Onward To HEAVENSWARD – What an INCREDIBLE Welcome!

It’s been a little while since we posted an update on Mike’s journey into FFXIV. Since the last video Mike has now finished ARR entirely – a full review on the ARR experience will be coming soon. In the meantime Mike has now gone into Heavensward and is around half way through the MSQ for the expansion. Let’s see what he has to say.
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21 thoughts on “Onward To HEAVENSWARD – What an INCREDIBLE Welcome!”

  1. Seen some folks asking in the comments; Mike doesn't use a reshade – I just happened to record all the cutscene footage when putting together the video. I personally am using the OMGEorzia preset for Stormshade.

    P.S. to the person who mentioned the fix for AO showing over the UI, much love.

  2. When you have some more time, maybe a few months into Endwalker, you should definetly do what is known as "Ishgardian Restoration". It has some very nice payoffs and roundups for the Heavensward story.

  3. Oh believe you me, Preach. I'm shipping those two characters too, but unfortunately characters in Heavensward don't have the same kind of plot armor that prominent characters in WoW do.

  4. I have, almost from the beginning, had my audio set to Japanese. I like hearing the original voice actors for the characters as well as it seems to give a slight boost to how quickly you can get through Praetorium, when doing the MSQ duty roulette.

  5. These welcoming events, these player-created events are what make a community really a community, an alive thing. The most I've felt that I am in a community with other people over my last two years in WoW was about 20 people all mounting up in different variations of the pandaria serpents, circling the Sha of Anger spawn spot, until it spawned and everybody went home or to Oondasta . .

  6. I don’t know why you find the accents so jarring, Preach. You’re more of a new age Brit, whereby you’ve spent so much of your time watching American shows, games, and culture that your accent is downright American-esque at times. I rather love the accents as it’s almost like mine own, just slightly more posh.

  7. Please consider enabling Japanese subtitles, even if it's auto-generated. Yoshi P specifically asked youtubers to enable Japanese subs so they can understand what the players are saying. And since this is essentially a feedback video, I think it would benefit a lot from having Japanese subs.

  8. Black mage is probably the job that has changed the least out of all of them. The foundation was just so solid and each expansion only added things it was missing. The big thing that heavensward added was BEEF to the rotation, and management of your timers. ARR BLM was much closer to a WoW class with its primary mechanic being proc management, but with the addition of fire IV it becomes a beefy cannon boi.


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