Mitigation Styles in FFXIV! In-Depth Analysis of REAL NUMBERS

Gunbreakers, Dark Knights, Warriors and Paladins– oh my! We’re talking all about mitigation styles in FFXIV. When it comes to mitigation of damage or better known as “ways to deal with damage” in FF14 we have 3 distinct flavors. Reduce incoming damage by a set amount, heal off the damage once it’s landed and apply a barrier above and beyond the target’s current HP bar.

Remember, always use protection!

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0:00 Intro
0:17 Mitigation Types ( Healing Off Damage, Reducing Incoming Damage, Barriers )
1:03 Damage Taken Values ! ( “Incoming Damage Reduction” )
2:39 Healing and Barrier Strength (“HPS Values”)
5:26 Notes on Overhealing and Healer vs. Tank Approaches
7:59 Outro

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9 thoughts on “Mitigation Styles in FFXIV! In-Depth Analysis of REAL NUMBERS”

  1. Dmg Reduction, barriers and heals OH MY! Lil bit of tank and SPANK! snapping noise :O GASP!!!!!🍕🍕🍕
    0:00 Intro

    0:17 Mitigation Types ( Healing Off Damage, Reducing Incoming Damage, Barriers )

    1:03 Damage Taken Values ! ( "Incoming Damage Reduction" )

    2:39 Healing and Barrier Strength ("HPS Values")

    5:26 Notes on Overhealing and Healer vs. Tank Approaches

    7:59 Outro


  2. As a healer this is very interesting. Thank you.

    Oh I have question as a fellow SCH main when would I ever use disapation?
    I only have found one use in hades for the top off doom debuff part.

  3. Another thing to note about Warrior mitigation is that they can directly increase their HP through thrill of battle. This can serve as both a threshold of temporary hp that enemies need to burn through, as well as a window in which warriors receive increased heal efficacy. This efficacy double dips thanks to the Enhanced Thrill of Battle trait at 78.

  4. As a main healer I find this really useful, thank you sir.
    But also from 0:21 to 1:21 i would recommend you to place some type of black background or black outline to your white texts because even paused it's difficult to read.

  5. Love you Cole Evyx, appreciate your content, viewpoints and input a lot especially as tank. Keep up the good work and don't ever let any outside forces effect your happiness. Don't give your power away to strangers, your emotions are your own and they are just energy in motion and come from within. Feel them give them their place and they will dissipate. Fuck the haters and keep doing you.


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