ADVENTURES CONTINUE! | Final Fantasy XIV | #vtuber #envtubers #stream

Join me as I continue my MSQ in the critically-acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. Although, knowing me, I may get sidetracked in one of several ways… We will find out!

#vtuber #envtubers #bara #dragon #minecraft #vtubers #envtuber #vtuberuprising


* Stream/Chat is NOT for kids.
Please be respectful. Streamer/If we find you disrespectful at all, staff may ban anyone at any time for any reason, at our discretion.

* Always respect eachother.
You’re a mature adult. Act like it. Leave any venom at the door. We don’t need it.

* Please do not mention other Vtubers/Streamers unless I do first.
Others may not care, but I am not others. It’s kinda rude… Also, please don’t mention me in others’ chats unless THEY bring it up first. THAT’S also rude.

* No trauma-dumping!
I am naught but a simple dragon; I cannot help you with outside problems like a professional can. Please respect boundaries.

* If you start a fight with me, then you’d BETTER win.
Spoiler alert: This is MY house. You will 100% lose.

Catch me streaming MONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY! (I sometimes stream on Twitch:

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