FFXIV – Patch 6.2 Item Showcase: Fae's Crown Weapon's

Hey everyone, It’s Kijani with an item show case of the Fae’s Crown weapons introduced in Final Fantasy 14 patch 6.2. The Fae’s …


41 thoughts on “FFXIV – Patch 6.2 Item Showcase: Fae's Crown Weapon's”

  1. good showcase! minor editing feedback; (feel free to ignore if unwanted), try sticking to one type of scene transition style. I think it would add a level of polish being consistent rather than 'hitting all the buttons' so to speak.

  2. If there were already Titania weapons why do they release more for an old trial? I'm NOT complaining xD I just want to understand if this is something they always do because I'm unaware and if this is something they will do for Hades for example or Seat of Sacrifice in the future. Also, the onle way to get this is if you get the material (only one piece?) from the EX and then craft it?

  3. I love the design but I feel like matching most of these with a full outfit glam is going to be tough. I maybe have some ideas for the Bard bow, but like most bows in the game, it's a bit too big and flashy so I might not even want to use it.


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