It’s time to dabble in another famous community I’ve seen fellow Monster Hunter fans fall to: Final Fantasy 14
Editor: @RaulDaFama
#finalfantasyxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy
It’s time to dabble in another famous community I’ve seen fellow Monster Hunter fans fall to: Final Fantasy 14
Editor: @RaulDaFama
#finalfantasyxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy
Are you, like, a FFXIV channel now? It's like… at least half of what you've been posting for a few months now.
Hi HeyJay, I just wanted to ask if you plan on uploading any of the other ffxiv vods to your vods channel? I took a look yesterday and couldnt find any of them except for your first two. I'd like to watch them if I can.
I'm so excited to die tonight. See you there Jay.
Coils starting today for anyone interested in seeing Jay remember that Alphy had a sister 😂
Aaaaand hes hooked
So happy to see XIV sinking its claws in finally. See you in Coils tonight, Jay!
Man, Jay you should have gone Lancer from the start.
I'm glad to see you're enjoying Heavensward! Ysayle is a fan favorite and Estinien's dynamic with her is absolutely part of that. The changes they made to Sohm Al are the most emphasized of this: if you play with the NPCs, you keep seeing Ysayle try to sway the dragons to not fight, becoming more distraught as they all choose violence against her and our group. Very excited for the firewood arc
The peak fiction begins!!! 😈
For some Realm Reborn is enough to hook them, for many of us though its Heavensward that finally makes the game click for us and we then "get it". That was the case for myself, Ysayle becoming my first and favorite waifu in the game lol and just the entire high fantasy story and setting of Heavensward was my cup of tea.
You might not like the dragoon class to begin with, so don't feel stressed about playing a class you currently enjoy
Hold on to those samurai stonks till the next expac haha
Hey, Jay! I just want to appreciate your journals here. I can't even watch the whole journey due to our timezone differences. Thankfully I can catch-up with your adventure with the journals. Thank you and may you be blessed!
Ravana was the exact moment that really made me go "I need to keep playing this game to see more bosses like this." Well the game didn't disappoint on the bosses or the story side. Hope you keep enjoying your HW journey!
Man, I really hope you continue past HW and into StB and ESPECIALLY Shadowbringers. Stormblood is the worst expac for casual stuff (it's my favorite overall expansion, not for least for being my first and having my favorite raids) but it's 100000000% worth to push through and get to Shadowbringers. But I'm getting ahead of myself, Heavensward is still amazing!