How FFXIV Won Me Over WoW

Hey there, I’m SydNova! I have been playing FFXIV since 2.0 in 2013.
In this video, I will be talking about how I got into serving many hours of my life for FFXIV and not for WoW. Why did SydNova growing up not get addicted to WoW?


0:00 Intro
1:28 Environment
3:00 Job System
3:53 Hype Train
4:45 Outro



18 thoughts on “How FFXIV Won Me Over WoW”

  1. The biggest draw of WoW is the natural interactions between players. If you didn't have that you're not playing WoW very well. The story is secondary and so is the music. You create your own story by what you decide to do, whether you mess around watching naked players PvP in Goldshire or you bump into random familiar players as you end up levelling together. FF loses both of those points but wins in almost every other area. I do with FF had WoW level of interactions but the way the games been designed makes it difficult and as a player you have to make much more of an effort to play that way.

  2. Same with Me. Started with ARR hype and loved it since. That being said, I've a huge FF fanboy so a bit easier for me to get into it. Love the numerous fan service.. ehm I mean references. 😬 Also help asmangold enjoys me but not hard feelings if he doesn't. I have so many friends who I tried to get into ff14 but they get bored in the first 20 levels 🤣

  3. >be me
    >buddy plays ff14 in 2020 and gets hooked
    >7 day ingame time over a course of a month
    >call him degen last year
    >be me 2021
    >give ff14 a try
    >month in 9 days in game time

  4. My story begins earlier with Everquest in 1999. I transitioned to FF11 Online back in 2001 because I am Japanese and I felt I was more at home to the game. I stuck around for almost 8 years. Between then, I tried WoW when it launched and I personally didn't like it. The aesthetic was off-putting to me some how and at the time, we called WoW an Everquest rip off. I even tried EA's Earth and Beyond which I liked but was shut down couple years later. Then hopped around various Korean MMORPG which made me hate MMO in general after. I even tried Lord of the Rings Online for 2 years but it turned into F2P which ruined the game. Thankfully by then FFXIV 2.0 was in beta. I tried it and I am still playing it to this day. To be honest, the only time I have been happy with MMORPG is when I am playing a Japanese MMO. From now on, I thought to myself I should stick with Japanese MMO.

  5. my LOTR nerd self cries ToT jk jk i get what you mean about the song being 'pop-y' and easier for you to get in to it;
    persinally I would equate FF to LoTR and not WoW; but for the attention to detail reason considering everything they did to make that trilogy (and wow can be the hobbit trilogy that threw the second half of my favorite book into the hollywood sell-out mud lol) But yes, the attention to detail is mind blowing, from optional NPC dialogue, to what kinds of creatures fill the world, to paying off a minor detail from two expansions ago as a major plot point in the MSQ, the attention to detail is staggering. I love FF ^_^

  6. The algorithm has chosen you. May you prosper and thrive <3. I'm a legion baby making the switch to ffxiv. Both games are good in a different way but what sets ff14 apart for me is a more straightforward power acquisition system that allows players to play and progress at their own pace so content never feels like a chore.

  7. A fellow 2.0 player! Can you believe it's already been 7, going on 8 years? Been seeing a lot of pop ups of XIV content lately and I got to hit 'Subscribe' to each one! Looking forward to seeing more content from all of them!

  8. I didn't start until late 2017 (near the middle of Stormblood), but I've been subbed ever since. I'm very quickly approaching 2500 hours in the game and I've loved every minute of it all.

    For me, the story is the highlight, glamour is the true endgame, and standing around doing nothing but chatting with friends is a fun time. Yes, I am a filthy casual. I did hardcore raiding for YEARS in SWTOR (where I maintained 14 max-level alts) and burned myself out on grinding endgame gear sets. That being said, FFXIV doesn't waste my time nor does it punish me for not grinding like a madman. I'm here to stay.

  9. I actually enjoyed WoW back on Legion release, then I tried out FFXIV and just got sucked in with the art style, I personally prefer the FFXIV art, era, and characters. I just couldn't stop playing FFXIV and never looked back.


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