FFXIV Podcast Lorecast 21: Endwalker Patch 6.0 Part 5 by Aetheryte Radio

The most Anonymous of Mooses joins Fusion, Aldianaux, and Rook for the fifth and FINAL part of our Endwalker Patch 6.0 lore breakdown!

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4 thoughts on “FFXIV Podcast Lorecast 21: Endwalker Patch 6.0 Part 5 by Aetheryte Radio”

  1. re: Zenos fight. I didn't connect at all with him in the sense that he was a stereotype/archetype of the gaming industry's badly written villains. However as a representation of the parasitic privileged nature of the real-world aristocracy, in comparison with the fairy-tale Disneyfied monarchs of fantasy-writing's "Noble-King", I got something from him. But even then, he still meant so little, that I wish they hadn't put him in that part of the story. However, thankfully, he was such a devalued character for me, the fight didn't detract from what else was going on in the rest of the narrative.

  2. In response to Rook's question around 44:30, since the Ancients could create what we think of as 'Primals', yet they could not control dynamis, I believe Primals are made entirely of aether, at least in their basic 'recipe' if you will. However, I believe that said recipe can be supplemented with dynamis. What have we always known summoning to require? Aether and prayer, or strong emotions, such as when Ga Bu summoned Titan when they had a mental breakdown. As such, who is to say that a Primal couldn't be summoned entirely through pure dynamis? If Meteion took on her Endsinger form by wraping herself in the despair, fear, and hatred of fallen civilizations, then what about it would truly be so different from Elidibus cloaking himself in the hopes of the people crying out for a hero? While the ways one approach a being made entirely of aether and one entirely of dynamis assuredly differ, they likely have more similarities as categories of entities than differences.

  3. I really liked the finale with Zenos, personally. For me and my WoL, Zenos has always been a problem that needed to be dealt with. Set aside all of his "my mirror, my friend" stuff, he is a butcher and a tyrant, and by the time Endwalker has come out he's truly irredeemable in my eyes and needs to be put down for what he did to the Garleans alone. I was kind of upset that my WoL didn't stop him from walking off on the moon, I wanted to put a stop to him right there just like I thought I did back in Stormblood's MSQ, but whatever, fighting him then would have exhausted the WoL and they needed to get back to Etheyris and inform everyone that the Final Days were indeed coming again. So long as Zenos stayed out of the way I was fine with him walking off there. I figured that he might have a part to play in the end, and sure enough, when he showed back up at the end for a team up I was really excited, though I happily had my WoL tell him that he didn't need Zenos's help, and begrudgily accept the team-up. Then when he posed his question, I just couldn't deny him. Me and my WoL do love getting stronger, improving, the feeling of one more level, one more new skill; it's exhilhirating, thrilling, the rush he lives for when he isn't trying to play the hero and help others simply for the sake of helping. A part of him does love the challenge, the danger of a threat that might be his last encounter. That, he could not deny.


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