IMPOSSIBLE… Or IS IT? | Zepla ponders over FFXIV’s RESISTANCE to Features we’ve been ASKING for

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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]


46 thoughts on “IMPOSSIBLE… Or IS IT? | Zepla ponders over FFXIV’s RESISTANCE to Features we’ve been ASKING for”

  1. About to just play FF14 Mobile. It's evident that FFXIV is just there to farm money for other projects. It's been basically a decade of people yelling about needing these changes.

  2. I think SE is stuck in a situation where it needs to improve its game systems, mostly quality-of-life stuff, and innovate simultaneously. They have to decide how to allocate resources and prioritize. Honestly, if they improve something old and add something new, I think they would be doing okay. You can't throw too much change at players at one time, you can drive your core players off that way.

    Blizzard has some seriously deep pockets and can spend their way out of a problem. It's not comparable.

  3. The "if modders can do it" argument is always a bit disingenuous. Did the mod come without any drawbacks or tradeoffs? Are the mods of the quality you would expect to pay Square Enix for? Almost always the answer is no, and that is precisely why there's a difference.

  4. You can tell XIV players are mostly a bunch of millennials who grew up with sub based MMOs. We don't live in a world where only MMOs get content updates anymore. Even single player games get large updates consistently now…FOR FREE. And then there are the huge f2p games that also get huge updates, faster than XIV, with story and unique animations each scene too! LOL

    XIV players (really any WoW era MMO) are getting ripped off so bad. Get out and play more games people and quit settling for this garbage.

  5. honostly sometimes i think its a blend of both cases when it comes to QoL, sometimes it feels the devs dont wanna go through the effort of doing it and its easier to just say "oh its a technical limitation", or sometimes the community itself goes against any type of QoL because how dare they look at other games and try to put something in the game that is good from other games (the community turns rabid at the cheer mention of a wow feature), then theres the case of someone streaming with an addon of something that frankly should be in the game already and then somehow that gets put in the game immediatly after.

    something yoshi-p said the first time we saw ShB was that vieras head as so specificly shaped that they cant use the normal hair so they would design new hairs from scratch down the line fast forward to EW almost 2 years with no updates to that all of a sudden the existing hairs are in the viera head, what Black Magic they did

  6. The recent DDOS attacks have been very discouraging. This is also one of the few games that manage to crash on me for some reason why other GPU intensive demanding titles are able to perform smoothly without crashing.

  7. They still need to do Blitzball. I don't care what Yoshi P says. Imagine going around recruiting NPCs from all over the world. It was so good in FFX just to be able to hang out with your favorite side characters, and it'd give us a cute and fun RP/gameplay reason to go back to parts and places in the game we haven't seen in ages. Yeah, it doesn't have to be Blitzball, but something cool like that.

    And people like "oh, that would cost money and not everyone would play it." Okay, Dawntrail. The whole Dawntrail besides the raid content. Nobody asked for any of that.

  8. I think whatever company makes the next 2 will sweep the MMO market, WoW 2 or FFXIV 2. There's enough jank that if a new game cleans it up, it'll probably draw massive amounts of players from both previous games.

  9. its funny because ff14 with mods shits all over the base game and mobile version. xiv has a content problem. ive been so bored with nothing fun to do with my friends on this game.

  10. this is why i have zero remorse to mod this PoS game ive put 10 years into FFXIV they need to put in real effort for this game, the devs (Including Yoshi-P) gave gotten very lazy

  11. If you have worked in corpo with Japanese before, you will know this is standard behaviour. They are highly ethnocentric and take AGES to capitalize on any bew advantage for fear of losing traditions.

    They feel stuck in the 1980s.

  12. Omg, bc of this video I've just found out that my favorite game once its rights were hold by SE finally got a remaster this month! Amazing! The coin at last did land on its edge!

    "Given the choice, whether to rule a corrupt and failing empire; or to challenge the fates for another throw – a better throw – against one's destiny… what was a king to do?

    But does one even truly have a choice? One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate… and thus defy the tyrannous stars"

  13. The biggest difference between WoW and FF14 when it comes to the community is WoW players will collectively shit on the game, while FF14 players will publicly execute someone for calling a character dumb or in a more recent example, calling DT bad. I think FF14 has been able to get away with so much stupid shit for so long because it had less eyes on it in the past and had much less people that would criticize it. Its crazy that the two biggest MMO's are owned by 2 of the worst companies when it comes to making good decisions.

    I love both games but FF14 is just worse to me right now. Been playing WoW for 15 years and there's still stuff, new and old for me to find and do. FF14 can barely keep me interested because they dont even want me logging in or I've feel "forced".

    I hate talking to FF14 players about Account Wide stuff because the argument all of them use is "you can do everything on one character". Its such a braindead and out of touch take because, yeah I can do everything on one character. What if I want to make a new one? I have now lost all of the stuff I can verify that I did.

