Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn – My Honest Opinion [2022]

Ex WoW Player’s Unfiltered Opinion About Final Fantasy 14:
In this video, I give you my unscripted, unfiltered opinion about Final Fantasy 14’s A Realm Reborn ( 2.0).
I split this one up into 2 sections. In the first half of this video, you can expect my opinion on the story of ARR, and the second half is about my overall experience.

0:00 start
0:45 ARR Story Opinion
5:16 Game Overall

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final fantasy 14, ff14, ffxiv, final fantasy endwalker, final fantasy a realm reborn, ff arr, final fantasy jobs, final fantasy first impressions, new player tries final fantasy, ex wow player tries ff14 for the first-time, 16 Year Wow Veteran’s Reaction To FFXIV In 2022 – FF14, New FFxiv player blown away by the FF14 story, Final Fantasy 14 highlights and reactions, FFXIV reactions to gameplay, ff14 gameplay, ffxiv expansion, ff14 asmongold, ffxiv asmongold, ffxiv ranger, ffxiv archer, ffxiv best jobs, ffxiv msq, ffxiv twitch, Wow Veteran Turned FFXIV Sprout Enjoying MSQ, Stream Vods, Twitch VODS, FFXIV Stream VOD

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27 thoughts on “Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn – My Honest Opinion [2022]”

  1. I think thats honestly the most common opinion on ARR. fortunately that is only the very beginning. it will keep getting better, beyond what you thought possible.

  2. Nero didnt die 😛

    And yes, thats a pretty good summary what FF14 is about. The way Yoshida said it: we are of the Final Fantasy brand, so we make this a Final Fantasy game. So story ties everything together; lore explaines every mechnic and game feature. Its not like WoW with its reactive combat (honestly, I dont remember if it was any good or not – and I raided in WoW…), its not like GW2 where there's always some event/action around the corner. FF14 holds your hand, at least during MSQ – after that its more like, "now you've seen it all, now you have literally unlocked the world… go wild, enjoy yourself, there's a lot to do". And, to be fair… when its comes to "endgame", FF14 has probably the widest array of things to enjoy compared to any other game.

    But yeah, ARR is only the beginning – theres a lot more waiting for you 😀

  3. the name you're looking for is Livia. Livia sas Junius. the Yandere bitch. I don't consider what you just finished to be the end of ARR at all. many will consider the final quest before Heavensward the true end of ARR… and not to spoil but you aren't ready for that! in a mental and emotional sense I Mean.

  4. Straight up honesty on ARR.

    It is just.. old mmo content.

    There are highs and lows, a ton of 'talk to this person' crap filler quests that do have story meaning but feel like crap doing.

    ARR is by far the long 'drag' part of the game, especially the patch content.

    All I can say is the development team really learn as each expansion goes on (except for stormblood, fuck stormblood)

  5. I say you summed this up nicely. ARR is not suppose to be herald as one of the better expansions, but what it does do is 1. Teach ANY non MMO player to take things slow/smell the roses approach. 2. How well they managed to rise out of the rubble that was 1.0 shitstorm. 3. How the devs literally pour the heart into the crafting/setup/world of the plot. It should all be recognized as like a 7/10 score, then as you progress later on you'll VERY MUCH appreciate it what you have learned from it. (quality just gets better and better)

  6. Yeh, ARR is definitely somewhere in the 6/10 rank, but I do find I appreciate it more retroactively as I progressed through the story. Many of the extremely heavy moments in future expansions hit so hard because you have enough time to slowly digest the world's rules and know people in ARR. Plus, you still have to go through the 2.X patches, which has one of the most interesting story moments in the game.
    Oh, and don't give up on PvP just yet! They reworked a lot of it not long ago, and now there's a game mode that's loads of fun called Crystalline Conflict. I'd highly recommend trying it out. Head to the Wolves' Den, set up your PvP hotbars (they're different from the PvE ones), practice a bit with the training dummies and then give CC a try.

  7. yeah ARR is a 7/10 for me too. but it became 9/10 after I finished Endwalker, when you realise the truth of everything and how it sets up the rest of the game. Shadowbringers and Endwalker are both 11/10 expansions btw 😀

  8. Glad you enjoyed it. I would also give ARR a 6/10. But the funny thing about this is as you go deeper into expansions and when you finally at the end of the last expansion, you start to appreciate ARR more. ARR is like a loose thread which you wouldn't notice from playing it. But it will be used to tie everything together in a neat knot. Everything will be explained. Even the reason why you did those mundane tasks. FF14 is a very hard sell. It's hard to convey to new players how different it feels later on. All we can say is "it gets better". As cliché as it sound but you will get it once you get thru it.

