Prove it Warcraft | WoW's Future After FFXIV

That age old question is back in the air: Will you return to WoW? 0:00 – Intro 2:15 – The Spreading WoW Hype 9:47 – What should …


44 thoughts on “Prove it Warcraft | WoW's Future After FFXIV”

  1. So I was able to handle drilling through 50-70 Hours of "meh" with A Realm Reborn and Patches to get to the Good Story Bits, what's it like for WoW? I was under the impression that WoW's story always took a backseat to raiding and the like, which doesn't really interest me even in a game I'm invested in.

  2. I think it’s a good thing people are excited to get back more into WoW or even just playing other MMO’s in general. Better games often lead to better competition and potentially better ideas that they can build off of one another. I don’t personally see myself trying WoW, but I can’t say I’m not impressed with what was shown off, and I think the new editions of Classic looked really neat. I’m just happy people seem genuinely happy or at least more positive than pessimistic. And as for the future of FF14, I’m still excited as hell for Dawntrail, mixed with the FF16 collaboration later this year. It’s been a good year for games as a whole really.

  3. I might appreciate the murdermurdermurdermurder in WoW if it felt like I GOT to do it and wasn't TRAPPED doing it. It also varies a TON class to class (and expansion to expansion). And if you weren't playing a murder class/spec then you weren't really getting much from the experience. Which really sucked if you were attached to a main that didn't fall under that umbrella. I did enjoy monk healing though. Thats one area I think 14 could stand to take more lessons from. Healing in 14 has gone from relaxed to almost comatose.

  4. With the general toxicity in the WoW community, and the piled on issues that the studio has had with the work culture are the main reasons I am not going back.

    I also think it is pretty abhorrent that in all the talk about if folks are going back or not, they don't mention the fact that someone was driven to suicide by harassment of a superior, and the culture at the studio re-enforced that behavior. The only way I would consider going back is if all middle management and upper management were fired at Blizzard, full stop. They were all party to the behavior that resulted in someone taking their own life.

  5. WoW needs to make the player more important, I am sorry but just being referred to as champion and being right out ignored in cutscenes and lore pisses me off, I am not important, but I do all the work. To help with this, MAKE EVERYONE NORMAL SIZE, lore characters should not be giants just because they are the "real main characters", I am sorry but it needs to happen. FFXIV made me feel important and part of the story and I connected way more to my character because of it and still play to this day. Who cares if WoW has a world soul saga if I don't have a place in it?

  6. I'm a diehard FFXIV fan of course, but WoW was my first MMO back in the wee days of vanilla and BC. I was young so I couldn't afford the subscription though (it's quaint how predatory a subscription seemed back then). I would make endless trial accounts and just replay all of the opening areas over and over on new classes. I loved existing in Azeroth. It just FELT magical.

    I don't think I can recapture that feeling nowadays though. Blizzard as a company has permanently lost my faith after disappointment after disappointment after scandal over the course of years. If it's good then good for the people who will play it but there are too many other good games and companies to keep going back to your disastrous ex, y'know?

  7. If it's just amazing responsive combat that you want, then go try gw2 (before it dies a horrible death at the hands of anet). It has plenty of flaws, way more than it has positives, but hey, the netcode and fast paced incredible combat I can guarantee.

  8. Never played WoW. Probably never will. But, I like to watch others play it. I would 100% watch you guys play some WoW. I could see you doing some casual steams on it and seeing where it goes. BTW the editing for this video was on point. Love you guys!

  9. 3:33 full on right, im still playing ffxiv, just not as much. my 'others' im going back to until DawnTrail: AC6, EA WRC, old emulated games on my steam deck i missed back in the day. this is our healthy cycle, player count will begin spiking in spring once we have our final patch and people who left at 6.0 return to catch-up, and people who took breaks farm up the few things they didnt finish

  10. Call me impatient, but whenever I see a game or franchise boast about the next 10 years, I always just have to roll my eyes because those years fundamentally don't matter if the next 10 minutes aren't fun. So, while I'll say the timing on the last is a bit of hyperbole understanding that development does take time and player consumption usually outpaces it, a boast of 10 years should probably be looked at through the lens of the same stuff 3-4 times over with a different coat of paint. Maybe. Even XIV is catching flak for this of late relative to the whole "IT'S DYING!" discourse and token tribaliasm, but I'm not really going to jump down that rabbit hole simply because an MMO has yet to truly offer what I want and people getting hung up on semantics or tradition isn't going to change that.

