Join me as I try Final Fantasy 14 for the first time

It’s time to dabble in another famous community I’ve seen fellow Monster Hunter fans fall to: Final Fantasy 14

Editor: RaulDaFama

#finalfantasyxiv #ff14 #finalfantasy


42 thoughts on “Join me as I try Final Fantasy 14 for the first time”

  1. I'd avoid partying up with your community in the open world content. They will likely run around one shotting all your quest objectives since they do not scale down, outside of fates. Anyone who has been to your streams know they cant control there backseating let alone carrying lol.

  2. For those wondering since Jay didnt touch on it we will be playing over on the Crystal Datacenter on the Diabolos server. We also have a FC for those wanting to join we will show it off probably during the first stream (i assume)

  3. I spent 220h and did the base game and the first extension in July alone, it was REALLY cool even though I play alone

    but I want to do the Coils of Bahamut, and I don't see anyone doing them 😭😭

  4. This always gets me conflicted. FF14 is for me, one of the legitimately least fun games I've ever played. So thoroughly misses the mark on what I want from both an RPG and a Online game. But obviously it's also a highly successful game with many who don't see the same flaws I do. So like, I obviously don't want you to have a bad time, but I'll certainly feel vindicated if you do. So while I'm definitely won't be there in Eorzea I'll certainly be interested to see your thoughts.

  5. Hey jay and mispronunciations, name a more perfect duo 😂

    Also I'm a big fan of final fantasy, been playing thru the older games but don't think I'll dabble in the MMO titles so I'm curious what your journey will be like

  6. Kinda glad youll be doing this. Tbh I cant believe youre not burnt out on monhun after playing what, world, rise, 3u and 4u without any breaks. Its nice to see differing content.

  7. I believe nowadays XIV is a bit like MH the first time. You don't like it until you do and if (when) you get hooked, it will take you to the opposite side of the universe and release you because the game allow it 😉

  8. Heads up, people are going to expect you to react to the trailers before every expansion, just so you know thats a thing lol
    I'd suggest watching the first one, the ARR cinematic (you can do it from the menu in-game) before getting into the game.

  9. Enjoy your time there, but do hope you don’t feel pressured to like the game because so many, myself included, have said it’s an amazing experience. The game does have flaws, especially in the early game and still bears the marks of its older game/ quest /dungeon designs. That said the story, music and overall experience more than make up for it, even as a mostly solo player.

    This was my pandemic game so had a lot more time to play back then. Wish I could join you in this, but for now I’ll settle for reliving my experiences watching you go on your own journey.

  10. Nice to see you trying out ffxiv! People are probably going to throw tons of information at you that you don't need to know in the beginning so don't worry about it too much. The game is fairly simple, both in terms of its lore and its gameplay. Just take your time, read the dialogue, what your abilities do, the tutorials etc. and you'll be fine. I don't think you need to do any background reading before you start the game either tbh.
    If you've ever read/watched and enjoyed a slow burn fantasy series, you'll probably be fine with the pacing of the story. The story actually starts to pick up near the end of the base game anyway, so you don't even have to wait for the first expansion. A good chunk of the tedious fetch quests in the base game were also removed fairly recently, so some of the things you've heard about the early game being a chore might be outdated. It honestly functions more like a story focused single player game than an MMO until you reach endgame, so it's probably best to go into it with that mindset.

    TL;DR: The game is a lot easier to get into than it seems and isn't as MMO-y as you're probably expecting. Just take it slow, read the things the game tells you to read and enjoy the vibes.

  11. This is hilarious. I discovered your content because I had just started playing Monster Hunter World, slowly becoming obsessed, and it was really cool to see someone have the same reactions to just how good the game was.

    Final Fantasy XIV was the next game I played and… Well, it's in many ways one of my favourite games of all time. Any reservations you have about MMOs will not apply, enjoy the ride.

  12. Take your sweet time with the story including reading everything. This is Chekov's Gun: The Game. So many things get paid off later on.

    I started in August and am currently in post-Shadowbringers. Such a wonderful ride.

  13. looking forward to it. i would like for you to consider two things, though. Dont accept ANY trade offers (whether the items are valuable/not) and 'taxiing' offers (such as flight or teleports). A lot of players might try to gift you stuff 'just because', but sometimes those things will take away YOUR experience in earning them yourself. Just a suggestion from a MH and FF lifelong player. Also, people's opinion is subjective. if they say the base game is not good, it might be great to you personally. So just go in this with an open mind.

  14. Dang, I hopped on to FFXIV last year just when I got burnt out from MHRise Anomaly grinding. The story blew me away, and for the first time I'd actually spend time chilling in a game thanks to this MMO. The irony is, I dropped out of MMOs for their grindy nature and got into Monster Hunter World, then I took a break from Monster Hunter and got into FFXIV, whom made me felt like I could love MMOs again. Now for the past 5 years I've just been playing FFXIV and Monster Hunter, and both games have accumulated thousands of hours in my video game playtime. Great to see another fellow hunter jumping into FFXIV!!!

  15. You can do most stuff in FF14. That being said, some of the MSQs, main story quests, require you to do a Trial/Dungeon. Most of these are multiplayer only. Also, what class you pick at the beginning of the game can influence how much you like the game or not. On top of that however, you can freely swap your class at anytime and anywhere, outside of dungeons, so long as you have another class unlocked.

  16. Been a subscriber since you first got into MHW – very cool to hear you're going to try out ffxiv! World and ffxiv are among my top most-played games of all time!

    Just a heads up, since you mentioned this in your vid: The first dungeon (Duty, as it's called in this game) will become available once you hit a main story quest at level 15, not 10.


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