I can’t believe this was in FFXIV. I JUST CAN’T!! It was so beautiful. Sorry for freaking out! I love the older Final Fantasy games so much!!!
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Hi Yuna!
Let's go Yuna!!!
Yeeessss glad I'm not the only one getting nostalgia feels with the Eden raids with FF8

Girl wait tell you see Gaia
If part 1 gets this kind of reaction i need to see what you think off the other 11 parts.
You know you're at home when you hear a rendition of a familiar tune and just start jamming out. Way too wholesome for me, glad you got the nostalgia vibes too!
Shadowbringers I feel is gonna spoil you with classic FF heritage references like Eden, Bozja, and its 8 person trials! Fun fact! While not for the casual fan, if you are brave enough to beat Eden's Promise: Eternity Savage (E12s), you can win your very own Eden mount! It even has a side action called Semi-Eternal Breath to shoot a baby laser for fun! xD Regardless, the treats still come, so you have lots to enjoy before Endwalker!!
you should upload your new endlwalker reaction from the vod!
8 is my favorite ff game, imagine my reaction to all these 8 references. Lol
This is why I enjoy your stream! You get the references at it blows your mind!
I always love to see the FFVIII soundtrack appreciation. It's definitely my favorite OST of the core games.
The only thing better would be a fight with Man with a Machine Gun playing.
All that is missing is making it 100p going at 7fps lol
Yessss. My reaction exactlyyyyy. Im squaelling at 1am because BGM
The Empty is a really nice place to chill or sit to craft, with the Balamb Garden music playing.
FFXIV is amazing because it does it both ways:
Takes old plot points and designs and has its own unique spin/version of it
Manages to reproduce old things almost 1 to 1 with amazing quality AND fidelity