Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #28 – A Fragmented Existence

Like it or not, his knack for presentation is unquestionable.

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_______▼ CREDITS ▼________

Edited by Daniel Floyd

Thumbnail art by Dan Jones

________▼ MUSIC ▼_________

♫ “Pray Return” by Chris Logsdon

________▼ CHAPTERS ▼_________

0:00 – Introduction

0:30 – QUEST: “More than a Hunch”

14:17 – QUEST: “Return to Eulmore”

#PlayFrame #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Shadowbringers


31 thoughts on “Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers – #28 – A Fragmented Existence”

  1. 28:02 Couldn't you have run though this dialogue twice to see his answer to what his true name is?
    Also, seven times rejoined??? I have a feeling the Sassian is up to something by doing nothing. This part was really interesting with the revelations, several cutscenes certainly played in sequence.

  2. 21:02 ah, and here is the point where I confirmed my wol to be Genesis isekai’d to Eorzea instead of reincarnated. It’s also where I decided to have FFVII world be the one whose post-Dirge of Cerberus destruction lead to the rejoining that would throw Gen to Eorzea and answer Fate’s call. The seventh shard destroyed for the Seventh Umbral Calamity. It just fit tbh. Also gives me full leeway for Gen having his past mistakes to haunt him while still giving him a new lease on life. Another anyway, given Crisis Core related stuff haha. //brick’d

    But then, that just makes stuff to come all the better. We will get there. 😇

  3. 23:03 This is the point where I really started to like Emet Selch as a villain. As Y'Shtola says, his reasons are logical but still immoral and he counters with "I consider you less than alive". Relate with him all you want, that is truly evil and I appreciate a villain who is evil and doesn't care.

  4. Playfriends, time to push towards the final Lightwarden. One more to finish our quest!

    3:00 – Turns out slamming back 4 Lightwarden's worth of Light isn't so good for you. Ryne's helping patch the cracks, but things aren't looking so great for our Snack Deliverer

    3:50 – If you sass her, she'll threaten to spank you as well. Sassing Y'shtola is always fun, she sasses back!

    6:25 – 'Cause every time we touch, I feel this static…' – Cascada

    9:00 – The Exarch knows he's disrupted The Source by dragging to Scions here. He's certainly gotten an earful from Alisaie. He seeks to save this world, and in turn prevent a Calamity on The Source, but he also knows that depriving The Source of the Scions he risks other dangers. He desires to set right what he has set wrong, and he can't do that if Durmin is dead.

    12:25 – We know this story. But we've heard it a little differently. We saw it in Episode 23 of Heavensward (As goes Light, So Goes Darkness). But what is going on here? Ishgard under attack? By whom? We've seen the logo on that book before…

    16:45 – When you are immortal, a minor delay of a couple of centuries is practically nothing.

    21:00 – We now know why our world is split between the Source and its shards. This is the work of Hydaelyn, as part her efforts to put a halt to Zodiark's power. And we know better understand why the Ascians oppose her. It is not just because she shackles their god, but because she is responsible for the state of the world. Where as the world eons ago held beings of indefinite life and significant power, mortals now live. Each rejoining brings their home closer to renewal.

    21:10 – Emet-Selch is not just an Ascian. He is one of their most powerful. He remembers. He knew the world as it once was, how its peoples once were. He has not been divided into pieces; his power is undiluted. For us, reaching into the lifestream and retrieving a single soul is vast longshot. Who's to say that for him, it was as simple as picking up an insect and placing it back where it belonged?

    23:00 – This line sums up the Ascian view so succinctly. If you come home and find ants all over your possessions, do you contemplate their rightful stake over your abode? Or do you eradicate them to cleanse what is yours?

