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Hey everyone! I’m Joe Zieja, a voice actor in Los Angeles and an author of science fiction and fantasy novels. On this channel, you’ll find tips and tricks on how to be a voice actor, how to write a novel, funny voice acting videos, anime voice acting, video game voice acting, and loads of other educational and entertainment content surrounding these two careers.
Where did he get the floppy disk?😂
hi joe
Goddammit I was drinking when I clicked on this, now I'm actually gonna have to get Moppy- well done sir
My HC is that he whispered that second one in the bloody banquet
This is why Joe Zieja is my favorite comedian
Hell yeah Math Blasters!
This is awesome.
I was really hoping the end of it would just be the “FOR AL AMIGO” scream cut off 😂
When you take a screenshot on your phone but you just wanted to capture an image:
Wow haven't seen Math blasters in 12 years.
Going to a petting zoo and seeing bunnies “Hoppy” 🙂
I'm listening to the epic failure audiobooks again and I'm on communication failure
dives between middle and top rope at my wrestling opponent Tope
ahahaha amazing !! final fantasy in real life
house mode DLC XD
MASTER BLASTER! Made the video ten times better haha
I’m really glad Joe appreciates this line as much as I do
Floppeyy xD
Popeye xD
This is good!
Whenever I mess up my rotation I hear "Sloppeh" in my head.
"Mom, can we get John Krasinski?" "We have John Krasinski at home." John Krasinksi at home:
XD whyyyyyyyyy I m laughing LoL
Off topic…but those mouth movements just remind me of Wallace, and i keep expecting a hearty "CHEEEEESE"
How're you gonna just whip out your floppy on YouTube like that?
You went straight for Antony Byrne Ilberd, not Richard Epcar Ilberd, which requires my whole thumb, raised high.
Listen, I startled my cat with the noise I made!
I think I'm in love
Why is this trash on my feed
Imagine not slapping down a raw chicken and shouting: "I'LL TEAR YEH LEMB FROM LEMB!"
Thanks Joe mama
Thanks Dedue Very cool.
I can not not see Ilberd as dedue anymore, it's so close
Just found this channel and the FFxiv voices make me absolutely giddy
Nope, British people don't say "sloppay" this sound french
My cousin loves final fantasy 14 and I'm going to use this video to get him interested in fire emblem and as a reason he should pick the Golden Deer. WE ARE THE HOUSE OF MEMES AND WE KNOW IT !!
Sounds like one of the Dead Island characters.