Amaurot and the Tempest are such amazing areas.
Next video will be the end! I hope you all enjoy this one ^-^
Amaurot and the Tempest are such amazing areas.
Next video will be the end! I hope you all enjoy this one ^-^
The best way I can describe the music is… nostalgic.
All I got to say is, well, that's a welcoming party for you for sure. I don't know if you logged your game right in that city or not because when you log back in you will see something very familiar with your loading screen! The genuine shock on your face is definitely priceless!
You were not ready, Bree.
38:44 I headcanon my character interrupting Thancred here to say "Really? All I smell is fish!" To which Thancred glares at her, while Ryne giggles, Alphinaud/Alisaie/Urianger chuckle, and Y'shtola grins and rolls her eyes. Like, the second he said "I smell chores," that image popped into my head. xD
The beginning to an absolutely perfect finale. The buildup of just how much you mean to your friends, and vice-versa. Ardbert among them of course.
I love the touch of AU Gerolt being a guy with a full head of hair compared to our bald blacksmith back in the source. I was a bit surprised that this guy wasn't responsible for our Shadowbringers relics.
And yes, Amaurot's reaction never fails to please. I have never seen someone NOT freak the hell out when first seeing it. Such an amazing city, and the ticking sound effect in its music can have a variety of interpretations. The ticking of a moment in time before the impending doom of the ancients, or also, the ticking counting down to the WoL's transformation into a Lightwarden. It really adds that sense of urgency to the final area of the game. The Tempest was great, but Amaurot was absolutely incredible.
I can't wait to see your conversation with Hythlodaeus, your reaction to the tragedy of Amaurot, and the final encounter with Emet. But come…let us cast aside titles and pretense.
Yeah this whole expansion, but especially that moment between G'raha and Urianger back when he first pulled that hunky nerdy dorky elezen to the first really really sealed Urianger as like my favorite scion period. I loved him before, but even more after, and all the burdens that man must bear when all he wants to do is clearly play some Yugioh.
So many people were angry at Urianger, I'm glad to see another person feeling the way I did 😭💜
Aaaaaa such a good one. I can't wait for the next one- I was so blown away by this part of the game too.
we're really close boys. we're bringing th3 shad0ws
The Bismarck you killed in the source was a primal based on a myth. So you didn't "rid" the source of this creature as they are not the same. But the existence of THIS Bismarck gives us proof that a similar creature existed in the source as well but probably perished during one of the calamities and its sightings and recollections about this magnificent whale turned into myth and legend trought the passage of time, making the Vanu choose it as their god. (or perhaps the Vanu lived together with the original Bismarck a long time ago)
Welcome to my zone 😀
Almost there, the conclusion of Ascian's history and the finale…
Just prepare…to "Remember".
4:14 "Wonder WoL Powers – ACTIVATE!"
I love how they gave the impression of vast size for Amaurot, even if only a relatively small portion is accessible. It's great level design, creating the feeling of an immense city. Even if you consciously know it's tightly constrained, you still get the emotional impact of the size. It really blew me away when I first saw it. I honestly expected it was just a backdrop graphic, that we'd go "Ooo!" and "Ah!" and then get back to the rest of the Tempest for gameplay, but not only could we enter it, it was incredibly atmospheric, constantly projecting a feeling of great age and great… wistfulness is the best word I can think of. It is full of the feeling of things long gone, almost but not quite forgotten, that should be remembered but not revived. Interacting with the vague, faceless… but not bland or devoid of personality… inhabitants reinforces the feeling of walking in a ghost city, but the main emotions are awe and sadness, not fear. That everything is scaled so immensely also feeds into that feeling of awe, making you, the primal-slaying hero of two worlds, into a child walking in wonderment through a city of gods.
(I shall also note how they lampshade the city's incompleteness and how much of it is inaccessible as being due to how it was created.)
