FFXIV Takes the #1 MMORPG Spot Over WoW | Ginger Prime

FFXIV Takes the #1 MMORPG Spot Over WoW | Ginger Prime
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Getting Started in the world of Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) can feel overwhelming as there are so many systems, features, and more. In this beginner’s guide to FF14, we break down what you need to know so you can pick your class, and unlocking your advanced jobs. FFXIV has many classes to pick from, which class is best for new players, which class does the most DPS, which race should you pick?
Getting started with the Free Trial: http://bit.ly/W2GFFXIVFreeTrial

Looking for more Controller Details Tip and Tricks? Here is the Shadowbringers Ultimate Controller Guide: https://youtu.be/vOFHeZxJOgo

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Ginger Prime is a Video Game Channel that loves to talk about Video Games. Here you will find a focus on Multiplayer and ARPGs (Action RPGs) like PSO2 (Phantasy Star Online 2), Anthem, Outriders, Final Fantasy XIV, Diablo, Torchlight 3, and more multiplayer RPGs that I’m excited to share. This channel will focus on news and guides, so if you need any help, just let me know.

#ffxiv #wow #topmmorpg

0:00 Introduction
1:00 Awesome Video
9:00 The Really Cool Stuff
15:00 Even Cooler Stuff
22:00 Wowza!

Music provided by Monstercat:


48 thoughts on “FFXIV Takes the #1 MMORPG Spot Over WoW | Ginger Prime”

  1. Just started ff and I'm level 18. I have been a wow player since alpha . I really am liking the community and the immersion of the game . I can't wait to see higher end content .

  2. Played FFXIV on and off since ARR and WoW since vanilla. Been playing FFXIV a lot since WoW released Shadowlands. Now I've canceled WoW and my full-time MMO is FFXIV. I wish I stayed with FFXIV as my full time MMO all along because my time in WoW was wasted. YP and his team seem to CARE about the players. WoW does not; at all.

  3. Played WOW for years and loved it for the majority of the time. Once activision got involved the quality of the game suffered badly. FFXIV is better by far now.

  4. The only thing is that every time I try to get into it, it's not very new player-friendly. for example, when I start a character and get into the 1st couple dungeons, I get berrated for not wanting to skip the cutscenes and rush through the content. I tell people "I've never done this dungeon" and I get berated for it. that's what turned me off in Shadowbringers. Any tips or is this just how it is? I don't want to rush through a game that's praised for its story and content but the player base has ruined it for me the multiple times I've tried to start it.

  5. I'm a 15 year WoW player stopped a few months after shadowlands. So just the other week I started the free trail and so far not so bad but I HATE how the lack of spell/abilites there are. I've always loved FF played all the games. