In my ongoing effort to procrastinate fishing, ultimates, diadem, and all the other things that people keep trying to convince me to do, I’ve finally ended up stranded on Endwalker’s perhaps most forgettable content – Island Sanctuary! So let’s set up our workshop for the next two weeks and maybe get some achievements, I don’t know.
i have a macro for running node-to-node and learned that i can and will fall asleep pressing it lmao
the best way to enjoy the island is not going there.
I think the official name for that chocolate/powdered sugar Chex mix is Muddy Buddies (TM). It is, indeed, delicious.
Zhlatan looks like he has spreadsheets for his spreadsheets
Honestly, the people who say 'FFXIV has content drought' feels hilarious when a dedicated achievement hunter like Cider has whooooole swathes of content that he's only dipped his toes into.
It also makes me feel better that I keep discovering new stuff to do, even after playing for five years.
I love my Island. Currently it's in a passive mode, so I want to collect 100+ containers and open them all at once
Ahh a fellow fan of Minecraft digging. Really long tunnels with rails are my jam. I never accomplish ANYTHING bc tunnels lol and that’s ok.
1 sentence help for island sanctuary, automation = 0 xp for crops and animals
I don't concern myself with island gathering too much because my granaries get everything I could want save for when favours happen to take a lot of a specific item. But I also want the 300k achievement. Damn
Wendigoon videos are GREAT for background documentary like goodness.
Same feel about Runescape vs FF grind. I started to play FF right after I got my max cape in RS and everything feels like walking through theme park and got levels for everything. This game should be recomended like psychyatric therapy for gamers burnout.
"Overseas casuals discord"
That's it. Why bother with spreadsheets when you can let a bot do all the work for you?
My goto series/season to watch while Grinding is either GOtham, because it's ludicrous and after Season 1 stops trying to take itself seriously, or The Wire, because it's the Wire.
I rewatch House every couple of years too, and The Magicians!!!!
I really should go play in my Sanctuary!
I called it puppy chow as well.
Time for me to go and log in and dump my weekly levequests, thanks for the reminder!
Island Sanctuary is my favorite piece of content. I log on every day to schedule my crafts. I was so sad to hear they won't be updating it in the future. Though if most of the playerbase feels the same way you do about it, I can see why they are abandoning it.
Quick and dirty Island Sanctuary –
1. Diversify your animals. (There are special animals that only spawn under certain conditions; get them for vanity or variety Typically their rewards are flipped from the normal version, so even if you neglect and abuse them they drop something you want)
2. I don't follow spread sheets. I make things based on one of 2 criteria – Do I have the materials? Is it something that is actually "Insufficient/Non-existent"? – End Island Sanctuary, I make things I need or just have excess materials to go toward. Oh yeah, similar items get "bonuses" so I guess you get more cowries if you string them together.
3. I use the easily gatherable seeds (Pumpkin/Parsnip/Cabbage/Potato) to make feed for my animals – Apples when I'm lazy.
4. Just check in once a day after reset to make sure the Mammets are doing their job and the crops and animals are good. If you feed/water manually? Water last (Damn rain happens too often while I'm doing things or after)
5. Profit. Make Mistress Tataru proud!
I get the desire to dig a hole. Miner was my first level 90 for a reason – there is just nothing more satisfying than breaking rocks.
I spend way too much time on my island. Mostly just to chill and fly around on it. And that’s mostly because I honestly don’t have a ton of time right now to play (though that’ll be different in a couple weeks). Island is what I need it to be—simply a chill zone. I understand that it’s not the place for everyone, but that’s because people got way too competitive with it. It wasn’t designed that way. Supposed to just be a place where the WoL can kick back and relax.
Grey's Anatomy and Supernatural are my go to grind shows LOL .. I've been through both multiple times 😛
Ah a fellow former RunEscaper! Fishing, wood cutting, and fletching grinds best grinds. Runecrafting is up there with mining in pain heh.
Island is looking food AF!
cider spider not making mad because small is sad
Cider: what's your go to content to watch during boring grinds
Me: watching this and digging out my house in Minecraft 👀
Catch animals in sanctuary from behind and from afar. Lower chance they run away (especially useful if you catch rare ones)
samesies with the house md. binging the heck out of it in youtube clips from time to time lmao
There is actually a game where you are isekai'd into a fantasy world with a gun. Even better, you are "The President" of definitely not the U.S. for even greater meme value. It's called Ni No Kuni 2 and it's actually fantastic (until you get to the post game in which case it is entirely grinding infinite randomly generated dungeons and a Kingdom Hearts style Colosseum, which is actually peak content until you realize that you have to effectively triple your total play time just to feel like you're making progress so the main story is 112 hours and post game is like 500+ hours of pure grind so….I mean…if you're into it then you're into it XD)
I like to grind same as you. As for stuff to watch, Futurama or Venture Bros or Archer are classic stuff for background noise. A shonen anime is usually a good choice, 'cause it means I don't need to keep my full focus on the show and I'll still know what's going on. That or long-form YouTube videos.
No need to think about sanction, that was a relic from 1.x days where it used to matter, basically back then the GC gear sets was a viable option to do 1.x end games, but only when one have sanctions to buff them up. It has been since rendered utter useless even per 2.0 launch. Personally still can't understand why don't they just nixed it.
For GC leves, probably best grinding it on mor dhona, since that place covers all 3 GCs if one happens to join all 3, & don't even requires switching GC to do all 3. Hence better to switch GC when ranks in current already capped in order to access those other GC leves.
Also regarding diadem, there was a version 1 of diadem (no, not the original crappy 1.0 version of this game, but the original diadem introduced back on 3.x before that version got taken down in preparation for Firmament content introduced in 5.x), which is no longer accessible anymore, it was like eureka/bozja content. but it was quite difficulty & messy with it's BA/DS savage-like end content
Oh… & my fave anime binge is anything isekai-related. Man… there's been like huge influx on isekai stuff during last decade, there's even a ban for submitting anything isekai-related back on mainland coz there's just insanely number of em. Can't really blame coz majority of em are just so weird, but also very interesting to follow with. Just hit wiki for list of em, coz there's just way too many, or search the word isekai on netflix should list tons of em. Some of em also even made anime as bait, so as to lure curious peeps to check original source which is light novels or mangas if want to find out rest of stories. Sword art online, tensure/slime, overlord, konosuba, shield hero, honzuki, NGNL, again… too many to list.
As for shows, imma more of sitcoms, Friends still very fun to watch, had em rewatched more like dozens of times.
Digging holes is best way to play minecraft
Nice My Name is Luca song reference! Thank you for catering to us older people haha!
What show to watch during head empty gaming: Columbo, Detective show that's more of how the main guy figures how who done it than looking for who did it, old show but cool
When I was grinding Ishgard Restoration I exclusively watched episodes of Columbo
Eureka with Collin Ferguson is free on Amazon Prime (or was) and I never get tired of watching it. Used to watch it air on TV and it's fuuuuuun.
6:46 I bet there is a manga exactly like that.
15:28 I suggest Fallout. I'm watching it now. As a fan of the games (except 4 and 76) the show isn't bad.
"How long have I been able to fly?" According to the notification that popped up seconds early, about a few seconds
make sure youre upgrading your facilities, you need to to get the last quests
15:30 My go-to rewatch for long grinds is either The Good Place, Avatar: The Last Airbender, or try to catch up with Critical Role or The Magnus Archives, maybe rewatch Hbomberguy's stuff