The latter 2 bosses of the Queen’s Guard have to be tanked some distance apart, or they tether to each other and give a vulnerability down buff, making them impossible to kill. However, what’s not widely known is that the tether also gives them a HUGE DAMAGE UP BUFF, this caused the following raidwide to 1-shot everyone.
In order to prevent this, the tank for the west add (Soldier) should handle mechanics on the west side instead of following the raid, who will be moving according to the raid leader’s callouts. And if the boss follows you and moves out of place, be sure to keep it at a distance from the other add. You can see that I just went to the west side and provoked it from there, which caused it to take the shortest path and tether to the other boss.
The tank should also try to avoid failing 3 easy mechanics in a row and receiving Doom
I’m uploading this for anyone who may not know of the mechanic. Deepest apologies to my alliance (somehow, it was still a clear)
wow that is fast connection for everything keeps on moving. For me by the time the aoe comes showing, its most likely the attack already halfway coming.
May have accidentally cleaved a raid in DR once, lesson learned, painfully learned, but learned.
I have been considering trying this lately, more so now that a friend has got to the point of unlocking it too and this really helps for if I decide to try tanking it. Even though I main PLD, I was never confident enough to with Baldesion Arsonal and instead did that as DRG, but maybe I might try tanking this one.
TLDR keep adds apart
Shield lob
Sucks but it happens
Can someone explain to me what killed them? I know of the reraise thing for Bozja but what did the tank do that killed everyone else?
just like o12s MF parties of eld
im gonna start doing this
I love how they're so decent about it "..happens"
Almost any other game you probably wouldn't need discord to hear the screams from across the globe.
Had this happen in a Queen clear run once. RIP.
what the mechanic responsible for this?
This is my everyday raid run in alliance roulette.
in wiw they would kick your ass 4 that but then you can blame on healers cause you couldn't make it thx to them
I did this to my group the first time I was tanking it, too, but in MY DEFENSE I didn't know I'd be tanking until right before I entered (didn't study anything about what tanks needed to do; I was supposed to be DPS on the roster). The raid leader wasn't upset with me or anything because he knew I was filling in as tank as a last-minute favor when one of the tanks was a no show, but I was MORTIFIED when I wiped my group. I definitely never let that happen again.
My goal is to be more confident with tanking high LVL raids, and this just freaked me out.🥲 But thank you for the explanation below.
My dream
this shit will be so fuckd up on pug lol ff endgame players are passive aggresive af
Yeah nah DRS is just like that. At least it wasn't styg bc that's like. Another fights worth of resources used
dev's fault who made stupid mechanix. in this game, almost all of them are like this.
0/10 not enough rage