  9. I look forward to your opinions on the Hildibrand quests, Crystal Tower and the Binding Coils of Bahamut (use Party Finder). Also after you do the side quest that tells you what happened to the character Edda, do the first 100 levels of Palace of the Dead. That might sound like a lot but it’s not that lengthy and it’s a good way to level an alternate class in the process.

  10. Welcome to Eorzea. No spoilers but trust me, A lot of questions will be answered as you go through. ARR while good is around the point FF14 was still trying to find it's footing with its revival. It's a meme in the community but once you hit Heavensward you'll see what the writers can do when they hit their stride lol

  11. I'm a WoW refugee, bailed a month before Shadowlands's prepatch dropped and then started playing other games. Originally tried FFXIV when I was still in BfA, played for a week, for half an hour a night and hated FFXIV. GCD too slow. Movement felt wonky. Graphics were terrible. Got to level 18 and all I had to show for it was a rock attack spell and some air DoT. No thanks, ragequit and uninstalled.

    Gave the game another try early last year after watching the Fanfest. 2/3 the way through ARR and I was already convinced that I probably was going to bail again and not even bother with Heavensward even though that was included in the free trial. What made things different this time – other than starting as a Gladiator instead of as a Conjurer the first time around (because I thought that would lead to becoming a Summoner) – was that I had to change my mindset. Since I wasn't going to be hitting level cap, there was no need for me to bulldoze my way through the story. So I took my time, smelled all the flowers, did all the side quests, figuring that I was going to chalk it up to another fun experience.

    But then I experienced The Parting Glass, and that completely changed my entire perspective on the game. I realized then that this was more of an RPG that was plugged into an MMO. I realized that I had actually grown to care about my fellow Scions and that I was completely devastated, now that I was a refugee, on the run from Ul'Dah. I subbed and bought all the expansions after the Parting Glass and haven't looked back since.

    Yes, FFXIV has a lot of flaws and is not a perfect game. But it's good for me and how I play. I don't have to worry about falling behind on progression or any other ridiculous FOMO mechanics. I can take a break, sometimes for months even, and then come back and pick up where I left off. This feels less like a live service game in that regard and I absolutely love that. I wish that I could play with my real life friends, but most of them gave up gaming back in Warlords of Draenor. Fortunately I was able to make some new friends in FFXIV, which is much easier to do than it is in WoW.

  12. ARR 2.0 is regarded as probably the worst part of FFXIV. Which sucks because it's every players opening introduction to the game. But when you realize that 2.0 was made in 2 years while simultaneously working on 1.0, you cant help but be amazed at how well 2.0 came out and wasn't complete trash. As you play through the pat he's and expansions you will notice how the devs hone their craft and make the game a better experience.

  13. Not explaining everything on a go is the point of how your perception will change with time deeper into story. You look at the things from the point of low-life without knowledge of powers (of gods or not) influening your world.

  14. I am just amazed that you managed to push through ARR. A Realm Reborn reeks of old school JRPGs fetch quests and a really slow world building. Which for me personally, I am pretty used to since I've played JRPGs my whole life but yeah it can be a hard push to sell to people who is not familiar with the genre. Especially XIV being an MMO at that. So that world building is even more slow and fetch quests were even more amped up. Haha. Don't worry though, the MSQ's quest structure will only get better from here on out. Especially from Heaveansward and beyond.

    Storywise though, ARR really sets a great foundation of what is to come in the story way down the line. When I finished Endwalker, I decided to go back to ARR and the amount of foreshadowing that I've rediscovered were astonishing and made me realise on how the writers really planed everything down to a T.

  15. The Final Fantasy franchise has an enormous built in fanbase, and it does not squander the legacy those games leave us.
    The battle system has a satisfying flow, even if some of the early quests commit the cardinal sin of MMOs (being boring). But through their stumbles, the dev team have constructed a never-ending quest, where yesterday's mistake serves as tomorrow's lesson. It's because the dev team is willing to hear feedback, get a feel for where the game can be improved, and think up new variety to always keep things fresh.

    All that said, ultimately, it's just a game, so don't get so lost in it that you forget to bask in a little sun. After all, the rains have ceased, and we have been graced with another beautiful day!

  16. FF14's story is very slow, it is a 10 year story and there is a LOT of world building in it. Things really start coming together at the end of Stormblood, and all those seeds you have sown start to come in and that is when the game really starts to shine.

  17. ARR is somewhat boring. Its mostly world building not much to talk about. Past ARR is similar, but things will start to happen as you get close to the end. All this world building will pay off later and i would suggest, dont push it.


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