My New Player Experience in WoW as a FFXIV Player & Why I'm Done

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42 thoughts on “My New Player Experience in WoW as a FFXIV Player & Why I'm Done”

  1. Trust me on one thing, mate…
    the top 5% does not enjoy the game at large. They enjoy that one thing they do and loathe almost everything else, primarily because they are being forced to play it, just to stay relevant in the content they want to do.
    I have been there, three years ago. I quit, because i just couldn't take it anymore, the sheer boredom of having to faceroll boring world quests, just to raise some stupid paragon levels i didn't ask for. To re-run the same dungeons every content just to get a higher ilvl version of the same items i already had. My entire guild felt like that. We had some people, who liked m+ as content, but even they did not like to get the same items they already had every patch, just in a higher version.

    We lost our interest in the game, when blizzard tried to make us log in every day. It is why i love XIV again, having come back to it in may. I don't feel pressured into logging in, i just log in, when i want to, do stuff i feel like doing in the moment, instead of having this nagging in the back of my head "still gotta do your world quests, need that nice nice grind, that you will not be done with ever, because next patch there will just be another new grind, yesyesyes."

  2. 22:58 "far too many times I've waltzed into a dungeon not knowing it was a dungeon"

    Okay lol I can't finish the video. This is as bad as the guy who couldn't beat the Cuphead tutorial. The word "Dungeon" and a list of bosses is literally on screen while he's saying this.

  3. Well WoW suffers from a ton of issues… the most glaring issue is; You don't play the game, you play the patch.
    For us old school players who are used to how WoW function are mostly fine with this; if we start a new character we pretty much spam those dungeons untill we hit the new expansion, then we jump on to the treadmill of gacha and mobile game features untill we reach the point we don't care anymore. However for new players this ain't really fun or even engaging, that is something i figured out already back in WotLK, however given that leveling was different back then, new players at least got to experience some content. The new player experience however is way better in Shadowlands then it was in BfA… Which is a good thing.

    Anyhow before anyone says something about old content still being content, please… farming ICC and pray for Invincible to drop for the 20th week in a row will never be considered content according to me. These things are just fluff that might aswell be removed from the game and it wouldn't really impact the game at all especially for new players. If farming old content for hours on end to complete your collect all things add on is content for you, more power too you… but then you are not really "playing WoW" since playing WoW means you either raid, do mythic+, PvP or play for story(?).

  4. When I play WoW, I was so confused myself too, nothing explain to you, just "oh here is the plot, fuck you, bye", then I unlock new race and so happy to play that new race, guess what, Bliz say "fuck you" to me and didn't give me option for new tutorial and from there I get confused, thank you Blizzard.

  5. First off being a wow player since 04 you did a great job creating this video, hitting main points of even my issues with the game. Your video should be sent to blizz as a wake up call to them , and let them know why they are not getting new players. As for the law suites etc.. that is for lawyers not me. Keep up the good work.

  6. Its sad coz in WoW you do quest for the benefit of the main character, and that main character is not you. But in FFXIV, you are the Warrior of Light and they highly respect you

  7. I’ve thought you are an underrated content creator for years. You still fly under the radar despite all the stellar effort you put into your videos. Hope you get the traction that you deserve. Thanks for all the great vids.

  8. I'm well past defending WoW, but the feature of having dungeons open is not something you want wished away. Those of us that played much earlier in the game's life know that having the option to do whatever the hell you want with what's in front of you is what made WoW great, and the legacy of MMOs what it is. There is no immersion in pushing a button and teleporting to a group and place that magically appears in the ether.

  9. They changed leveling in the prepatch for shadowlands. If you started this before that you probably wouldn't have even gotten to the current expansion in the time you played. Especially as a new player not having access to bonus xp gear and bonus xp potions. The leveling speed was a huge problem for new players and making alts because of the time it took and how far you were constantly falling behind in their awful progression systems with next to nothing being account wide aside from cosmetics. BFA was a terrible expansion and as you said the story makes no sense to a new player(unexplained plot from legion and grifting off of existing player knowledge of characters to get bye) but the overworld is a mishmash of various expansions. It would have been better if they started players off in Legion since even if they can't entirely follow everything about the story at least it would be fun to play through unlike BFA.

  10. As soon as they lost Metzen, the lore part of the game when to absolute shite.
    at this stage in things, they'd be better off starting from scratch, leaving all the old lore to be explored in the previous game,
    and just make an entirely new game, with new engine.

