Is Blizzard Targeting FFXIV Endwalker's Release "Malicious?"

Activision Blizzard no surprise has scheduled updates for World of Warcraft patch 9.1.5 for November, and it has some gamers wondering if this is malicious to try and take away the thunder of the Endwalker Expansion.
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44 thoughts on “Is Blizzard Targeting FFXIV Endwalker's Release "Malicious?"”

  1. Honestly, Wow either sucks, and it doesn't matter what they do, or Wow is awesome and FF players really need to worry about Blizzard syncing releases. So which is it? It can't be both.

  2. I think Blizz is starting to see the writing on the wall and they want to be/need to be always on top. And for a game that was the #1 MMO for years, I think they are “freaking out” that they may not the the top MMO anymore

  3. Tiny patch vs full expansion launch…. Hmmmmm I wonder which one fans of both will choose??? But no I don’t think this is malicious. I think it’s just fairly standard business practice. What’s worse imo is the fact that Pokémon diamond and pearl remakes release directly on November 19th

  4. A new WoW would not be the fix for blizzard if the same development choices are made as in the past 2 expansions. WoW could have been so much better if they weren’t worried about when you are not playing the game. WoW devs never want you stop playing and create a fear of missing out attached to that idea as well. For me I just lost my desire to even keep competing do to these job like systems that they created that ruins alts for most people. If blizzard doesn’t go to a more consumer friendly mindset, it truly doesn’t matter what they create. It is destined to fail at the rate they are going with the choices they are making

  5. i think all its going to do is give the wow people the chance to properly compare and contrast and wow is going to be found wanting. especially since the wow people are coming into a new patch cycle with ffxiv, and they get to see how a real company does business to satisfy their customers.

  6. I'm not "mad" at Blizzard, they've always done this and, frankly, it makes sense from a business standpoint.

    Buy I am disappointed in them, because they dispose of valid content in exchange for the shiny new thing, and then dredge up a half-assed version of the old thing and expect people to enjoy it. Like, FFXIV's stuff is permanently available, there is little to no FOMO, and there's no rush to to complete it.

    WoW is competing with FFXIV, but they keep shooting themselves in the foot.

  7. Patching in the same general time period as Endwalker is fine (Are they supposed to just not do anything in November/December?) Having a time-limited event is a little suspicious though.

  8. I'm not sure – there is a content drought they are desperate to fill.
    But if they are indeed targeting Endwalker, the joke may be on them. I know for one I would gladly play classic season of mastery, but won't with this timing.

  9. they are almost certainly doing this as part of their Tactics as Usual. the idea that they simply "have way more important things to worry about" sounds like it should be the case but Blizzard has shown already that they're tonedeaf and are not willing to solely put their face to the grindstone to work on things. Do not gaslight me like this. They just released a freaking cat mount to squeeze their existing whales some more, despite their fragile PR state. They would absolutely do this.

    Just because their patches are no match for an XIV expansion doesn't mean they won't try to do this. Not at all.

  10. I'd love a WoW2… Have a fresh start with consolidated lore and narrative so they don't end up with a 'I will not serve' moment where everyone points at Sylvanas and says 'Lady, that is literally all you have done.' Give yourselves the time to explore what Sylvanas with her soul now complete means, let her struggle with the grief of what her corrupted half did, let her struggle to find a way to choose a better path, don't do what is almost guaranteed to happen and wrap it up in one or two cinematics… I want WoW to succeed, I want the team to clean house and get a fresh start, I want healthy competition with other MMOs.

  11. 9.1.5 is a great looking patch, full of tons of nice QoL improvements. But there's practically no new content. The only "new" content at all is the Legion Timewalking stuff, which is delayed by 5 weeks. I don't think this is a malicious patch drop. I think it's just unfortunate timing. There's also literally no reason to go back to WoW right now for 9.1.5. If you're currently unsubbed or taking a break, there's no new content to draw you back. The QoL stuff is nice, but it won't be driving players to return. Not on its own. There is not going to be a big return to WoW until 9.2, or maybe not until 10.0, because Shadowlands is kind of a dud even with the QoL stuff coming.

