Dawntrail Patch Notes Summary! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]

Dawntrail official Patch 7.0 Patch Notes are here! Here is my condensed summary of all of the details of what is coming in patch 7.0 Dawntrail!

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV #dawntrail

0:00 Dawntrail Preliminary Patch Notes!
0:09 Schedule for raids
0:48 New Dawntrail Maps and Locations!
1:02 New Mainstory Questline
1:06 New Sidequests
1:30 Role Quests
1:55 New Deliveries!
2:18 Hide nearby Party Members
2:22 Follow quest NPCs now have markers
2:31 Quest icon and QOL
2:48 Auto advance voiced dialogue option
3:00 Text input standardization
3:16 Beast Tribe Quests to be called Allied Society Quests
3:25 Limited Jobs restricted
3:34 Leves
3:45 Fates and bicolored gemstones
4:10 Treasure Hunt
4:45 Grand and Free Companies
5:03 Housing System Adjustments
5:21 FFXIV housing estate holder rights system
5:43 Housing Loser System
5:50 New House Furnishings
6:31 Gold Saucer Updates
6:46 Female Hrothgar
6:50 New Hairstyles
6:53 Krile is new to the FFXIV Trust System
6:57 Wonderous Tails
7:14 Island Sanctuary QOL
7:32 Viper and Pictomancer new Jobs
7:40 Combat System Adjustments
8:10 New Enemies and New Dungeons
8:14 New Trials
8:26 Echo added to duties
8:39 New stone sky sea trial
8:48 New Elite Marks and hunts
9:06 New Tomestones!
9:18 New Duty Finder Rewards!
9:31 New PvP Rewards!
9:44 New Items and Recipes added
9:51 Facewear
10:02 Dyue System Adjustments
10:18 Furnishing Sealing Wax and Letter set now dyeable
10:33 Gender locks removed from more gear
10:39 Sundry Splendors New NPC Added
10:46 Gear Exchange menus unified
10:55 Calamitry Scavenger Updates
11:09 NEw A REalm Reborn Allied Society Rewards
11:21 Consumables have decreased delay
11:35 New crafters scrips
11:48 New Gatherer and Crafter Actions
11:52 Gatherer Changes
12:24 More gatherer changes and quality of life adjustments
12:56 Desynthesis chanfges
13:17 New Mounts and Minions and fashion accessories
13:26 Graphical Update
13:34 New Character Creation Options
13:38 New Marketboard for Tuliyollal
13:45 Retainer Updates for Dawntrail
14:04 New achievements and titles
14:11 Teleport Gil cost changes
14:25 Combo skills and actions window
14:46 New Adventurer Status Changes
15:08 New Adventurer Plate options
15:13 Blacklist updates
16:22 Mute System
16:30 Term Filter
16:44 Congestion
6:50 Gpose Expanded and new Gpose features!
7:03 Random QOL (and yes there is A LOT)
7:08 Aether currents for past expansions reduced
7:14 Character Portraits shown in the UI in some instances
7:25 Duty Finder undersized party is now called unrestricted
7:43 Ring Inventory Space Added!
7:51 Unified Scrip Exchange UI
7:57 Flying text when restoring CP or GP as crafters or gatherers
8:01 Crafting Log Favorites Menu!!! Favorites List for crafting WOOT!
8:12 Crafting Log Housing Items Differences in the User Interface
8:17 Gathering Log Organized in the UI
8:25 HQ Materials Indicator on crafting impact
8:32 HP bars show even when someone is on the floor
8:35 NEW UI DIFFERENCES! Conditional Enhancements!
8:45 Ground Targetting UI Changes!
9:10 NPCs can follow you now omg!

Final Fantasy XIV


41 thoughts on “Dawntrail Patch Notes Summary! [FFXIV 7.0 Dawntrail]”

  1. I love how all the comments on here are calling you wrong for calling them bisexual gemstones. Forget the rest of everything you've said, forget the it's a recurring joke on this channel, FORGET YOU FUCKING SAID YOU WERE ABUSED, no we're gonna focus on you saying bisexual.

    Take care of yourself man, you don't deserve whatever happened to you. Much love.

  2. I'm genuinely glad I was able to get this video in spite of being abused by my ex fiance so hard today… wow I can genuinely barely hold back the tears. Furthest thing from okay the loneliness after being cheated on and left for dead has totally ruined me. I'll never be loved again or held again my life is so freaking over. It's hard to believe that now I'm single again after all these years I don't even know what to do. I'm totally lonely and crushed right now.

  3. I feel for you and hope you're doing… well enough… circumstances permitting… but dropping an a-bomb at the end to your DT-hyped audience wasnt the best call either 🙁

    Take care of yourself.

  4. relationships always feel that way. I know how I felt when my ex left me. a person is not the end all be all of your life and you will go on. the pain is only temporary. stay strong and thank you for the video.

  5. Hey dude, thanks for the update.

    But please prioritize your own mental health in the future.

    We can read the patch notes ourselves if you're ever having a rough day.

    Hope you're doing okay.


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