at long last, we now have the tools to stereotype and bully people based off of the content of a youtube video. i know this is what the 14 community has ALWAYS wanted
i have socials you can bully me on!
I how can you explain the metaphysical reality of players who played ffxiv and then stopped. I expect credit in your doctoral dissertation on ffxiv cat girls: why yshtola could really exist. 🙂
As a hardcore solo player. I'm not sure if that category "ghost" works for me, as I have an FC (of me) supported by alt accounts, and several houses, and every glam… and I play the market, but avoid raids except the 1st play for the story.
although I have totally run away from the game to avoid social interactions.
Lucy, you're the BuzzFeed of FFXIV.
I just wanna say, you forgot about the type of casual that puts hardcore in their adventure plate.
Ya know, i want to try and put effort into this comment. But then i remember this is YouTube and a Lucy vid to boot… that is all.
I think I'm a mix of 1 and 3.
I describe the game for the blind.
So i am a gggg…ghost player?
Spot on with the XI players. Yeah i can vouch that XI is a much better game xD and they will snap one day….. next time dont put us next to the cultist. Also its fucking tarutaru not a lalafell
If I have every job leveled to 90 and the achievements for clearing Delubrum Reginae 50 times, can I still call myself a casual?
I feel weird because I feel like I'm a combo.
I'm a gillionaire but like… I give stuff to my friends in their mailbox with the only price being it comes with cringey puns.
But I only also have 4 retainers that are effectively a copy of my SO's character that have exactly 69 million gil and I don't need to make any more than that.
I have 500,000 alts but I don't RP.
I'm just in limbo aren't I?
I'm a cross between the dead-inside casual and the ghost….though I'm an aspiring gilionaire.
Guess me and my Blu will just go learn some new spells
I’m the ghost unfortunately as much as I want to interact with others it just absolutely terrifies me. I joined an FC last week as I was talking to the person I was terrified the whole time and haven’t said a word in FC yet. Most likely will go back to being a ghost and alone soon again.
Ghost here. It's not for any mysterious or nefarious reason, I'm just stuck on the free trial until I can afford to buy both the game and a regular sub, which may never actually happen. Can't join free companies, can't send tells, can't trade items.
Granted, if I ever DO get a sub, I'm going to continue this behavior until I've maxed out the level of every job (including crafters, which are actually my priority), finished every blue quest, and otherwise finished up everything I want to do that doesn't require other people beyond maybe random dungeon queues, because the unbound freedom of a solo player to do whatever they want at any time makes filling out a checklist much, much easier, and by the time I'm ready to join an FC, I'll be a player worth having.
Mom never told me I was special 😔… what is Tank Stance 🤔
I'm a glamham roleplaying, shitty nerd.
Can I be a casual ghost? Wtf has time to join a free company?
I identify as a 1a, 3, 4, and 7.
You also forgot the permanent free trial players.. they are there and they are… interesting
I cook, and I queue, thats all I need.
Gillionare – so an EvE industrialist?
I am a glamwhore/RP alt weirdo and i just do not care any more HAHA
You forgot the villain or troll player the person who just don't care about anyone or anything else but themselves.
rage player.
Have you ever just dropped 760 million gil just so the last person in your ward now needed to get an apartment? Good ti- ahem I mean, yes, casual. Just your ordinary hardcore casual here. Boo parsers, me no like plugins, I'll ST every mob in this dungeon if I want to. You don't pay my sub!
20/20 guide, would watch again. As a turbocasual who used to greet everyone and hope to have a good time every time, I quickly became a ghost that just does his thing and nothing else. Too many weird interactions and bad experiences, they'll just assume I'm a controller player and leave me alone.
Im the kind of player, who left the game alongside with hissatsu kaiten, and swear an oath to dont come back, unless kaiten is back.
Great video but you forgot blue mage enjoyers. The most degenerate of all
As a Fell Cleave Mage, What am I?
I Dress up in meme outfits and stalk my friends while there crafting in my Golden Dapper Bunny suit? Is there category for that?
Also take bit of break Lucy and eat some nuggets. Burn out makes Asphodelos: The Third Circle (Savage) look like a cake walk.
Tbh given I’ve only been around for about 24-ish days from this post I fall into the casual/ghost hybrid archetype as i rather keep contact with others to a absolute minimum if possible and would much rather break off and do my own thing then follow the heard plus easy to flip a free company the bird when they don’t present them self’s properly.
"Hello everyone. My name is Jordan and i am a Glamham. "
she lies… that's 10factorial factorial times 1 factorial!!!
Only type missing is “the AFKer/the bank stander” for people like me that have thousands of hours but don’t do a lot. I have over 4000 hours since spring 2019 but only 2 jobs at 90, no crafters or gatherers at 90, I don’t RP, haven’t done most of the side content like Hildebrand or Eureka etc. Only things I do nowadays outside of AFK bank standing are raid savage and ultimates, 25 mins worth of roulettes a day and farm current extreme trials for mounts.
We all know that Yoshi is a casual
Definitely 1( still on trial but i like to learn from my mistakes) and somewhat 2 cuz not interested in high end content but love to mess around with glammer and see what works(male lala)