FFXIV 6.1 Trailer Reaction, Lore Analysis

Understanding the 12: https://youtu.be/c0QyKEvxbZw?t=1

This was a great trailer! I hope everyone is looking forward to what we’ve got going on 6.1, I know I am! But with that I finally have a chance to relax on my uploads a bit. But I’ll always be working on more lore, rest assured!

#ffxiv #6.1 #lore


43 thoughts on “FFXIV 6.1 Trailer Reaction, Lore Analysis”

  1. people at the end of the trailer you couldn't recognize were Nald'thal! only duo in the twelve and are probably the final boss of the first alliance raid

  2. I'm hoping totally new companions get introduced sooner rather than later too, but I think they might not happen until we're in or closer to 7.0 because of the need to cast their voice actors, program them into the Trust system etc.

  3. it may be two unrelated events edited together, but it really does seem like those cloaked figures are summoning terminus beasts. if thats the case, thats a whole 'nother can of worms.

  4. Yeah I was expecting a new cast too but if I have to guess they will probably phase some scions out gracefully before the next expansion while slowly adding a new character here or there.

  5. To answer, the one to say "Alas I am returned" is Diabolos. Which is interesting because he's shown in his HOLLOW form. Unless this an entirely new Voidsent from all the enemies that show up in the Tower of Babil second boss room + maybe remnants of the Lambs of Dalamud praying to those statues of Voidsent? It'd make sense as Garlemald has that avenue due to how Reapers contact Voidsent.

    The two twin deities HAS to be Nald'thal. They and Azeyma both occupy the Heaven of Fire. It'd make sense for Heaven of Lightning for Byregot/Rhalgr, we have an intermission boss, Azeyma, intermission boss again or some mobs, then we face off against Nald'thal.

  6. Small theory little theory here, but I believe that the 12 are ultimately going to end up tied with whatever's going on with Silvertear Lake. We know that it's a source of an absolutely ton of aether, the explosion from the Agrius and Midgardsormr crashing into it caused the explosion that transformed Mor dhona, and aside from the shear amount of aether I don't believe we really know why it was so important that Hydaelyn made a deal with Midgardsormr to keep to protected. It being connected with the 12 in some one could help explain a few of these.

    Also, in the trailer there's a scene where Meteor and G'raha are walking together on the waters of Silvertear lake and disappear into a white light. While we did see G'raha in the trailer in Rhalgar's Reach as well, the special site for the Myths of the Realm section shows Meteor, G'raha, and a new character on the shores in Mor Dhona. I think it'd be pretty fun to kill some gods with our resident catboy.

  7. I'm really looking forward to the 12-related stuff. Reading over the lore material and seeing how they're represented in game, it feels like the 12 were designed more as a background cultural artifact of Eorzea than something that's relevant to the player. Which is fine – it's solid worldbuilding for this Greece-inspired collection of city-states to have a defined pantheon that they can allude to – but when you're consistently dealing with Primals as these spectacular and iconic entities, the 12 become pretty forgettable. Whatever the actual context of how they're going to appear, from a meta/player perspective them having a presence with in-game models and voice lines is just kinda cool.

  8. I wonder if the Twelve are in some ways the first WoL or heroes. And perhaps we fight them to be able to summon their powers as is the case with Eikons, etc in other FF games. I still have so much lore to discover (I am far from having done all the job quests, but this is so exciting)

  9. As I understood what they were doing, they were publicly "disbanding" but still remain as an organization. Like the Scions are still a thing but they did grow too large and since there's no danger and no need for such an organization now they're sort of reverting back to the shadows and being more discreet.

  10. They explicity said why they disbanded in the cutscene. It's so that the people of Eorzea don't use the organization as a crutch to solve all their problems and learn to fend for themselves.

  11. 9:04 Godbert actually references Hildi during his MSQ cameo if you've completed certain Hildibrand quests, by calling WoL his son's good friend. It's just a bit of dialogue that's easy to miss, but Hildibrand himself has been referenced in MSQ before.

  12. Disclaimer: This was my first time watching the trailer and was an unscripted reaction. Please don't take it as a lore video where I'm trying to be hyper analytical. It's just my dumb surface thoughts on an otherwise awesome trailer. This was just for fun.

  13. The new dungeon looking like Nyzul Isle from FFXI has so many of my friends who played XI losing their mind. They would love for a few more references to ToAU in Thavnair

  14. I find it interesting that with all that is going on, the trailer starts with the old base, with Tataru doing weaving of some kind. Looks like a sheep to me! 🙂 Makes you wonder how F'lammin fills her days (hope I spelled her name right).
    I'm curious as to why Forchenault is involved (as well as Raubahn and Hien?) Guessing MSQ stuff.
    All around, this was a nice teaser. Can't wait for the real deal!

  15. They only publicly disbanded, they're back to being a hidden org once more, but now they're dividing their capabilities to help people in various locals.

  16. spoilers for the Fishing questline in Endwalker

    Your point about the long term effects of the death of Zodiark (and by extension Hydaelyn) is actually brought up in the Fishing questline, where the effects of the aether released from the Moon is having knock on results for the fish and other wavekin. It's not hard to imagine that there would be other effects on land, especially in Garlemald and Thavnair.

  17. That glowing hand has got to be Diabolos. That's similar to how his body glows, and the area looks like the World of Darkness' architecture. No way they're gonna leave Diabolos out of an expansion at this point.


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