#ttRPG, #Tabletop, #Monastery, #FF14, #FFXIV, #MMORPG, #TTRPG, #d20, #JapaneseTTRPG, #StarterSet, #JRPG
(Alternate title: “You’re all wrong about the FF14 TTRPG”)
A few thoughts on the FF14 TTRPG’s starter set, and how some people have been putting square pegs in round holes.
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You got it right
Complaining about a TTRPG based on a video game franchise for being to video gamey is weird, in my opinion.
Very expensive for a starter set.
Better to wait for the core books and see if somenthing good pops up
I like that rolling is only to see how well you hit. It makes a character feel much more competent AND removes the feeling that you just wasted a turn when you miss in other games.
If i ever make my own game i hope i remember this to… 'borrow'… that feature 😛
rip dicebreaker
There’s a lot of gripes I have with this system, I’m just hoping I can homebrew it enough to make it feel like an actual TTRPG
I like what this setting is doing, especially with guaranteed damage in lieu of missing damage entirely. Though, at $60 for the starter set, I might just wait to see what the full core books offer. I can definitely see my friends and I having a blast with this, just like we did with Emberwind.
Ok, I like more systems trying to remove "Hit/Miss" mechanic because nothing is more annoying than selecting a target, trying to stop it and having bad roll allowing that target to escape.
I was thinking about running FFXIV with one of those D&D conversions at some point, but I guess I can just wait for a full release now.
At least I hope I will be able to run my idea with it.