Healing in FFXIV Is Not Fun: My Take

I can solo heal Aglaia.

Misshapen Chair’s video: https://youtu.be/sbWubxOTUWU

0:000:22 Intro
0:230:46 Is healing fun?
0:473:28 Mistakes = fun
3:285:11 Healers hardly heal
5:127:18 I don’t like DPS
7:199:23 Healer DPS rotation? No thanks
9:2410:14 The healing experience is lacking
10:1512:07 Missing the “trinity” healer experience
12:0812:49 Outro

Music by Antti Luode


15 thoughts on “Healing in FFXIV Is Not Fun: My Take”

  1. I've saved a lot of players on pld using cover, intervention and clemency too and it is a great feeling. I've even finished off some dungeon bosses where the healer died early in the fight and kept the dps alive the whole time. Healer is probably the most fun for me when helping people prog a fight that you've already cleared before.

  2. Enjoyability is subjective, and the person who said healing is boring is 100% right, the same as someone who says healing is the most enjoyable role in FF14 is also 100% right, because they're both saying how they personally feel. Hell, I'd argue that being able to get into a duty every 5-15 minutes shows that there are enough people who do enjoy healing since in other mmo's, it normally takes 30-70 minutes for dungeon/raid finder to ping solely because of the lack of healers and tanks.

  3. Honestly I enjoy the role in general, I just with the dps rotations, if you can even call it that, were in any way engaging, especially considering that in any kind of higher end content you want to minimise gcd healing as much as possible anyway (unless you’re whm with lilies). Considering that 90% of the time a healer will be using their gcds for damage, it’d be nice if there was more to it than one dot to keep up and one other button to spam. It wouldn’t even be that bad if it was just on one healer as chair said, but with how homogenised the healers dps is it’s not even as if you can avoid such boring gameplay if you want to heal in this game

  4. The two tank, two healer system could use the rework because outside of adds and the occasional tank swap,the off-tank is a dps. I feel same way when healing. One healer is just there for dps and the healer stacks. I am not sure what they can do to change it though.

  5. I'm a healer player who's been here since day 1 of ARR. I initially loved SCH who was a very DPS heavy healer that had a DPS rotation. Later, when AST was added, I enjoyed the varied card effects. ShB really ruined everything that I enjoyed about SCH and AST, and in turn, I changed from an exclusive healer to a Dancer main. One button DPS was the death of healing for many people who were here before ShB.

    The reality of FFXIV is that healers will always revolve around DPS contribution. This is an indisputable fact, and we cannot fix or improve healing if we continue to refuse to accept that. Healers continue to have upwards of 90+% DPS uptime, and as Chair put it, we cannot simply change that without invalidating every bit of content that came before. That said, if we do accept this, it doesn't mean every healer needs to be a DPS rotation based healer. This is my personal take on what would be a good direct to take each healer:

    SCH should return to being the DoT management healer. Not so much a rotational healer, but one who has to manage various timers. It's what they were before and what people enjoyed of them.
    SGE should become the DPS Rotation healer who should feel a lot like how GBN feels. It should have a varied DPS toolkit with no offensive support and is meant to be a high numbers DPS machine.
    WHM should make the lilies more integral to their gameplay and feel more even between offense and defense, expanding on lilies that can offer utility and backload a chunk of WHM's DPS contributions into Afflatus Misery. It should expand on its DPS tools a little, but it shouldn't need as much as SCH and SGE as it should opt to using lilies more instead of offense with Misery to compensate for lost numbers.
    AST can then focus on being the passive healer who contributes damage through support rather than by directly attacking enemies.

    One idea I had for AST, to put it very simply, would be to move both Draw and Play to the GCD. This cuts out a large chunk of AST's demand for weaving, which allows them to reserve Lightspeed more for mobility needs rather than burst windows. Additionally, drawing and playing your cards now grants you an orbiting star to a maximum of 6 stars. When you cast an offensive spell, one of your stars is consumed. The star performs an attack with the same potency your current Malefic (250 Potency currently). You then have an OGCD ability that passes your stars over to another player, allowing them to use your stars with their attacks rather than you needing to. The potency still stems from you. With additional support for this system, AST could become the healer that spends most of their time providing healing and utility and then passing off their damage contributions to someone else to do instead.

