NEW Endwalker PVP Mode Confirmed. Is this what FFXIV PVP Needs?

Quazii discusses the new PVP mode to be announced in FFXIV Endwalker.

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31 thoughts on “NEW Endwalker PVP Mode Confirmed. Is this what FFXIV PVP Needs?”

  1. The majority of the player base don't care that much about pvp I think, so a well crafted pvp system might still get a pretty lukewarm response from the community. I personally think that the only way to give pvp any kind of longevity is to add glam rewards that you can get with pvp currency on a more regular basis, because let's be real… We don't care as much about responsive and intuitive crowd control abilities as we do "oooo new shoes!". 🤣

  2. They "update" PvP in literally every expansion but so far nothing has changed to really make players interested or turn it into a premier feature of the game. I think that people who are looking to XIV for a top tier PvP MMO should not hold their breath in the slightest, especially if they are looking for a replacement for WoW.

    FF14 might be able to bring in a fun new mode and give some decent rewards to get more people coming into PvP, but from what I've seen there has been no indication that they will really give PvP the attention it would need to be a selling point of the game like the story and raids. The focus of the Endwalker PvP updates from what little information they have shared seem to be aimed mostly at getting participation rates up, rather than any big change in their philosophy towards PvP's place in the game.

    They are suspending the Feast in favour of this new "casual" PvP mode, suggesting they may be canning Ranked PvP entirely, which I think is probably not something that a MMO PvP player wants. Yoshi has also mentioned bringing in long-term/repeat rewards to keep people coming back, instead of the current "one-and-done" glamour and item rewards where you get them and then stop playing. I've also heard him mention adjusting the healer role which is one of the biggest pain points with regards to PvP gameplay because of how all-powerful and centralizing healers are.

    But that's pretty much it, I don't think they are suddenly going to ramp up support for PvP and start taking it more seriously. The devs have never really shown interest in treating PvP as more than glorified side content, and the players of XIV themselves largely do not seem interested in PvP. Everyone says XIV's PvP is bad, but online polls show that less than half of players have even tried it. Content with direct head-to-head competition stands in pretty stark contrast to the very friendly, cooperative, low-stakes nature of the rest of the game, and XIV players just don't seem into it.

    I'm not saying this to trash the game, I personally am not really invested in PvP, but I think people need to temper their expectations. Endwalker hype is seriously ridiculous and there are so many people new to the game who don't yet understand the devs vision or how they approach updating the game. XIV expansions are not like WoW expansions, they do not drastically change the game's systems and design. People are expecting a lot more than what they usually deliver, and reading a LOT into vague comments.

  3. To be honest i think FFXIV PVP is fine, i had a lot of fun playing it. The thing is:

    – Create more PVP Modes.
    – Make the Rewards better and Updates it.

    Like, i already got everything i could get from Wolf Marks, there's nothing else to me to Spend my Marks on it.

  4. The focus on PvE has fostered a community of nice player that are extremely welcoming. WoW does not have this. I'm not sure catering to that audience is a good idea. It will be for making money but not for the health of the community.

  5. If they fixed tab targeting by making it hone in on what is directly in front of you first, it would legitimately fix most of the pvp problems.

    This was the biggest difference for me when I played both wow and ff14 pvp.

  6. Here's how to fix / significantly improve PVP in FFXIV:
    1) Consolidate the queue into one. Multiple maps into a single queue like WoW does / the duty roulettes. They have too many potential queue splits in the PVP currently and it should be consolidated down to Standard BGs, Standard Arena, Ranked Arena. Perhaps an extra mode for smaller BGs that aren't Arena. Also allow queuing for multiple of these (e.g standard BG & standard arena) if the player wants.
    2) Allow disabling player effects in PVP (like it does in PVE) or alternatively they should rework ALL spell effects in PVP to be extremely minimalist to reduce unnecessary stuff on the screen. Anyone's who has played Wildstar PVP would know what I'm talking about in their BGs. It's awful – Change it!
    3) Adding on to the above, change spell effects on other NPC / Player controlled robots etc effects so that they display only on the floor and not create an explosion etc effect into the air above the floor. These effects should be knee height at most if need be.
    4) Rework nameplates in PVP. I'm serious. I dunno what it is but I just don't find them that readable and distinguishable in a PVP environment. Perhaps they need to be bigger I'm not sure. GW2 kind of has the same issue and is why people mod the nameplates in that game and it's PVP state is already far better than this game.
    5) Also change the Arena map. The crystal floor is just not that good to look at for long periods of time IMO. Shadowlands kind of had a similar thing with a new arena they added. New maps in general here would be good though.