    Overall, I doubt I'm alone in believing has storytelling down as the best in the genre at the moment. Minor quibbles here and there like voiceless cut scenes? Sure. On the other hand, anyone who played XI will know that XIV is basically a step up from that and XI was arguably a better storyteller than WoW, figuratively and mechanically, back when both were still young MMO sprouts vying for market supremacy. That was a war SE lost then because no amount of story matters when accessibility is garbage and respecting the player's time is an afterthought. Arguably that was WoW's strength of the era even if it had its own pitfalls.

    But yeah, charts, pics, slides, trailers, or whatever don't really mean a thing until I have a given game in my hands and can play it (which better be a demo with the way prices are going anymore). I try to resist hype as I fear the industry is in a severe downturn, and Blizzard's track record isn't exactly stellar these days with what they've done to Diablo, Overwatch, older WoW, and most especially the legal/workplace issues. Is parading Metzen out the same as putting him in the Oz role? Too soon to tell, perhaps. But some of us sure as shit are paying attention to what's going on behind the curtain. Things that have a "should've been there from the start" or a "finally you listened" feel rarely garner enthusiasm, much like XIV's issues with netcode or how horrible the glam/dye system is.

  11. I'm coming back to WoW for the Season of Discovery, because that just sounds amazing and it's one of those 'vote with my wallet' things where I want to tell them '[YES, MORE WOW PLUS STUFF'. Because the idea of WoW plus, of Vanilla continuing on to newer and newer stuff at it's end, rather than expansions, is incredible.

    I wish I were more interested in retail. I really do. The gameplay, the extra features and such, are awesome and I REALLY want them, but the 'story' of WoW over the years has just killed my interest.

  12. I don't care about the story/netcode/raids/graphics/systems/mechanics– if the game is still predating and parasitizing on my time and money, requiring me to log in every day to do my wizard chores, requiring me to be subbed 365, then no, I will not play your game

  13. I don't feel that WoW is rising again. You can tell since you don't see as many WoW videos anymore. Many of the big name streamers are streaming… anything but WoW. Dragonflight came out to little fanfare and many people just didn't seem to care. I don't care about the amount of expansions, I would want Quality Expansions. Like when they added more "content" by reskinning existing races and calling them "new races". Sorry but a fat human isn't a new race, it's a fat human.

    After seeing how story is done in FF14, I can't see myself returning to WoW. Each expansion in WoW pretty much ignores what came before, while FF14 continues to build on what they have.

  14. I think it's highly likely that they're going to steal the MSQ format in this "trilogy" because they steal everything else from FFXIV wherever possible. Their "evergreen" content is in places an outright theft of XIV. The trading post is the moogle events + Wondrous Tales rolled into one. Their own ideas are stale, so why not just outright steal what works? They'll do it, mark my words.

  15. Blizzard has since long lost any hint of me even consider anything they release. This from someone who grew up with WoW (highschool, 10th grade started to play). They have much to clean up and enough PR black marks alone to keep me out.

  16. Metzen is 50 pounds of charisma in a 5 pound bag but his hype is always so hollow. It’s almost like they resurrected him to bring that old black magic back. 😐 Garrett is 1000% right, don’t feed them presales, they need to know who their real customers are because it’s not the shareholders.

  17. I do have to say, watching Chris Metzen on that stage, getting people so HYPE about World of Warcraft, it gave me the mental image of him marching off stage, looking the other presenters in the eye, ripping out his earpiece mic, and saying "That is how you [bleep]ing do it!"

    Then he hands the mic off to someone, tells them to "Wash this," and strides off.

