Final Boss Phase 1 Theme – FFXIV OST

Warping the spacetime continuum

Full Dawntrail playlist here:

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38 thoughts on “Final Boss Phase 1 Theme – FFXIV OST”

  1. Man, while I know it would never happen, I would LOVE to see the FF14 collab come back to PSO and this to be added as a fight in ngs lol. Absolute pipe dream, but man setting aside my massive bias towards robots, this genuinely might be my favorite trial in the game. A lot of really fun and cool looking mechanics.

  2. I've seen people calling Sphene a "copy/paste Emet" already but I feel like you'd have to be painting in pretty broad strokes to think that way. The biggest difference between the two being just how remorseful Sphene is about what she's doing. Emet didn't feel bad about his actions to the very end. He said so just before he poofed for the second time. Sphene on the other hand declares her hatred of the queen she was based on because it turns out being created from a kind woman's memories makes large-scale genocide harder to do. She even goes so far as to delete those memories and reduce herself to the unfeeling Queen Eternal just so that inherited kindness won't stop her from doing what she needs to anymore.

  3. Y'know if you're gonna cover up it with a thumbnail and add text to genetically call it the final boss and then include spoilers with the music… Without a warning.

  4. We now have a balance in the X.0 final boss category. We now have:

    – 2 individuals from a warmongering nation with access to deific powers (Gaius, Shinryuu)
    – 2 old men with a vision (Thordan, Emet-Selch)
    – 2 girls packing reality-warping firepower (Endsinger, Queen Eternal)

  5. "Are you still alive?"「まだ生きていますか?」でportalを思い出した

  6. Dawntrail spoilers/Lore speculating:

    Oh yeah, inter-shard conflicts and the ramifications of the Ascian's actions are definitely going to be the next major story arc.

    Given what we know of the Shards as of now, 7 have been Rejoined, 1 more being the Void, and another being the First. With 4 shards unaccounted for, and the known timeline of events thanks to the lore, we can safely assume that Alexandria's Shard (and that of Living Memory) is likely one of the 4 remaining Shards we haven't visited as of yet.

  7. While normally we can associate a bosses ost with them exclusively
    Does this OST belong to the WoL or the Eternal queen? It feels like a back and forth between you two. Techno parts being EQ, where the gentler parts, as well as the flare at 2:13 are definitely WoL

  8. First time running this trial, and the entire group died in the first minute. We were not expecting Black Hole from Zeromus to return so quickly. Then everything that happened AFTER? Fuck me im scared to see what they came up with for EX

  9. Put this game on hold for a month or so to play 76. Servers are congested anyway and the slow ass start kinda turned me off. How are we still reading text for needless quest filler for the biggest mmo in 2024? ESO is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT 💯 % voice acted.

  10. I liked how Endwalker was about the fact that pain is inevitable in life, but Dawntrail was about finding the people that make life worth living and remembering the good times we had with them. 7.0 MSQ had some clunky portions but it was the most human story we’ve ever gotten and it was very touching

  11. Sphene is definitely an alternate take on Garnet/Dagger if she never met Zidane (Wuk Lamat being the Zidane of this expansion).

    Instead we get alternate version of Kuja being Zoraal Ja coming in contact with her instead. She ends up being a mix of Garland and Brahne now.

  12. That "Random Bullshit, Go" attack during the final phase got me every time. idk if i somehow trigger the acceleration bomb (I've delt with them enough), but I always eat a 1-2 hit knockout.


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