Final Fantasy XIV – E30 (Battle with Ifrit)

Hey whats up everyone and Mum! Welcome to FFXIV Online, I hope you’ll join me and my family on this trip through FFXIV. We are all fairly new to FFXIV with some of only playing a few hours at best. Joining me on this adventure is my 3 brothers, sister and my brother in law. These videos are dedicated to my Mum who is going through cancer and fighting it like a champ! She would watch me play FFXI on the Xbox 360 and I hope she enjoys our adventures together! Love you Mum!


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Let’s Play Final Fantasy 14 Playlist:

Final Fantasy XIV is an MMORPG, featuring a persistent world where players can interact with each other and the environment. Players create and customize their characters for use in the game, including name, race, gender, facial features, and starting class. Unlike in the original release, players may only choose to be a Disciple of War or Magic as a starting class—Disciples of the Hand and Land are initially unavailable.[2] Players must also select a game server for each character. While all supported languages are available on every server, data centers are located in specific regions (i.e., North America, Europe, Japan, and Oceania) to reduce latency between client and server, and players are advised to choose a server in their region.[3] Regardless of server or language, players can use a large library of automatically translated game terms and general phrases, allowing players who speak different languages to communicate.[4]


1 thought on “Final Fantasy XIV – E30 (Battle with Ifrit)”

  1. Unfortunately if Thancred had been there he would be like the Immortal Flames who were turned into Ifrit worshipers. That's because he doesn't have the echo like you do, which is why they wanted you to join them. The echo protects you for some reason.
    If I could offer a little tanking advice, in order to protect your party keep whatever you're tanking facing you and back up against a far part of the field. This keeps the boss focused on you and your party can be behind the boss kicking his booty w/out jumping flames. 🙂
    During single bosses (in ARR at least) there are no chests, but if there is someone in your party who joined from party finder you can give them a commendation if you would like. It's too bad you can't give someone who was already in your party a commendation. 🙂
    Um, Ul'dah is your home city so to return there you just have to hit the button on your bottom bar (toolbar 1) second from the right…looks like a huge water drop falling into a pool of water. That will return you to your home city for free as long as it's off cool down. Also, have you found the teleport tickets to Vesper Bay in your inventory? I didn't find them until I was nearly done in Vesper Bay and I'd hate for you all to keep teleporting to Horizon and then running or taking the porter there.
    The twins are 16…I guess they are adults or close to adults at that age, but that seems a bit young to go to another country…to me anyway.
    Thanks for the video and have a fantastic day!


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