  18. See, here's my thing, it doesn't f**** matter what happens, who it is, etc. Because it's been like, 2+ expansions or whatever since the "Sword was aimed at someone" it'd be like you getting the voice cutscene on the moon in FFXIV where the planet goes all black and static….and then you start stormblood all over again

    The story has never, and will never matter in WoW because you aren't part of it anyways, you're the wrecking ball to be thrown at a problem when the leaders need deniability and then they killsteal the big bad from you and take all the credit. Remember how cool it was when you fought deathwing and killed him? No you don't, you weakened him and then thrall shot him with a dragonlaser and you weren't even in the cutscene.

    Short of WoW fully aping XIV and just, burning the world and starting over with an actually story-focued version of the game, the lore will never matter because the gameplay loop and story will play out the same every time – "Champion" of azeroth clears the way for the actual main characters to do a thing, only for some new unforseen big bad thing to reveal itself and here we go again

    That aside, i'll be honest, i never played the game for the story at all, it wasn't UNTIL i got into XIV in heavensward that i even started caring about the story side of an MMO, i quit WoW in wrath when they decided to nuke the OG talent system and homogenize the crap out of every class which got rid of what tiny shred of individuality in builds was even possible, and after everything. All the scandals, the drama, the crappy releases, the crappy dev cycles, the disappointing content, i just quit blizzard alltogether and haven't given them my money since SC2:HotS and i never will again.

    I have standards for a change, and no matter how cool a CG trailer looks, the game looks like crap, plays like crap, is infested with 30 billion required addons, and is made by a crap company that isn't worth my time to support. I'd rather play Vampire survivors for another 400 hours than log back into WoW ever again.

  19. All this junk demonstrates that the WoW devs are not focused and are just throwing darts at a dart board. I also find it interesting that no one is talking about how they are breaking up one xpac into 3 just to milk people of their money.

  20. I think rather than come full circle. we've come to the point where enough people have played through a ton of wow, and a ton of FF, to realize they are both good in their own ways, and they both fulfill different niches in the same genre. it's only by fanboying for one over the other that issues crop up. the only reason I stopped playing dragonflight beyond taking breaks, is because my guild broke up and the people I actually ran content with left. the only reason I'm playing FF14 every day is I have an FC that plays every day and we DO stuff.

  21. love these discussions. <3 I started in FF14, and pretty much played it exclusively for 8 yrs. Occasionally tried other stuff (tera, gw, wow, whatever), but it was a struggle to adapt as a console gamer, and i always gave up pretty quick lol. This year my raid static fell apart, I've finished basically all the content because I was there when it came out. So tbh Dragonflight was kinda exactly what i needed when it happened (I play a lot of GW2 as well! Fun action combat, and the story is pretty good if you have the patience for the slow parts).

    Idk I'm pretty hyped for the new WoW expansions, but I also came in as an outsider with really low expectations from what all the WoW people were saying about the game, and I got pleasantly surprised. I feel like I can just enjoy it in a way old timers can't because I don't know what it "used to be like." 🤔

  22. Played WoW for 16 years non-stop and was a Blizzard fan boy long before that. Thought I would NEVER leave. Now I can't ever imagine going back after playing FFXIV. It's not simply that I moved on and found something better . . . no . . . I am actively DISGUSTED by what Blizzard has become. They're nothing more than sleaze bag con artists exploiting our nostalgia and it saddens me to see so many idiots keep falling for their same tricks again and again and again. Some people never learn, but I did. Can Blizzard change? The question is irrelevant. I don't care anymore and they don't deserve it.

  23. tinfoil hat theory on Cataclysm. So, a lot of people like to review bomb…especially at Blizzard and a lot of people that want them to see them fail. I wouldn't be shocked to find if people voted for it for that very reason. Maybe i'm being too harsh on cata, I actually had fun during that time, but I was also in a great guild with awesome people. I just can't shake the feeling that something is off with this decision. A lot of people are like "wait what? Ok I guess *shrug*"

  24. I'm in for Cata classic. I started in Vanilla and had good memories of the first 5 years I played, but Cata where I had my own raid team and got into serious heroic raiding holds that special place in my heart.

