Final Fantasy 14 Has REVIVED WoW Vet’s Desire To Raid Again

Final Fantasy 14 REVIVES WoW Vet’s Desire To Raid Watch Part 2 HERE – I never thought I …


16 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14 Has REVIVED WoW Vet’s Desire To Raid Again”

  1. This trial was recently revamped. It was completely confusing and was out of the ordinary for the content that came later. They did miracles with this trial and it helps prep new players with the consistency of the mechanics that you'll see from this point on.

    Welcome to the fun of FFXIV multi-player content.

  2. After months and months of procrastinating I'm attempting my first unreal extreme tonight. I love how the game slowly introduces you to harder and harder content. One day I'll do the savage

  3. Yeah, finding groups to do trials and such are definitely easier to put together and organize with smaller groups, but it still has some pros and cons depending on your perspective, as it is with all mmos with this type of content. Smaller groups mean players have more personal responsibility to solve mechanics. Harder to be carried or piking if most can easily tell who screwed up or who is not pulling their weight. DPS are over-represented, as it is in most mmos, so it can be quite competitive for spots and queues. Smaller groups are far easier to coordinate and schedule for statics and progress raids, etc.

  4. Not only is the second tank the "failsafe", but later on offtanks have their own mechanics they need to do. Things like grab ads, split bosses, swap agro when main tank is out of mitigation and other things. It really gets to be a dance later on.

  5. So happy to see you're enjoying your journey in FFXIV! I started playing the game exactly a year ago and I'm so glad I did. The game gets better and better with each expansion!

  6. Hey! I was your co-tank XD real quick: Thornmarch was retooled recently, so it's not the same as it was. You used to have to defeat Good King Moggle Mog XII (may his whiskers never fall off!)'s minions in a specific order or else he would wipe the party. The Extreme version has different mechanics and is the same as before the retool of the base version of the Trial. The remake has also brought up a lot of what has become "Standard" markers for a lot of the battles going forward and I'm very fond of the rework… some of these mechanics I never saw until HW or later trials/raids because of how I experienced the game, and I think it's great for teaching new players what to do.

    While it is very possible to PUG the Extremes through ARR using the Duty Finder, post ARR you're going to have better luck using the Party Finder to pre-make a team if you want to experience the fights as intended, or just have someone OP them so you can get the mounts. Speaking as a semi-seasoned Mentor, out of 200 roulettes, only 4 or 5 of them were outside of ARR when it came to trials – and they were very fun ones though!

  7. Glad you liked it. If you like the revamp Moogle trial, you're gonna love later ones because those mechanics you see are basically from the end game content we are doing now. Currently, we are also praising dev team for creating an amazing new trial for us in Endwalker. It's fast paced and chaotic. Which everyone was very much into. So even at the end game, we still get many new surprises like that. It's a constant big W.

  8. i think ffxiv players are done being milked by "longtime/veteran/master/godly/cracked WoW player LoVeS ffxiv" clickbait, they aint biting as hard, and maybe they're starting to figure out that there aren't actually this many "veterans" in WoW, just people who had nothing better to do than play WoW mediocrily for half their lives

  9. I'm actually surprised it was this trial that put you into this mindset 😀
    Future trials will blow this one out of the water so easily, i'm curious what you'll think about those

  10. my fist 8 man trial expiriance was that of everyone's before 6.1, before 6.1 the first 8 man trial was cape west wind its is now a solo duty instance a bit before you do the last two dungeons of base ARR. what i was told by my fc was that it was really hard and a jump up from what i was doing before… in reality it is you go in and beat him up in 30 seconds with nothing really happining lol.

  11. Bruh u don't even know. I'm loving watching you play and reactions and breakdowns of everything. All of this is going to be awesome to look back on when you're current. Also most of your immediate questions regarding almost everything about this game will be resolved or shown to you at some point. Feel free to keep asking all the questions u want (and you are legit asking some really good questions) but let it be known most will be answered just by playing the game more. It's really quite brilliant how they've done it.

  12. bit about the history on the moogle raid.

    it was supposed to be leviathan that should have been released but real life disaster in japan had the team delay that water/"tsunami" themed fight so they brought forward the release of good king moogle.

    which is why people kinda had a weird impression why all of the sudden moogle.


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