FFXIV: Yoshi P Talks About PvP Balance Adjustments


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#FFXIV #Meoni #pvp

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19 thoughts on “FFXIV: Yoshi P Talks About PvP Balance Adjustments”

  1. well i've been running BLM in pvp for the past couple of months and it does in fact suck compared to Ninja, Dragoon, and Summoner. Those are the only 4 i've used so i can't speak on other jobs.

  2. Honestly I'm super down for short small intermediate PvP patches, if they don't just go full heavy on increasing one job in particular like Black mage currently.
    That really was a bit of an oopsie. If they took like 1 or 2 of the stronger changes, whilst keeping the nerf to sleep, that could've potentially just an alright adjustment to the powerlevel of Black Mage making it not too strong.

  3. As somebody that plays MCH in pvp (mainly Frontline but recently also in CC),
    the first change I'd want is to take Bioblaster out of the Drill rotation as its much shorter range is directly conflicting with the whole rotation, forcing the player to either close the distance which puts them into much more danger, especially when targeting somebody that's in a cluster of players, or to discharge it on somebody else close (if possible) to then re-target the first enemy and proceed with the rotation.

    I can't understand why it was designed this way as it's bafflingly bad.
    Imho, bioblaster should replace spread shot whenever the player uses Tactics, it'd even make more sense since both skills are short range and hit multiple opponents.

  4. so they made BLM actually a bit fun to play and have proper potency and will nerf it back to being a frustating Job to play
    Weak potency, long casts, having to build stacks before full CC and such which is easily outhealed or dispelled.

    If they revert BLM to before 6.11a, im no longer playing BLM in PVP ever again. My bloodpressue would go way up again if BLM is the low HP easily 1 shotted noodle compared to other Jobs who can dash in and out all the time and seem to have way longer range than BLMs spellrange. I canot cast often as its out of distance, while the NIN who is out of my reach can cast his shirukens on me :/

    God damn you Yoshida P if you nerf BLM back to unfun levels again

  5. They need role lock in ranked. It's a joke lol. Winrate is a stupid design when ranked is all about being competitive and skill based. But no. At the end of the day whether your skill is high or not, your ability to win against the most cancerous and unfair comps is the ultimate decision of rank.

  6. And this is what happens when they start focusing on PvP, i would prefer they focus into making the game better instead of endlessly try to please everyone at the same time, such a waste of time and effort 😑

  7. I enjoy frontline even though I am not good at pvp. CC is way beyond my abilities. It simply moves too fast, even in casual. I am hopelessly lost in there. I just try to blast away at anyone in my sights as mch and hope for the best. I do not enjoy it. I do like that you get 700 points even when you lose, which in my case is almost all the time. Out of over 2 dozen matches I have gotten just 3 wins. Most teams I end up wih are like me. Very few seem to know how to play it. I wish there was a training mode for CC. It's like you get thrown to the wolves.

  8. Not sure where they got the idea that Black Mage is a CC class. Generally imagined them as a glass cannon – which fit with the re-balancing.

    I rather enjoy Crystal Conflict casual mode, but it's honestly hard to queue when half the portraits are default and look like prison convict photos, and the remainder are designed to look like murderous psychopaths.
    It's like I'm locking my cheerful character into a nightmare room, rather than a play-fight.
    That's what put me off PvP in WoW, was that the battlefields and arenas canonically were corpse-grinders – and is probably why the undead remain so populous.

  9. I've fought with two black mages and they are strong but not as strong as other classes. Imo, the issue is when they made smn stronger when alliances be having so many of them. Yes, you can beat them IF the group knows what they are doing but it can be frustrating to many new players. CC is a special pvp made for a certain group of people while FL should be a much relaxing yet fun PvP for the whole community.


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