Final Fantasy 14's Biggest Mistake

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17 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14's Biggest Mistake”

  1. I was half-expecting you to just say "Lalafell", and end the video there.

    But yeah, the ending Bozja got isn't what it deserves, and Hildebrand getting elevated? That level of dumbassery should've stayed far to the side, in my opinion, rather than getting so close to mandatory.

  2. I imagine everyone who did it would agree with you, but I was only able to just unlock Bozja and that's it, and Hildy is a lot more accessible to me 😅. We'll see what happens with the rest of the relic quests, but I'm sure people who get to play more than me are missing a grind.

  3. I don't mind that Godbert is the one actually making the weapons, it wouldn't be hard to have him assisting the Bozja front. But the whole Hildebrand stuff should have stayed as sidequests.

  4. I feel the side story content has been weak in EW. We missed out on a trials story like Four Lords or Werlyt too, the trials instead being rolled into the MSQ. Tataru and Island Sanctuary story were fine but not deep and immersive like Bozja or Werlyt.

  5. From what I understand. They "intend" to make the relic grind of Endwalker. Similar to the relic grind in arr/hw. Which I personally preferred over eureka. However, I must admit I did enjoy Bozja waaaaaay more then eureka. (To this day I have not finished a eureka relic and I don't plan to.) We'll have to see how they plan on doing this relic grind.

  6. I think you've gotten your content mixed. Yes the relic is now tied into hildibrand, but we do have a big explorable zone as well. Island sanctuary. Between it and getting a new deep dungeon, apparently that's what's taking the budget away from away from a bozja like zone. You might say "but we got a deep dungeon and an explore zone in storm blood, and yes we did, we also got an extra trial for the monster hunter cross over, our trial series had a dungeon in it. This patch cycle our trial series isn't even it's own story it's msq. In addition to the long patch cycle we're also getting less content, and I hope that changes after FFXVI comes out.

  7. Fast Forward to next Hildi, we find out that all the former Garlean-Conquered Provinces are in Chaos, requiring a Manderville Man and his Assistant or two to bring back stability, peace and silly dances to large outdoor Areas with Raids.

    Jokes aside, I wonder what became of other Places now that the Empire has crumbled. There should be Potential for a neat Story or two in them I hope. I personally really did not like the Grind of Bozja but was positively overwhelmed when watching the Story Summary, so I agree, please more of that kind of stuff

  8. I haven't done any of the relic grinds, but I have started the story lines of a couple, and the bozja one actually looks really interesting. That said, when I heard the EW one was attached to Hildibrand, I was like "…..wut? is this a joke?"


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