  12. I don't think it's malicious; it's a business move. That said, it's a ludicrous business move; FOMO only frustrates players, and this content is not going to stand up against a massively anticipated expansion pack to it's primary rival.

  13. Who are they trying to steal? Wow Andy that will stay with Wow because of cute cat store mounts? The hardcore erper in Limsa? The people who never play Wow or ff14 because they are not MMO fan? What this talk about messing with Endwalker when the strategy will not effect the non Wow refugees one bit. Blizzard has no hold on people who are knee deep in ff14 and WoW refugee was never in square calculation until Asmongold and people like him jump ship. There is no one sabotaging anyone realistically. Wow can push whatever patch whenever they want. Stop the drama already.

  14. Blizzard it's too late WAY too late. Updates, new features, new items it does NOT matter!!! WoW has literally lost nearly ALL appeal. FFXIV has the edge over WoW in almost EVERY aspect. Hell FFXIV even branched out to consoles, Blizzard WoW is PC only. My final days of WoW what I saw…..ENDLESS blockades ontop of blockades to slow progression to near standstill. It's like 100s of chores that doesn't even feel like it advance ur character (example ur thirsty in the desert and inorder to aquire water requires 5hrs of time just to recieve 1 drop of water). that's what playing WoW feels like.

  15. I find it malicious . It's very very AMERICAN way of conducting business and it just shows that even after WOW gets some of their subscribers back they are dying to go right back into the same song and dance they've been doing for 10 years and not give an F about players..

  16. Is it malicious? Yes.
    Should we be mad? No, it's business.
    Should we discourage this behavior? Personal choice.

    I'm done with Blizzard for the foreseeable future. For the first time in 24 years there is no Blizzard software on my PC. And it's not because of this kind of bully anti-competitive tactic. It only makes me angry because I'm already angry.

  17. "Content" – WoW

    Edit: I was going to just be flippant, but as a long-time WoW player (vanilla to BFA) I hope they stop basing their moves around making more money and start paying attention to their players. With the players comes the kind of dominance they used to have and THAT brings the money. So much greed and failure…

  18. If 6.3 is anything like 5.3, It would still be much more appealing to me than a 10.0 with the direction they have been going. That's how much faith I've lost in Blizzard to deliver.

  19. Stop talking bad about W.o.W, you FFXIV sucked at the start and it took a miracle to turn it around and now you talk like your game is perfect, you don’t have house for everyone and it’s a miss leading feature to attract people and when you pay, you don’t get and hope to win a lottery. Focus on your game and stop talking negatively about other games! Please

  20. As a FFXIV player, I don't find this malicious. Competition brings out the best in all participants involved. That's what made the Monday Night Wrestling Wars of the late 90s so great.

  21. I’ve never played Wow but from what I’ve herd it’s a far cry from what it was and Activision/Blizzard Is not handling the IP very well and that’s not counting all the current stuff going on with the company

  22. Please… Blizzard has ALWAYS targeted ffxiv content releases with their own. Always. Its gotten so bad that they even named a damn xpac of theirs after ffxivs lol. Whats funny, and this is coming from wow lore youtubers, is blizzard has completely lost touch with their own lore.

    Geez.. i wonder why… . Probably because theyre too damn focused on that almighty dollar, and not product loyalty.

  23. Blizzard is taking a step to the right direction but the damage is pretty big and is gonna take awhile to fix that hole that is the fanbases trust for a very very long time. Will it be saved? If they played their cards right. I hope they do but they also need to stop making stupid decisions over their own mistakes

  24. I don't know much about WoW, but it seems like all they need to do in order to make it rational for players factions to work together is release a new threat/enemy faction that's big enough to essentially force ALL players to cooperate. You could call the new enemies The Peacekeeprs or something. The big reveal/point of interest is that their main goal is to end all conflict. The issue that the player factions would have with that is the obvious massive murders they commit. The mysteries EVERYONE would need to solve is who they are, how they came to be, and how they have so much power, etc.
    As I said prior, I don't know jack squat about WoW. That said, they may have already tried this and failed at it.

  25. This time it's a bad idea by Blizzard. Lining up a minor patch and release with a major expansion by your competitor seems like a recipe for failure when your competitor has suddenly gained a lot of hype and interest at your expense.


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