FFXIV Endwalker – COMPLETE SAMURAI Changes & New Skills Overview

Start – 00:00
Changes From 5.0 – 00:35
New Skills – 02:35
Rotation Changes – 04:52
Final Thoughts – 06:20

Endwalker Media Tour Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXkyq_yUMjI&list=PLNONxPk8TDQqRCAXswWPiuOiD2Zc02nbk

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23 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker – COMPLETE SAMURAI Changes & New Skills Overview”

  1. About the Opener, Meikyo Prepull Opener will most likely be the best opener. With Kasha/Gekko being applied first, into Yukikaze.

    This way you will get 1 tsubame gaeshi off 1 charge to prevent overcap as soon as possible. (Including Meikyo)

    After that, it will be Meikyo again, into Gekko/Kasha> Kaiten Higanbana > Gekko/Kasha > Kaiten Ogi Namikiri into Kaeshi Namikiri > here you will have shoha, and weave it followed by another Gekko/Kasha + Senei (going by shadowbringers optimized Meikyo usage it still is minimizing yukikaze on Meikyo for more potency per GCD)
    . Now you should have a Gekko + Kasha Sen. So a manual Hakaze + Yukikaze use into another midare + tsubame.

    Now depending how raid buffs play out. We have a lot of leeway to use Ogi Namikiri (30s), as well Late 2nd Tsubame depending on if we would want it to catch raid buffs (assuming 2nd one will not catch raid buffs if used right after).

    It will be impossible to get 2 midare, 2 tsubame, 2 namikiri & 1 higanbana during raid buffs. That is way too many GCDs to get all of them in raid buffs. So priority will most likely remove the 2nd Midare/Tsubame Gaeshi off raid buff. Or hold and use till you gain a damage buff available again before it reaches on CD

    That said, Jahaudant has done most of the maths in the balance alongside Valynne, so check pinned messages. I will try making a video on talking more on how things will turn out on it, after analyzing things more.

    Things are subject to change as a reminder EW is not here. Testing openers and theorycrafting best rotations will come over time.

  2. I know its just an example, but the opener you posted needs a minor tweak, as it is it isnt quite possible. You're using the sen you generated from Kasha to use Higanbana, then using Gekko and Yukikaze before going into Midare, at this point you'd only have 2 sen, so you'll need to use Kasha again before you can midare. With the extra GCD added, fitting both Namikiris might be tricky. Maybe SkS SAM will be sticking around

  3. If you're not syncing down, you hit a striking dummy, use Ikishoten to get Ogi ready, apply your buffs, and then pop Shisui immediatly before accepting the queue pop and going into the instance and then rush the boss! jkjk

  4. Looks like this will continue to be a job I don't touch :/ I really enjoyed it in Stormblood, but if the job is still heavy on iajutsu, I won't be able to play it (unless they also altered the charge up noise for the skill) since its sound effects were actually causing me to feel sick. It's too loud and high pitched.

  5. Is there a typo in the first rotation you showed off btw? When you Gekko and then Meikyo Shisui, the only other GCD I can see used is Yukikaze. That's only 2 Sen though, and it would make Tenka Goken happen instead of Midare.

  6. Really satisfied with the ability pruning, i find that a lot of jobs would be overall much easier on rotations and forgiving on the hotbars if they just remove some abilities that aren't really necessary…

  7. This is the best coverage of Samurai I've seen. All the other vids I've seen so far, at least personally, don't mention the buffs being applied by AoE, which I was looking for since we heard about it, but Meikyo Shisui also granting those buffs is a HUGE thing I also haven't seen in any other video.

    I feel like a lot of people that were in Media Tour don't really play Samurai lol


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