Today we’ll be streaming the Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Live Letter 66.
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I just want to give the highest praises to the translator, her energy her delivery. Very Nice!
4:26:16 The way I understand this, the change applies to the loot. So you still get tomestones, but instead of needing or greeding for specific armor, you’ll get a coffer instead. The gear inside the coffer will be based on the class you are using when you open the coffer.
The warrior is now a hammer bro
Man the new classes should really fun
My only question is how all the new skills will fit on my controller and then do I need to go take another college course to learn how to play any of these jobs now?
Thankfully, they didn't make it like Samurai. I was worried they would make it super easy like because it is popular
Its HIGH time we see this on XBOX.
I'm confused at the magical/physical damage parity, they seem to be focusing on that but what does ot mean? Will DPS for example have weapons that stronger for magical damage and ones that are stronger for physical ? So you have to see if the enemy is weak to magical you bring your magical weapon and vice versa?
Ruri, I love you dude but can you shut up when she's translating
Bro 7 hours? You're dedication to the cause is admirable. Things like this is why you're my favorite Youtuber
kinda ironic that the WHM art has water in it and they remove there only water attuned spell.
Just want to say thank you so much for stream this on youtube. I know they have it up but I love to watch it with someone's reactions. I missd it cause I was at work XD
As someone who went from 11 years of Tarutaru to a Lalafell in Alpha of version 1 to Realm Reborn, the one thing that always makes me race change is everything being small. I abslutely hate having a small chicken, and other mounts. Now they made Summons small too. That's depressing. Good bye forever Lala. Sniff
Ugh. This dude screaming was not the commentary I wanted this late last night.
@3:06:32. Screams in Red mage main delight
Hey rurikhan also in portugal if you need helps with pc let me know, would be happy to help
lol ruri plays this game?
Thank you for the 6 hours of dedication!