  14. I think at this point we can safely say it doesn't take THAT long to develope these new features, its just that SE doesnt want to allocate the funds to it. And I'll go as far as saying that I'm starting to wonder if the mobile game isn't the writing on the wall. SE probably did some calculation and figured that rebuilding the game AGAIN and migrating everyones characters wouldnt yeild a return that they are looking for so they opted for an over time mobile migration. That said, all it takes is for the mobile game to gain cross platform capabilities and that's a wrap for ffxiv base game. We know full well that it's 100% doable now.

  15. It comes down to techincal coding. If you think about it they have to go through and update speghetti code at any point if there is even a missed command and end line it can cause the entire game to not work. This is very challenging as someone who studied graphic design and 3d modeling it's diffcucult to make sure everything works just right. from rigging to coding if anything is out alignment or not there it may not work. Checks and balances are a very crtical role to development. and Yes money is a whole other issue.

  16. "It's impossible" basically just means

    – It's not possible with the current system

    – It would be expensive/time-consuming to do

    – More trouble than it's worth

    Tbh I think a lot of it is budget & not enough devs, because it makes absolutely no sense otherwise. They literally already have chat bubbles in the game via NPCs. I know player movements are less predictable, and even modded implementations used to glitch around a bit, but modders managed it.

    It's frustrating to see the quality of the game slip in the most basic of areas while still waiting for these things that are supposedly in development. If they can't even handle the basics like making sure things are balanced, tested, high quality, and work at launch, how are we supposed to have any faith in them anymore?

    I've played through 2 expansions at launch and countless patches, and I've never seen as many QA issues in MSQ as I did during Dawntrail, and in the wider game since 6.x.

    Voiced scenes straight up not playing the voices, voiced lines sounding straight out of a tin can or poorly directed. The story writing has been awful, and they can't even ensure that damage outputs for classes are equal, or that housing systems work at launch and clothes actually fit the new race properly. Hell, they don't even address the constant DDoS attacks or provide any compensation when we literally cannot access the game for sometimes days at a time.

    I don't understand how the quality of the game has dropped despite the insane increase in players & profits. Square Enix needs to stop allocating the profits to shovelware 'cause this game is equal in player count to WoW at this point and should be of (at bare minimum) the same quality. If they don't get their act together, they're going to lose their money juggernaut

  17. Cant wait to see the latest gil being sold for euros on my screen, some lala go UWU UWU brrrrrrrrrrrrr, we all know why we don't have chat bubbles (you think you do, but you don't)

  18. When Yoshi.P say something is difficult he means that he does not see a value in doing it.
    When Yoshi.P say something is impossible he means that it will be difficult or time consuming and he would rather not do it.

    This is not Yoshi.P being an a-hole, it is him managing the game in the way he thinks is best. With that you can agree or disagree.

  19. When comparing FFXIV to Wow remember Wow is on one platform. No need to dance around Playstation or Xbox limitations.. Remember it still has PS3 cell processor jank probably left in the code. Remember Amon savage at DT launch. For all of the wanted changes they would need to remake the game and skip out on a expansion. Modders can do it but mods crash the game on some hardware and have not ever reached console hardware.

  20. Many things that SE says it's impossible in terms of cosmetic stuff was probably fixed by some moders in their free time ,in a couple of days. I know its a can of worms, but it proves that we are dealing with SEs bureaucracy bs rather than them not being able to to it, They develop the game… they can do anything ,lets cut the bs !

  21. FFXIV is the biggest money maker for SE… they really need to stop putting money into all these other failed projects and games and give FFXIV more money. You get what you put into it so to speak. FFXIV could be so much better than it already is if they had more money.

  22. Square doesn’t care. It really is starting to suck. Like they don’t invest thier money back. Like why would u put resources in a mobile version instead of making the real version better

  23. There are a lot of ways CBU3 could improve FF14, but it just feels like they're constantly hamstrung by the people making business decisions at SE. Even with the freedoms they're given, I've always felt like they're holding back on the game's true potential. That said, I'm not a game developer myself so there really could be coding issues that slow the whole process down. That, along with a feature being a low priority in their eyes, is why seemingly simple improvements can take so damn long. Just because a modder can come along and find a fix that works client side doesn't mean that same fix wouldn't break the game entirely if CBU3 implemented it server side.

    I'm very resistant to using mods of any kind because I have a lot of respect for what has been built but I see so many ways it could be better if certain features were prioritized. So much could be done if they just implemented many cosmetic and UI mods that have been created over the years into the actual base game. Not even just to appease the player, but to profit off them. And perhaps that's where the devs are hesitant. It's clear they aren't out to nickel and dime us over everything and they've already had some pushback over items appearing on the Mogstations. They may simply fear if they do too much their reputation will suffer for it. In that case, I understand, but on the same note, I wish they weren't so damn slow.


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