  25. Maybe I'm one of the rare few- but it doesn't matter how much Blizzard promises me, they spent years disrespecting my time and money. This feels like the shitty ex you have, promising they learned their lesson for the 5th time and maybe it's good for while but then I feel like it just goes back to how it was.

    They have talked a big game many times before only to leave me disappointed. I played for 12 years and by the time I quit I felt burned, and 2 1/2 years later I don't feel any better.

    On top of that- yes FFXIV has a cash shop, but it doesn't feel as egregious as WoW's and the monetization doesn't feel as predatory. The $90 for three day early access feels so gross. I just can't bring myself to support them anymore.

  26. I've never played WoW and very likely will never play WoW because like 90% of what I know about it looks and sounds unappealing to me. I've been peripherally aware of WoW since it came out because I played FFXI since launch and heard WoW talked about in the MMO sphere ever since its release. My brother even played it for a while and I've watched him a few times. That being said, I kind of meet any news about WoW with the same energy I do with One Piece. It doesn't appeal to me on any level, I have no interest in engaging with it, and it's too much of an investment for me to give it a try to see if I was wrong. I'm sure the Warcraft is real and they will find it one day and I hope people enjoy that, but if I find out about it, it'll be entirely incidental.

  27. 3:10 I've always been confused by this. I know that the "You can play other games" is one of FFXIV's main selling points, but that does that mean that WoW is the opposite? How far behind will I be and how much would I have to do to catch up to current content if I took a month or two from playing WoW?

  28. “Proof it” when you don’t play the game? Also, tell by your tone and how the video is shaped out to be clearly you people don’t give a damn what World of Warcraft even does. Last thing, this video is so biased and not even trying to be neutral on the subject at hand.

  29. I am also squarely in the "prove it" camp. I left WoW after BFA and nothing Dragonflight screamed that they learned their lesson. I really want WoW to be good, but I've been burned so much by Blizzard that at this point they'd have to go above and beyond to get me back. I need great and well written characters and a story for them to be part of that doesn't shit all over my favorite characters or the world itself (or just retcon everything because their writers can't figure out how to work within the established lore, which they keep doing even with Dragonflight). I need a great leveling and world content experience that keeps me wanting to play along with a solid end game that doesn't peter out or require me to play hours and hours every day just to make tiny amounts of progress. Lastly I need them to show that they will respect my time and not ask me to grind until either I burn out or we finally hit the heat death of the universe. Make me actually give a crap about playing, but stop trying to monpolize my time.

  30. The best way to play MMOs for me is when patches accumulated enough content so I won't deal with timegated bullshit. This has been my way of playing FFXIV, WoW and GW2.

    And yes, they definitely need to steal from each other as competition breeds excellence. WoW took on a bit of GW2 flight system. What XIV needs is to improve its overworld engagement because it really needs improvement.

  31. I have a friend that is totally the opposite where he says that he and his friends say that everyone thinks World Soul idea is crap and everyone hates that, while Cataclysm Classic is the hypest thing ever.

    Granted, this is a friend that tried to gaslight me saying that Arthas is still alive for some reason just ignoring what happened to him becoming that blue spirit essence. I have no idea why he thinks that… o.o;

    In all honesty, I really have no desire to play WoW, but I do hope that the new expansions turn out good. I want everyone to have a happy MMO they can go and have fun in, instead of having to mass migrate from one MMO to the next. Can also help push developers to create new ideas or mechanics that could be adapted to other MMOs and make everyone win in the end.

  32. I'm in the "wait and see" mode with WoW. The last expansion I played was BFA and I didn't have a….bad time? Then I preordered the digital deluxe version of Shadowlands, logged on once to see the mount I got, and never logged in again. I don't know what they'd need to do to get me interested again, but the cinematic trailer for this new expac was not it lol. I'll settle for watching y'all play it for now and just live vicariously through that.


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