LACCRE learns about 10 types of FFXIV players!

🔥 SO BASICALLY… im a simp and moogle/Minion obsessed lol … so where do i fit in??? whats yours???? xD

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18 thoughts on “LACCRE learns about 10 types of FFXIV players!”

  1. I was definitely called out from mainly the 1st form of Casual. But I was also called out as a Ghost since I only really talk to people that I've met from Twitch or friends online, aside from the usual o/ at the start of a duty. That's partially due to being a PS4 player with no keyboard though.

  2. I'm a Ghost in the game and a Codex out here. This is for a very clear and straightforward reason:
    I've been playing for almost as long as the game's been around, but I'm playing on PS4 at this point without a keyboard plugged in. Typing anything into the chat is a huge chore, so if I have anything to express I try to say it with emotes.
    But having been on for as long as I have, I'm constantly wanting to share "the stuff I wish I knew way back when," like how to set up a crafting controller hotbar or a good level 60 rotation for Ninja. It's fun seeing someone with a bad/nonexistent rotation start to master DoTs and cooldowns and eventually master the rhythm of slotting them all together for Big Damage, and it's even more fun to imagine that your advice had some tiny part in that improvement.

  3. Definitely a category-1 casual here, although being on the autism spectrum also puts me in the ghost category (because I can't people some days) and the codex category (although I've been working pretty hard to limit that).

    Also pretty sure she didn't have a "simp" category is because that's at least 98.5% of the total playerbase.

  4. Gonna do my little lawyer here, being a Raider i'm in a community with three type of roster, we got an HC roster who do week-one savage raid ( ppl in this roster are true elitist, gonna go back on that in a minute ), another who do week-two and aim to do week one, and my roster who is "chill" ( we take newcomer, raid 3 time by week for two/three hour each and aim to do week 7 for now).

    When we got a question about an encounter, need to talk about strat , rotation or need someone to fill an empty slot, we talk with the HC raider, they are very friendly ( when they wanted to start TOP at the release one of their melee couldnt do it so they asked me if i was willing to do it with them ,and to be frank i'm much weaker at the game than them, but they never blamed me for it or was harsh, we got a clear in 6 week), the thing is , the criteria to enter their roster are very hight, cause they want to perf, and the only way to do it at this level is to get very good player, they are pretty much in the same mindset as sportsman.

    But they never never trashtalk other player, if they go in party finder, they know that you can find everything here, they wont be mad because someone is doing poorly, that's the difference beetween "elitist" and the "other" ( wont say the word , i will be in trouble ).
    After our clear of savage we often mix our roster to relcear savage content beetween us or do ext raid , 24 raid etc…

    The next thing about fflog, some use it to "glorify" their perfomance and it's stupid, but most of the player are using it to try to improve their roster or themselves, cause you cant keep track of everything on a run.
    Being the RL of my roster it's my job to try to help my member and to see why we are failing or what we could do to be better ( that's the objective of every member of our group so everyone know what they signed up for ), but we never use it outside of our group, it have no utility in party finder ( expect if you are searching to improve yourself on your rotation). But it should never be used to trashtalk , the website isnt bad, it's some player who are.

    And one more thing… NEVER FORGET CARBY ! ( gonna say it more if you forget him one more time ).

  5. i def would be casual with a small bit into the glamor lol i can be a collector with games like these

    also idk if there's like a spot to suggest stuff to react to, but if you haven't seen the ffxiv 1.0 in a nutshell vid, i would recommend it!

  6. I'd say I'm 50% 9. More upper midcore, I'll do Savage / Ultimates but I'll never top parse cause I'm bad at the game. If I can clear Savage within it's patch before echo then I'm happy enough. Live for suffering in Mentor Extreme Trials. Extreme Trial roulette when……..?

    I'm also inwardly salty about other mentors giving terrible advice but keep my mouth shut to keep morale up.

    Also Yoshi P isn't a God, he's actually a bad man who takes away the things we love.
    Never forget Wide Volley, Heavy Thrust, Aero 3, old Dark Arts and Deliverence animations. I still miss you all. 🙁

  7. Ok on the #2 ok I’m partly that, but it’s not just my armor you’ll see change from time to time (that’s actually my more consistent thing) it is my character.

    Also I have a Fantasia ready for the moment female hrothgar are announced and made available, don’t judge me 😊

  8. i'm a Hardcore casual gillionair RPer. XD I say hardcore casual because I'm only really down for "casual content." But I like the feeling of self improvement and playing to the best of my abilities… in a low stress enviroment. Raiding in WoW burned me out on "hard" content.

    Otherwise i've been crafting character stories sense I was a young in DnD, and I can buy a large plot if I wanted. nodnods


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