content “just for fun” — they want to feel progression, joy in obtaining something, which they are not compelled to do as something mandatory. Being rewarded for spending their time in a game, basically.
    And FF 14 right now experiences some sort of identity crisis as an MMO.

  10. Haircuts, Mounts, Minions, I think if I go back to SB/SHB/EW it's all the same reward and frequency and amounts. The only thing that changed is where they allocate it to in a given patch. Based on this, I feel like the carrot has been divided too much and so it's hard-to-get people to do the content for the carrot anymore. It feels like, we're losing the focus of the carrot, so they need to address fun factor over the carrot or else we just get hit with the stick.

  11. The part about keeping the mystery of the next trial in past expansions is really disingenuous. After seeing the first one in Shadowbringers it's really obvious what the other ones will be because of FFVII and the same can be said about Stormblood with the 4 Four Symbols from Chinese culture and in Heavensward they outright say their names at the beginning of the questline. If it's about the big one that we normally get in X.3 patches and this time is in the X.5 patch, I must say that it really was quite a mystery who we were gonna fight in Heavensward 3.3, I'm really glad they kept it under wrap.

  12. Zepla i really like your videos both here and on the main channel, but can you please do something about the constant echo that can be heard whenever you either talk to people or watch videos. Your headphones are either bleeding too much or your microphone is way too sensitive, it is actually giving me a slight headache whenever i try to listen through the whole video.

  13. I understand why people are burned out but still want to play. I on the other hand I'm doing solo only challenge, and I'm having a great time. Find your own goals, you know? IMO I can almost guarantee that yoship thought our bozja/eureka was ff16 lol

  14. this expantion in alot of ways felt like they just forgot there was an mmo behind the story like they did the story then someone at the very last minute basicly said "guys you do realise this is an mmo right ?" and they probably collectively went "fuck…we forgot"

  15. I'm so glad she's criticizing the game. More people need to have the courage to do it. All the blind Fanboys accepting the mediocrity that's been released recently especially with something like the relic weapon are really going to turn this game into a stale Ghost Town.

  16. I personally do not have any burnout. That said, I have been taking a break since a few months after EW dropped. The story was endcapped nicely for me. Now I am just waiting for a new story to begin.

  17. FFXIV community isn't the only community that gets a bit madge when a streamer stop playing their main game. I had the same experience with the OW community a few years ago, and I know loads of streamers that have the same issue with their main game. Just a streamer thing!

  18. I get streamers are feeling the pressure because their stream community is FFXIV and is their livelihood. While other players are able to walk away and play something else it’s not so easy for them.

  19. Well currently I’m learning tanking cause I have been dps for 10 years of FFXIV. I wanting to be a tank for EW but it didn’t go anywhere. However for Dawntrail that I be tanking in it besides dps.

  20. I think the clearest signs of alarm bells going off at SE should be their top 5 content creators for this game (and probably many, many others below them) are all taking an indefinite hiatus from the game during the x.4 patch, going into the x.5. Hell, Zepla just came BACK from a hiatus and is still preferring classic wow of all things. Xeno turned into a react andy. Arthars is treating the game like a job. It's a bad state. It doesn't mean the game is doomed but SE should be paying close attention here, the game cannot continue down this path.

  21. you do it, all to yourselves, so why are you whining?? STFU , not our problem you raid for 10-20hours kekw really STFU, also to you its boring spending 1500 tomes, for me its better i dotn want to waste 100 hours farming mats for relics, K thanks.


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