  11. I remember a few weeks ago Ethys Asher – who really was one of the first people to make ffxiv lore videos (along with speaker's network) – let people know he was still alive. A commenter noted how "compared to wow loretubers ffxiv lore videos have so few views". I found it funny, because having played both games, and even having the benefit of playing wc3 in my youth, WoW's story is absolutely dependant on content creators like most famously Nobbel87. The average player has no way of understanding WoW's lore solely through ingame stuff. Heck WoW gates some cutscenes behind higher raid difficulties and likes removing chunks of story, not to mention it lets you cruise through the expansions aka timelines completely unchecked. Not to mention its various books and other external content – contradict the story of the game through retcons and other confusions.
    FFXIV's average player just has to play through the story to understand what is going on. Inquisitive people pay close attention to sidequests & more to flesh out their understanding of the world. But everything is contained in the game and remains cohesive, to the point that the story can do callbacks to old content and it makes sense. This makes the average player less dependant on outside help to actually understand wtf is going on. Thus, loretubers don't have a big audience, only the geekiest of geeks that like compiling everything and theorycraft lore etc.
    Edit: Correction, the one thing I see new players be confused about lore wise is the Calamity and how that happened. I tend to point people to a 1.x summary. That being said I played 2.0 without any prior knowledge and found my feet, but it'd be really cool if something like that would be accessible one day in the game, perhaps a series of scenes you can watch in the unending journey or so.
    I'd also like the game trigger the respective trailers when one starts the story (ie at game start it plays the Answers trailer, maybe at the end of the final patch quest before the next expansion the next one triggers).
    Just small things that truly make the game's lore contained in the game.

  12. I play WoW nowadays just because all my friends are still playing and I hate that the only thing that keeps my friends from playing ffxiv is that there is no spanish localization and most of them dont know english and the only ones that hinted me that wanted to play asked me if I could boost them to max level :c

  13. I think, the main problem why blizzard can't introduce you complete story from 0 to 100 coz there is no complete story. All expansions are standalone. There no transition between them, no links, nothing. Classic has no story at all, you're just adventure with no power.
    BC and WotLK are standalone too, they told the story about Illidan and Arthas in vacuum. And then Cata happened and there no transition between WotLK and Cata for new players.
    Blizzard need complete rewrite the story for all addons, connect them together and force players to level through all of them or they need to made like 10 min cinematic to tell what happened in last season or smth.

  14. Just as an FYI, you are the Champion because they needed a generic title to apply to everyone for voiced cutscenes. That's it. It's the same as Warrior of Light but without lore connections or earning it. In Warlords they started using more voice cut scenes so they called you "Commander" because of the garrison, after that they needed a new title. It's really sad now that I"m thinking about it.

  15. Regarding your dungeon question:
    In WoW, there are many different settings for dungeons, but the one that high-level players are concerned with is Mythic+.
    Mythic+ is a setting in which the dungeon will have a timer that counts down and rewards you based on how fast you clear it.
    There are many levels to Mythic+, which add certain modifiers to the dungeon (some seasonal, some changing weekly), with the highest cutoff point for rewards being 15, and some extra benefits at 20 or higher.
    To enter one, you also need a special item that can only be acquired by clearing dungeons in mythic or mythic+, which then needs to be leveled up by completing the dungeon assigned to it.
    To that end, Blizzard argues that matchmaking a group wouldn't work out because of how hard it'd be to make the decisions for the players, and lets players use the equivalent of the FFXIV party finder to filter through and choose players (though usually it's done by the group owner selecting the players himself).
    Should you fail a run's timer, your keystone level will decrease but you will get some items. Should you abandon the dungeon, you get nothing except for the decrease. This leads to a rather intensely elitist scene, as well as a huge boosting scene in which people sell runs for in-game gold (and often for real life money).

  16. One thing u didnt bring up, was the Bots in wow, that are ruining Classic and soon to be WoW fresh. Blizzard has no shame and will completly shit on the integrity of the game.

  17. WoW is and end-game vending machine. You literally only log to PvE or PvP, for a very long time the game has not offered anything else. And since bfa they've just gated raiding on these god awful side chores literally no one ever liked. I'd count legion too but at least in legion the AP grind pretty much did itself while playing the actual game instead of forcing you to grind this instances a million times before being ready for the real game.

  18. I think the big issues with WoW's story is that it was never really designed to be a narrative driven game, in my mind it was more about the adventures of our characters in a big fantasy world.
    Wrath is what changed it in a lot of ways I think, the game started to slowly become more narrative focused but our characters are just a weird fifth wheel that does all the heavy lifting.
    Another issue is that a lot of the story tends to be delivered in end game patches and raids, all of which are not a part of required questing and the experience becomes even more disconnected, not to mention the issues of post cata azeroth and outland/northtrend being different timelines.

