Let's Play Final Fantasy XIV (Part 7) [Final Fantathon]

The most anticipated and requested game of Final Fantathon, Final Fantasy XIV has finally arrived. Beloved by so many, FFXIV has become a world wide phenomenon and has transcended its own namesake in many ways. Final Fantasy XI was a well made MMO, but it didn’t capture the hearts of so many fans in the same way, so I hope to gather through my playthrough what makes this game so special in the hearts of its dedicated fans.

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4 thoughts on “Let's Play Final Fantasy XIV (Part 7) [Final Fantathon]”

  1. I think you should take it with a grain of salt anytime someone reads into why things are the way they are in any aspect of XIV. People will defend every aspect of the game till their dying breath but if Yoshi-p changes it they will retroactively think it was always bad and the change was justified. Loving the playthrough so far, keep your opinions and thoughts coming and don't worry about not having context. Your context as a new player is just as valuable (if not more so) than someone who has played the game for 8 years and studied every word the dev team has ever uttered. If you don't understand the intention, that's completely valid and not wrong.

  2. I think the way they're doing their store is fine. The stuff is expensive, but if you can find most of it in game then you're just paying for convenience. That sounds like they're just scamming the impatient whales. Even the bad storefront might just be a cultural thing. I've heard most Japanese websites have bad design because Japanese people aren't comfortable altering/updating other people's work so most websites look like they're 20 years old.


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