    25:05 – "What are you thinkin'?" "Well, we should strike now, while we've got the element of surprise. Longer we wait, more time they got to mobilize. I say we go through the front entrance, take the place aisle by aisle. They won't be expecting that." "Very good, what he said." – Hot Fuzz

    27:05 – I am SO GLAD that Dan sought out this information. This is a critical detail of how Ascians work. Emet-Selch does not think of himself as "Emet-Selch". That is a title. He holds the Third Seat, that of Emet-Selch.

    28:05 – Dan does miss one dialogue option, but it doesn't really add much. If you press as to what Emet-Selch's true name is, he will state that he has no intentions of revealing that to you.

    29:45 – Nobody infuriates you as much as someone who reminds you of a past version of yourself.

    Next time: Something is Rotten in the State of Eulmore.

  5. This expansion really does do a lot to make the Ascians into genuinely interesting villains. Before they seemed just vague and sinister forces that manipulated history, but now they seem like they have clear motivations and goals, with reasoning toward their own actions that is sound (at least from the perspective of body-swapping immortal spirits.)

  6. 28:27 Finally, an outfit I recognize! I enjoy seeing the glamours people come up with, although my own experiences lend themselves much more to casters or light armor, so Durmin's DRK glams have been mostly opaque to me. But the copper chainmail of that top is unique to the Midan equipment from Alexander. I can't place the boots or the gloves, but it's a great-looking ensemble.

  7. And ahhhh this episode had one of my favorite lines from Emet. Thought I remembered "I do not consider you to be truly alive" to be just optional dialogue, but it seems I was wrong. It's a little funny, in a dark way. He sees us like we might see insects.

  8. What a good game. Showing our hero slowly but surly losing himself to the light's corruption. That even he can be pushed to his limits and make us really question what will happen. A good game doing all it can to keep the stakes high for whatever personality your Warrior of Light/Darkness has.

  9. I love this development for the Ascians, in one move not only have their motivations become understandable but also context provided for why they act like such arrogant morons. What a writing masterstroke, there is nothing I love more than making something brilliant out of plot threads that were seeming to go to waste.

  10. 2:38 "Well, I think-"
    3:41 I wonder how many people got excited at the chance to call Y'shtola "mother", regardless of context.
    6:09 I'm sure this is fine.
    12:52 If this is an Echo-dream, and this is the Exarch's memory, that implies he's from the Source. Possibly from the Source in the future when the WoL/D dies.
    16:07 It will be a new beginning. One that involves taking back the rest of the First, I presume. Beyond the wall, we don't know what's going on beyond desolation and sin eaters.
    24:27 Right on cue, Vauthry marches to war.
    26:24 Assuming he doesn't explode into a Lightwarden to end all Lightwardens, probably.
    28:28 I love that sword.
    29:43 That, dear Alphinaud, is one hell of a task.
    31:22 These animations are hilarious.
    31:51 Game that's not what "speaking" looks like.

    I do find Emet-Selch's bit interesting. "Only 3" survived fragmentation, and they keep pulling "replacements" by ripping the correct soul from one of the worlds, and their supply is weirdly self-limited. They don't want to use any old soul due to loyalty concerns, so it's possible to purge all of them. While I can't condone genocide, it's interesting that it's in the cards for the WoL/D. Also, his definition of "alive" is definitely concerning.

  11. if Ryne hadn't also noticed would Y'shtola have just not said anything? Because it feels like she should've alerted you as soon as she saw. Its not like the WoL has ever backed down before.

    Edit: So… does that mean that the 13th can't rejoin? Or that the Ascians have decided to shuffle it to the back of the line, such that they can figure out how to fix it and rejoin it to the Source after they've gotten all the rest done? And for that matter, aren't they effectively ensuring that stronger and stronger foes could rise in the Source following each rejoining? Or will mortals remain at around the same level until such time as all of the Shards have returned to unity with the Source?

  12. I don't know if waiting for the remedy till after the last Lightwarden is such a good idea…
    Also why do I have the feeling that the Exarch knew that this would happen and what kind of influence it has on Durmin? He's still surrounded by so many mysteries too.


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