    I don't think there's any real way of fixing it, except to adapt the way that ffxiv handles it's story, and that would be a massive undertaking

  19. I don't see this anywhere in the first few pages of comments. The game uses "champion" in the voice acting (and often the text boxes, but not always) as a placeholder for your character's name so that can actually have voice acting. It is a title of convenience. In Shadowlands itself it mostly morphs to "Maw Walker" based on campaign events.

  20. New viewer. Watched 2 minutes. You seem like you have some real problems in your life. Take a sober look at this video you created. You're screaming into a mic about how angry you are about how angry other people are. About… a… video… game. Is this who you wanted to be when you grew up?

  21. some of FFXIV sidequest also feel disconnected too like the one where they made the Warrior of Light clean a stable ffs ( I admit its quite funny), but there are interesting/funny writing on a few of them as well so its real nice to found those once in a while

  22. Walking in to dungeons has two reasons for existing. The original reason is as you suspected, meeting up at the dungeon entrance (or meeting stones). But later on once transmog was added the reason this was never removed was so people could go back and solo old content for legacy gear, primarily for transmog. I personally love this and wish all MMO's (FFXIV included) had it.

    The issue wow has now is that it would be extremely difficult for them to fix its story building issues. Even if you trimmed out all the sidequests and streamlined questing into only "main story" style questing, its 8 expansions worth of content. Leveling would need to be slowed down to a crawl. Years and years of neglect has left the game with a problem that now only has two solutions. A massive reworking of questing from the ground up, incorporating all the old expansions or cutting losses and moving on to World of Warcraft 2. I just don't think that WoW can ever recapture its former glory, for too long it coasted by on its legendary status. Now as a new wave of modern MMO's come out, I think there is simply too much to be done.

  23. This really all went downhill in the cataclysm where upon they attempted to redo the entire world in some sort of weird post apocalypse world but every thing was still pretty much a ok.

  24. Went back to WOW for a month over the holidays: Classic TBC was just full of ppl selling boosts in dungeons etc (for gold not £ I should say) and reserving stuff left and right. So decided to switch to Fury on retail and first dungeon on a new toon; despite 2 players saying new some idiot (not even the tank) pulls literally half the instance of the pirate dungeon in BfA…..yes the game but the community as well. Now Blizz is not to blame for that idiot (I left after the first pull time is too short) but hiring GM's and stamping out the boosts and bots is something they can do..

  25. Small corrections to consider. 3x weaving in ffxiv is BAD. High skill/spellspeed may mean you can only single weave.

    Many Side quests in FFXIV are disconnected or pointless, but often provide flavor. I'm talking yellow (!) Quests. You may find some ARR yellow quests that don't lead to a quest chain don't really add anything to the region or lore. Quests in HW and later are more lore/flavor intensive. They also provide bad EXP.

    I think you mean main story quests of Ffxiv that veered off the main plot/objective.

  26. Ive never really thought about how confusing the story can be for new players until I heard you explain how confusing it really is with no context on the characters. It seems like Blizzard has basically said if you havent been playing for 15 years or watched weeks of Nobbel videos good luck understanding the story. A new perspective I didnt realize when it comes to their storytelling.

  27. This will sound WEIRD to you
    but listen to this
    World of warcraft was never build on STORY the story was never the selling POINT of the expansions
    and when people say things like story suck that is nothing new
    because the story suck since the days of Vanilla wow
    The wow design is build upon raiding dungeons and pvp
    that is all they do because they found out it works and it's truly works since the days of vanilla wow
    Yes they started to created a certain STORY in wow
    but that shoudn't be important for the new player becasue that is not what makes world of warcraft BEST mMO ever created
    peopel praise this game not because of story but because of dungeons and raids and pvp since the days i remember

    FF from what i see has nothing interesting going on in regards of dungones and raids and pvp
    there is no competitive side of that game at least i can't see it on twitch all i see is runing around and talking to npcs and watching in game cinematics

    So for the new players

    Do not start playing WORLD OF WARCRAFT because of STORY because no one ever started playing world of warcraft back in the day becuase of story
    we started because of we could lvl up we have different classes do different things
    and BTW vanilla had no story it was just random Quests for random dudes in random zones 😀
    But since the first days of wow we loooove killing each other we love to do dungeons etc etc

    Remember my friends wow is played by min maxers who looove to do math for their character
    it's played by a dudes who looove progress their character with a different items etc etc
    this never changed and never will
    wow was always the game of NUMBERS not a STORY
    wow was always about dmg healing and all those things enchanting making your char OP
    story was never the feature you should look at when you are deciding if you want to play wow or not


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