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Disclaimer: We are not the author of this comic, all the rights are belong to the artist who made this.
The comic author:
The Coomer lord Patron:
Background music:
Scheming Weasel (faster version) by Kevin MacLeod
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
Special thank to the voice actor:
The Gamers – r0b3t#8029
The Wolf Girl – Reinza34
“Reinza34 garena sg/my “will give free E-girl services ;D”- she said.
The Narrator – Bar Owl
What Blake Belladonna could have been.
I clearly am late to the party as of the premier.
Final Fantasy Fun Fact: Cloud has the most player-controlled appearances of any character in the Final Fantasy series, and the second most appearances altogether, behind Gilgamesh.
ah yes m'qote the cat people race
0:01 World of Warcraft should have stopped at Wrath of the Lich King there than go on with the stupid expansions like Shadowlands.
0:30 Early bird gets the worm.
suffering from success is a thing it seems
why don't you play
Ah yes, the torment of a queue in a paid MMO in free trial.
Good times.
And that sad fact is also pushed on further by the fact that they stopped selling copies because of their own incompetence and NFT problem keep going on.
You'd think they wouldn't tell you about the wait time if you're on the free trial, to make you think you have to buy the full version, just to be stuck in a queue and they have your money.
The guys in the beginning speak in 144p lmfao, they want a high quality multiplayer experience but what they need is a higher quality mic lol
OK, I'm buying whatever that hottie is selling
Heh heh. Funny but
1. Wow players went to FF cause of that ancient tab targetting system which wasn't hosted by modern Mmos.
2. Mostly casuals left Wow.
3. They will return for the next patch.
"f*** off, were full."
-FFXIV salesman
One word: Warframe
For me the MMORPG died with wow
Remember the " Leave this place and never return" well that was for all MMO not only wow.
No one will fit the shoes that wow fit in the good times.
Me paying a sub for FF 14
FF 14… returned from work and have 2 h to play ? Too bad. Queue takes 3.
The bots aren't that's much of a problem anymore
May I instead offer you the elder Scrolls 6 for a fair price of corse
Actually as a free player you just get added to the queue.
Welp hopefully they can get more supplies so they can make the other servers host locations they were going to make, they can't right now since all the bigger companies and block chain psychos took everything which means they cany get the supplies to expand their hosting and player capacities due to their own infrustructure limitations. Square Enix is big but they arent apple or tesla big so they were bound to lose this fight which is unfortunate since queues fucking suck ass.
Oh hey I commissioned this 🙂 Thanks for dubbing!
FFXIV is a trash dumbed down FFXI
FF online pfffft suckers
try Toram online
or Ragnarok online
or Ragnarok online 2
Wait, is World of Warcraft finally shut down by Blizzard!?!?? Will Starcraft 2 stop working one day if Blizzard gets disbanded????
I wish miqotes were that thicc in game.
I want her fantasy 😏 besides theres always runscape
In this comment section, a bunch of nerds are salty that something they spent literally 20 years playing is dying…to a "weeb game". Life is beautiful in its irony.
trick log in at 12 am. most ques in your area will probably be as long as 8-12
The queue on my server has went from a thousand players at Endwalker launch to only now about 15-45 or so players. So it's been pretty manageable for a while now.
I can't imagine how it is on the NA side.
This is why you got taken down, not allowed to advertise for Japanese games because Japan isn't woke. And Blizzard is.