I want more MSQ… Summer 2024 can’t come soon enough! ;.;
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I will die for Wuk Lamat…I do not care.
I have been waiting for this. Impatiently. I love Meownbryda.
The moment she showed on-screen I was all-in for her
Big cat fren that freaks over new things but wants to try new things really badly (sometimes literally)?
God yes please we need some of that in the Scions, she and estinien can eat all the weird new world food together
AND KRILE AS PICTOMANCER, not even waiting till 7.0 just bam here she is, Relm from FF6 confirmed
My catgirl Kamri'a made a new friend that day. The chaos her and Wuk Lamat will get up to in Dawntrail is going to be priceless >:3
I've been maininig WAR so far, but for Dawntrail I'm going to have to play another role just because I want Wuk Lamat to tank for me.
I was there for ya'll going through this live but was eager to see the edited version cause they always have a charm to them. So eager for Dawntrail it's killing me…(also a hint for who I am when I visit your streams: according to the oratrice mecanique d'analyse cardinale )
I want him to come with us so BADLY…. he needs to eat tacos with us.
42:34 its hasnt been that bad in MI this season. That stated, February can have the coldest days all season.
53:16 note. Patch msq started with a scion paying a fortune for a map. And it ends the same way.
As I mentioned to a couple friends, she gives me a very innocent version of Karlach energy
I also Canon (until proven otherwise) that Arenvelle is a Beastmaster
I have only had Wuk Lamat for five minutes but if anything happens to her… There is no corner in the universe that will be spared from my wrath.
Honestly the current lineup being:
WoL, Alphinauld, Alisaie, G'raha, Krile and Erenville – In favor of Wuk Lamat
Thancred, Urianger (possibly Y'shtola) – In favor of Koana
Estinien – Uncertain but will probably incidentally favor another one of the other claimants.
this is probably the "split of the Scions" that they teased about and we still don't know who's taking the other two's sides (The two Mamool Ja claimants in the Dawntrail cover art)
Also, "Koana" is probably the random Blue-haired Miqo'te in the coverart, if they're really going for all the 4 Claimants being in the art.
sometime later in DT
Estinien: (falls out of the sky taking down a monster)…sup?
WoL: O_o
It will never stop being funny to me that Estinien is just wandering around at random and coincidentally ending up in the same places as us