  7. I really do think that those wanting to experience PvP in 14 should give Frontlines a try. I'll admit, I was a doubter too prior to deciding to dip in with the current Moogle Tome Event, but it's actually pretty fun, especially in short bursts of just playing a few games here and there. There is room for strategy and planning, sure, but in a lot of ways it's a fairly simple numbers game without a ton of individual responsibility. You want to do well to help your team but if you make a mistake or get caught out and zerged you're not really going to get called out or be the reason for a loss. Plus, it's an objective mode so you get more worth out of just working with the team than bringing a massive KD ratio anyway.
    So, yeah, now that I've spent a reasonable amount of time in Frontlines I'm not even really sure what a new "more casual focused" PvP mode would even mean, especially when you consider that the fewer players you have on a team the more individual responsibility is going to matter even if they somehow nullify roles. And individual responsibility is pretty much anathema to super casual play.

  8. iirc they said something about the new PvP being small scale but bigger than Feast which is 4v4.

    Given there is NO role restrictions and a recent interview he said they wanted somethign thatw asn;t reliant on KO'ing other players for a win and somethign sportslike…..

    I'm thinking that Blitzball might finally be here. Either 5v5 with an AI goalkeeper or 6v6. No combat skills but skills you can select from a playbook before the match starts like posion pass etc. Stat allocation. At half time you can swap up your skills.

    Later team leaderboards and team jerseys and such.

    Actions like Poison Pass/Tackle, Wither Shot/Tackle, Cleanse, Support abilities like speed buff, Boost keepers save skill, thinsg like that.

    No combat actions at all but you have to select a player to pass to or tackle. The higher your stat is in say, passing, the farther your pass range is.

  9. FFXIV's PvP is the only mode in which I find healing to be fun in this game. Not only is the healer dps in PvP more engaging (especially for Scholar and Astro) but also more creative in how I can heal people. Whether it is keeping my team alive in Frontlines as they're making a push or sustaining the only team member who decided to follow me in Rival Wings, I find PvP to be far more engaging for the healing role vs. the PvE content. I find it so hard to heal in normal content after healing in PvP as PvE healing is so slow and predictable.

    I guess I'm saying this as I'm hoping both this new PvP mode and the general updates they'll make to PvP bump up the player base for it, so I can say with a straight face that I'm a healer main in PvP vs. just laughing at myself that I'm kidding myself with unpopular side content.

  10. One thing I love about FFXIV is that it is great to play as a casual. The whole game seems accessible, and I'm not punished for not wanting to grind through some rating system to obtain decent rewards.

    For example, I loved doing casual battlegrounds, but the gear that you could obtain from that was not competitive with gear that you could obtain from doing 2v2, 3v3 etc. I don't care if the rated player gets better gear. I just don't want to compete against that better gear in casual PVP, when that better gear makes me non-competitive against them. Putting people with much better rated-gear in unranked battlegrounds just destroys unranked battlegrounds for casual players.

    So much in WOW began to punish you if you didn't want to participate in the most competitive elements of the game. They even made crafting a joke. Heaven forbid that you get reasonable gear without doing Mythic+ or raiding. The whole focus of WOW became focused on min-maxing your character, and doing the hardest, most competitive content.

    I really love that FFXIV is a big sandbox that I can just tinker with and do the things I enjoy. I really hope they don't turn it into what WOW has become, to chase the remaining WOW players. If I wanted what WOW has become, I would have stayed in WOW.

  11. Like he said in the media tour Yoshi-p wants to please everyone and improving PvP is something that would get a new audience more interested. It's a bit of a turn off for other MMO players to hear straight away that the PvP is not that good

  12. I always thought FFXIV would go with small scale 3v3 Arena. Rebalanced Skills with the variant jobs we have would create unique PvP situations and team compositions. Rewards would have a low barrier of entry for players wanting to get them, but also something else for reaching the top. 3v3 requires only 6 queued up players for a queue pop, waould be followed in the future with the world datacenter for more faster queues ( although ping issue… ). This is what I daydreamed FFXIV PvP would go towards? but it's just a daydream… and I am just sharing my thoughts ._.

  13. PvP in FFXIV right now is so strange its hard to tell if its balanced enough or not sometimes my team gets burned down within seconds other times we cant kill the healer no matter what we do or how much teamwork we put together trying to only focus on taking out the healer hopefully these changes will be for the better of the game..

  14. Tbh I've heard people who like pvp have fun even with the current version of it, they just wish more people were into it so the devs can justify putting more resources towards it. 14 community is so PVE oriented, no one really cares if you're good at pvp 😅 So it doesn't feel good to put effort into it.


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