When tank’s duty finder is ready
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So true!
It’s me every evening 😂
But if he was dps 😅
As DRK main can confirm, thats how it happens
As a DRK main, i can confirm, this is how we prepare for Duty Finder!
I already know I'm gonna get slapped around left right and center, there's no need to rush
Then u get put into a rr dungeon and don’t have tbn
Me sitting in the dying gasp waiting to fight hades on my first playthrough
DPS: Start queue immediately after finishing their last duty then find a way to kill time.
Tanks and healers: Take a moment before we push the instant join button to make sure we're prepared.
You: Thinks tanks must have knowledge and confidence to lead the party. Waits in longer queue without bonus.
Me: Instant duty pop as tank, just for in need bonus rewards. Has no idea what I'm doing. Won't ask for advice. Can survive with multiple vuln stacks. Gets commended anyway.
Guilty as charged