Finishing up Rak’tika with a dungeon and an INSANE Emet-Selch cutscene! Then heading back to the Crystatium only for shit to go down AGAIN – this time with the god damn Sin Eaters. Enjoy the reactions!
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Bit late today team! All kinds of rendering errors… all kiiiinds.
Anyhoo, bunch of stuff bundled up in this happy little video. Bit of Emet, bit of Dadcred, and a bit of a bloodbath 👌
Feelsbringers took off the gloves when ya'll weren't looking. The emotional blows are beautiful and merciless. Such a masterpiece.
I'm just wondering since I didn't see it in the corresponding video, but did you guys notice the 2nd boss in Holminster Switch?
Hmmm. Not sure what their understanding of the rejoining since there was no video reaction when the rejoining was explained by the Exarch. There was a suggestion to just let the people to be teleported to the first…. not sure if it was remembered or have not realized… Ardbert and his team had to die to cross from the first to the source.. and also if it as easy as just teleporting…. the scions would have already done so by now???
I think the reason Y'shtola can't see the stars but can see the paintings is because she actually can see when she feels the need. Normally she can only see aether, but the real Matoya did warn her that using her sight was draining and dangerous. As we've seen her viewing aether seems to have no adverse affects on her I'd guess the writers may have changed things to the warning Matoya gave her has to do with her using aether to enable her to actually see things in finer detail when she chooses to.
ShB makes a person absolutely paranoid. And, while needing to go on, the trepidation of doing so causes anxiety, if you follow the story.
The answers you are looking for are soon to come. Enjoy!
These were one of the best cutscenes of ShB IMO. You really feel the pain and frustration of Ardbert. I dropped a tear for him there.
Cannot wait for next episode!!!
27:27 that's funny rofl. poked by both at the same time.
It makes a lot of sense, imo, why those with the Echo can't be tempered, because primals can't temper someone who is already tempered. Mind blown!
This story line is a strong metaphor for parents, the father & mother, overly patriarchal and overly smothering out of love.
It always cracks me up when you call her mini for some reason.
Can see you both being good parents
Always gotta love how they brought thancred's hate for ascians all the while from ARR. He holds so much more intense hatred compared to the other scions
So much of this expansion is just so freakin perfect. Ardbert, Lyna, all of the Scions, Emet! The writing, the VO, the music! Chef's kiss perfect. So glad that you and Sophy are loving it. Can't wait for more 🙂
This Emet cutscene is my favourite cutscene in the game. All the 'big ones' in Shadowbringers are incredible, but this one will always be my favourite. Been anxiously waiting for this video all week!
I meticulously like to document all the MSQ in a text file that I keep safely in a folder, which was a big help when running my alts through the story. After getting all 8 through shadowbringers, I find theres added benefit to knowing all the MSQ, one is I know what quests are missing when they decide to trim or change things and two I can tell where the big lore drops are when watching other people progress at a glance.
This is definitely the expansion where "DON'T YOU DARE GAME!" is something you'll say numerous times for fear someone might die 😀
The crazy part about Shadowbringers is how much it still fucks you up on re watches
A lot of people blow past what Emet said in the cave because of bunch of other crazy stuff happened shortly afterwards and unfortunately that particular line was ruined for most of us who played the expansion at launch because it was in one of the marketing trailers and everyone was immediately pissed because it seemed like a super huge thing that they spoiled. Because of that, I'm really hopeful that they don't put lines like that in any trailers leading up to Endwalker in the next 6-7 weeks or preferably just don't put voice lines in trailers at all before the expansion. That being said, this reminded me of things that happened specifically back during ARR like when you first run into Ifrit and he tries to temper you only to say that someone else has already claimed you. Also keep in mind that the blessing of light and the Echo are two different things which many people conflate to be the same thing. The Echo is what actually protects you from primal influence and allows us to see into people's pasts. The blessing of light is a gift bestowed by Hydaelyn which grants us strength beyond that of mere mortals and takes the form of a crystal of light. From ARR you see that we actually have a bunch of crystals that work in tandem to empower us. Midgarsormr temporarily cut us off from this power which forced us to grow stronger on our own and thus reclaim the blessing again. Also, Ysayle not only had the Echo but also the blessing the light given that she used her crystal of light to transform into Shiva for the final time in the fight above Azys La instead of drawing upon the power of corrupted crystals like normal. This is why she ended up dying in the end because she essentially consumed her own power to fuel the transformation and after using it up she died.
There's a way to teleport between reflections; we learned that back in Heavensward.
Remember why Ardbert's axe is bloody? -You can't bring your body along.
That hand wave is legendary
Remember how at the Ifrit trial, the cutscene has him growling 'Does your soul already belong to another?'
It’s a rare writer that can drop so many plot-heavy dialog bombs like this and still carve out an amazing story. Ishikawa-san is amazing.
Everyone breakin my heart with this section of the game. I was crying when Ardbert started believing in himself just enough to be completely wrecked when he couldn’t help those guards and Lyna? 😭