  6. Ok 😉 That was an interesting video to say the least :p GG I think the real "problem" with ff14 is that its kinda hard to tell for new players if they want you to heal or dps 😉 its either heal check for 2-3 sec then nothing and you kinda have to go 4th floor savage or ultimate to kinda see any "proper" heal check 😉 so i can definitely agree and relate on that 😉 THAT being said (and not trying to be rude or anything :p) the main part of ffxiv healing job is to find a way to dps and heal using ogcd as much as you possibly can (and you SHOULD be able to barely cast any gcd heals) which can suddenly become be a whole different madness :p and i see that you're not doing particularly well in that department lets just say that 😉 (its ok we've all been there ;)) My suggestion for you then 😉 (it helped me a lot enjoying healing in ffxiv) : DPS as much as you possibly can and only ogcd heal 😉 it will be more challenging 😉 and your teammates will thank you not to wipe with 0.1 % left while hitting the enrage 😉 (i promise we've never played together :p) I know its really confusing :p but that's how healing in this game works 😉
    Really sad for tera tho i loved this game back in the day 😉 hope it helped you and hopefully you're not taking it too bad 🙂
    Good video 😉 keep going 😉

  7. I'm a midcore-hardcorish ultimate/savage tank main raider, i started FFXIV about 2 years ago and got to the endgame and raiding when EW was about to release, I started my FFXIV adventure with WHM start since i was healer main in Tera and WoW, got really bored of it really quickly, barely needed to do any healing and it was just really REALLY boring comparing it to my earlier experience so i switched to tanking, the whole combat design is pretty bad overall, first i liked how the fights were scripted from start to finish, but soon i really started to miss the randomness of bosses in WoW and Tera, the constant AOE damages and actually heavy hitting autos from the boss, i really hope they start making changes to the overall combat in the game, its really boring when every boss has 6 second cast for AOE or tank buster so you know when it comes everytime and have so much time prepare, and the fact that there is like 1 AOE cast/minute, i love the game and the community and i cleared my first ultimate today with my static! But making the game way too easy and predictable makes it boring since you know what to press and when from muscle memory. when you almost only need healers for ultimate content is pretty big warning sign that the games combat design is bad or did not evolve with time even though the jobs and balance did. but let's be real… FFXIV combat content has been on neglect for a while now, we still get 4 bosses / raid tier, it took them 3 years to make the new ultimate fight and every dungeon is still way too easy and doesn't require any braincells almost.

    BTW, love the content, having more people actually speak about these things and not just mald is really nice, keep up the good work 🙂

  8. FF is the only MMO where I enjoy healing. I like being aggressive, and I like that the more that you or your group knows a fight, the more aggressive you can be. In most of games I've healed in, the reward for performing well is…. sitting and doing nothing. Even if the DPS rotation itself is simple, it feels good to be able to slip in as much damage as you can while timing your heals perfectly.

  9. The only reason I don't main Healer is because my Internet is unreliable and I feel bad for the party if I DC in the middle of duty. Whenever I do heal is the most fun I have in the game, really. Is so fulfilling and fun, and yeah I agree is the class where is not always the same, you never know what's going to happen when you party with unknowns. Still I kinda see why some might find it boring. I would love if the game combat had mechanics that would make classic Final Fantasy spells useful like, idk, Float, Reflect… If we had Reraise, if we could debuff enemies in a meaningful way or if the enemy is of the undead type, let it be damaged by healing spells. Is too much to ask but that would make Healer even more fun to me.

  10. Really enjoyed watching your video, especially since you and one other YouTuber that I've found have had more positive view points on healers than the main ones who are way more critical about the role cause of optimization for high end content. In regards to Misshapen Chair's review, the one part I do agree on it, which I would like to hear your viewpoint on, is related to leveling a healer. Doing the solo battles in the MSQ is a chore (I main White Mage), partly cause you are casting one button, but also because your damage output is fixed. White Mage, for example only really has 5 DPS buttons, one of which needs 3 lilies to activate. If your solo dungeon is a single boss, you pretty much aren't going to use Holy, and Assize, which does deal damage, feels awful to use cause it is meant to hit multiple targets and heal multiple targets. So you really ended up just DoT-ing and Nuking, while slide-casting around just to avoid the scripted damage.

    I really wish there was more to do in those instances, especially since some of those fights can be really hard to do as a healer, and I shouldn't have to switch to a DPS/Tank to complete it.


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