Hrothgar Should Stand Upright! WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]

FEMALE HROTHGAR STAND STRAIGHT RIGHT OUT THE GATE! FFXIV has the technology! World of Warcraft brought in orcs standing straight back in 2018! During the battle for azeroth alpha! WE NEED THE OPTION FOR MALE HROTHGAR TO STAND UPRIGHT!

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0:00 Hrothgars Should Stand Upright!
0:20 World of Warcraft Orc Stand Straight
0:45 Female Hrothgar Stand Straight
1:15 I shouldn’t need a mod to make my Hrothgar stand straight
3:57 This is my biggest graphics update want
5:40 This is a new player complaint too
6:16 New Player Hrothgar Complaints


35 thoughts on “Hrothgar Should Stand Upright! WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]”

  1. WORLD OF WARCRAFT HAD THE TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE ORCS STAND STRAIGHT BACK IN 2018!!! ANCIENT TIMES! FFXIV needs to give male Hrothgar the option to stand straight in 2024! On a side note trying to be as positive as I can I miss Brendan and I'm struggling more than I can express but the show's gotta go on. I gotta keep fighting. I see the comments and they mean the world to me.

  2. It really does seem like when orcs were hunched over the whole time… and then finally got their backs straighted out… Yes, I remember… I had a male orc hunter back then – it had to be a hunter: at least when shooting arrows, he stood up straight -.-

  3. They need to ditch the hunch it makes gear clip badly, multiple dozens of animations move us upright anyway, every emote that has hroth stand upright takes a second to adjust us to shrimp spine after the emote ends like theres no reason to keep the hunch

  4. It was good to hear you laugh and crack jokes. 🙂

    But seriously, idk why they’re all hunched up. It seems like a strange design choice especially now with the females being able to have proper posture.

  5. I love Hrothgar but I will not play a male Hrothgar. I play as a male AuRa instead! I can't stand the hunch it causes so much clipping! To me it looks like we are 100s of years old & need to go to a nursing home!

  6. While we at it, can Male Aura have a better running animation where they don't look like they got 2 beach balls underneath their armpit. Second can Dark Knight get better running animation while their weapons is out, on that note lets also remove the MHC vacuum running animation.

  7. That would be a very nice feature to have. Just a little positional change emote option to permanently adjust your character's posture at any time and switch it back whenever you want.

    I'd love that for my own Hrothgar although since he looks way better standing up straight. 😂

  8. When I was brand new back in Shadowbringers I was interested in playing Hrothgar bc I love Kimarhi from ffx but I just hated the hunch sooo much I had to pick a different race ;-; I've tried the mods for unhunched broth and it looks 100 times better

  9. Now that Hrothgals are here my WoL is finally joining the group…and as someone going from Viera to Hrothgar, good lord the lack of options…I really hope they're gonna bring more to Hrothgar at some point. More hairs (gimme some dreadlocks COME ON it's a beastial race dreadlocks are perfect for them!), no head shape dependancies for said hairs, hair color highlights, etc. A toggle for "hunched" or "normal" stances would be awesome too; for both genders. I absolutely love the race but man. I may be switching to Hrothgal but it's a much, much harder decision than I thought it'd be.

  10. Ngl I never cared for this race tbh I always that it was a goofy big cat so I just never saw this as a big deal. But since this is being brought up can we also change that dumbass drk running animation. Cus it’s the dumbest looking thing I’ve ever seen

  11. 4:55 lol, speaking of hairstyles. I have A Closer Shave on my character and…..all I can say is my character is definitely giving middle aged WoL. That hairline is choppy and receding 😂

  12. I fear they were just standing up because hrothgars are based on the roegadyn model and it was simpler to put roe animations on the hroth skeleton.

    As a galka in 11 I like more hroth than roes stylistically, but with the hair limitations, the no hats and the hunch I rather just stay with my roe bro


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