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Embry Is Comparing Her Two Favorite MMORPG’s – Guild Wars 2 vs FFXIV!
Which one do you play? Do you plan on trying the other? What is stopping you from trying it?
Want to learn more, play Guild Wars 2 for free, or buy the expansions?
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● Production Music courtesy of Streambeats by Harris Heller
Really nice video! ❤️ This is such a clear and well presented overview!
What a wonderful video educative engaging and overall entertaining great job embry be proud of your first video !!
good job friends
As someone who doesn't play, this was very informative!! Great work! <3
Get a dono link and you may get a surprise in march
i play both they have pros and cons but still i like them both GW2 dynamic events is the best and having a pvp equalized gear in both games are great but ffxiv small scale pvp doesn't exist so GW2 is my go to for that. I'm hoping this 6.1 update ffxiv in pvp can attract more players in pvp.
Gw2 have supports that healnand give boons but there are ko Tanks beside Raid Specific Mechanics like Raid Boss targetingnonenwith highest Toughness or who took the Mark for themself.
The GW2's build system is so flexible as it is free to chance the build at anytime oit of combat that you can alter your raid build for open world build. You lose some dps but get much lore survibility. Like Any necromancer can take death magic top/top/top and minioms for LI (low intense) build 😄 Elementalist can also do similar thing taking Esrth and giving 40% protection for them self. And much more.
In Raids people optilize the dmg from dps with least amount supports. More dps can be monkey dps the better.
In open world you want to have good balance of dmg snd defense.
Who needs healers if everyone can heal? Well fractals and Raids as they are much harder than open world ❤
Fantastic Video. Would enjoy to see a 2022 EOD GW2 Review, how fun is the game? How are the systems? What's good? What needs work?
@ProjektDyad I've heard some describe GW2 as more of a true 'MMO' in the literal sense, due to how events and world things can draw people together quickly. The RPG element in GW2 isn't as pronounced as it is in FF14. Whereas vets of FF14 have described the game to me as an RPG first, and the MMO part is tagged on as a strong support. So in that regard they're quite different experiences. I'm an EX-wow Refugee (14 years of off / on / off/ on .. etc) and have been watching the huge migration of players from WOW to primarily to FF14 (such as Bellular, Accolonn, Taliesin & Evitel and many others) .. however there's been a recent resurgence in GW2, which I've begun exploring. My initial impression of GW2 the past couple months is how the game takes common systems from WOW and makes them so much easier to use, not to mention the action combat, and zone events and such are incredibly fun, and the world remains relevant endgame, the horizontal progression is really cool.
I've found the mandatory story in FF14 the biggest barrier. The slog between Vaniila and Heavensward in particular was soooo long and dull that it pretty much killed my drive to go further.
Really nice comparsion and I could make a picture about Final Fanasy. I´m playing GW2 from launch, but I´ve been eyeballing Final Fantasy – i will probably give it a whirl someday 🙂
i got spoiled by gw2 so hard that when i come to ff14 , things feels lacking , the world feels dead
story is amazing but it doesn't impact the surrounding world , that is why i stick to gw2 for so long , you see the impact of story/event
quote me if i'm wrong but i don't see any story of ff14 impact the world , beside the nuking of 1.0
I've tried FF14 so many times, and I find that I do enjoy 1-20.. But then the fun kind of stops, if I want to play with friends the game separates you in every way it can except dungeon content. I've gotten past 60 twice, yet it starts to feel like a dungeon grinder, replacing gear constantly and questioning why I'm playing it. I heard the endgame is great, but if I have to play over 200 hours to get there to start having fun.. perhaps its not the game for me. But GW2? I did the same I came back several times and the endgame finally clicked with me in 2020.. You're meant to make your own goals, once that clicked with me I've had in insane amount of fun in GW2. From fractuals/strikes/raids/open world metas and bosses to achievement collecting/puzzles/exploring/gearing new specs and having a ton of alts. While I do love games like Classic WoW, I feel that GW2 will be the mmo for me until a new one takes me.
Great video! Congratulations on getting 4th place in the Hardstuck competition!
Thanks for the info! I always played a mobile mmo. Never been able to play an actually pc mmo 'cause of my potato pc. Now I have a decent one, I might start playing both of these 🙂
I returned to gw2 after years of not playing it. Compared to ffxiv gw2 wins. No mandatory quests, quests are voiced. Unvoiced quests in games are out of the question in 2022 especially if the game says it is an rpg.
I've never played either of the two games, and it's hard to keep track of which game you are currently showing & talking about. would be better to have a tag somewhere on the screen
I wanted an mmo with the smallest character and a rogue/ninja class and FFXIV had that. But the story progression is so boring and time consuming that I lose interest time to time. GW2 on the other hand, there sadly isnt a tiny character (well there is but they’re ugly) but it seems like I have more freedom to do whatever I want to do. Also no subscriptions to play the game which makes it even better. Coming from ESO and Neverwinter I’m definetly looking forward to progressing forward and maybe buying the dlcs for GW2 over FFXIV sub.
This is a very well made comparison, detailed and to the point . It also pays respect to both games and i really appreciate that.
This popped up randomly on my feed… but you seem to look and sound EXACTLY like someone i used to know with a very similar name…
I like gameplay&combat GW2 but I like theme and graphic character FF14
FF14 It's not a skill played game it just mechanic game played that i don't like it
Guild wars 2 does it best. I hate sub games. Plus it was now released on steam.
GW2 movement makes it hard for me to go back to wow or 14 lol, I always try to dodge when going back to wow or 14 XD, then get annoyed I can't and wanna just play gw2
Been debating about playing ffxiv again and gw2 at the same time lol
Very good comparison 👍
Would have like a rating for each but not bad comparison.
can you still play FF14 for free up to level 60?