I also enjoy how the various lost, ancient, empires of the FF14 lore have very distinct graphic styles. This 1920s "art deco with a hint of Lovecraft" look of Amaurot isn't like the Allagan zones or the "interdimensional rift" of the Omega raids or the steampunky Alexander interior. Each comes from different cultures with different technologies and aesthetics, and each is internally consistent.
I mean Alisaie's VA is so good. That breakdown felt so real :'). Great reaction as always Bree !
this scene is one of the best mindblows in gaming imo — and another quality freakout from Bree — thanks Bree for all your hard work with these!
One of the best parts, with Ardbert and Feo Ul giving you a heart to heart and reafirming their faith in you. Hope you're enjoying The Rising event. The race to the end and the start of the new is fast approaching….
I always tear up the moment I hear Neath Dark Waters.
Lies? From my Urianger? It's more likely than you think.
After all the time that has passed since I went through this part of the story, the reveal still gets me! And that music….LOVE
I don't think that 'Revelation' moment really hit me until I realised the Exarch was talking about Edmont's 'Heavensward' memoirs ;_; which is also the echo vision you see earlier in the story of people searching for the book in the ruins of Ishgard.
Ardbert deserves so, so much… ;w; Just wanna give our poor doomed warrior of darkness a hug, y'know?
Also Feo Ul is just THE BEST and I love them! xD
I think you’re one of the only people i’ve ever watched that really tries to use the correct pronouns for feo ul and I find that very wholesome and respectable 🙂
GOD! When we first meet the first's version of Gerolt and your wol goes "So this is what it's come to?" Implying he hopped dimensions to escape Rowena, I was keeled over laughing, this game's humor I swear 😭😭😭💕
Amaurot has gotta be one of the greatest scenic locations in this game I will never get over my first time seeing it or hearing its theme. One thing I love about the Tempest in general is that the theme continues playing even in battle, I wish there was a mount with that theme so I could listen to it everywhere 💙
When Feo Ul made their entrance, the original Final Fantasy Theme by legendary Final Fantasy series composer Nobuo Uematsu kicked in. It has been used in most of the main numbered Final Fantasy games since then, including Final Fantasy XIV (it was used earlier in this game too). It also was heard as part of the Japanese video game music used during the Parade of Nations in the Opening Ceremonies for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games held earlier this year, due to the pandemic, in July and August 2021.
The music in Amaurot with that quiet ticking clock in the background. So. Good. Talk about using music to tell a story AND set up ambience at the same time!
There's so much to comment on but like… Alisaie's voice acting during the scene before you depart the Crystarium never fails to turn me into a weeping mess.
Everyone loves and cares for each other so much and it's not just wholesome, it's instructive.
It always breaks my heart seeing how gentle and kind Amaurotines/Ascians were… Makes you understand Emet-Selch's pain even more… I feel so bad for them.
I love that the game gives you the option to be mean or sarcastic. They are my favorite responses lol
"The light of your legacy was our torch in the darkness. Burn bright again, and live !"…. Nothing makes my character feel more heroic than that line right there.. not clearing Alexander savage or any other crap, its this line in the story…
When I played this through, I got emotionally trapped there. The time music. The atmosphere. Everything…was perfect. I want to be an ascian.
Heck yes, my jaw hit the floor when I first got to where you are at the end of the video….. You're in the home stretch… I'm so ready for the next video!
When the town all comes out to see you, “This is so goooooood!” I am a tired, old man, and I can promise you that I squeed this exactly.
Next video when? impatiently taps foot
Are you not gonna post anymore videos after this? I saw you don't have Twitter / Twitch active currently. Can't imagine not seeing you react to 5.3!!
18:00 I love that it was the child dropped from the cathedral who saved the Count's book about us, allowing our story to inspire generations to save the world and undo a calamity.
So the reason he could never clean his axe is that it, and he, weren't really corporeally real? Is that his own blood on it from when they took their own lives to journey to the Source?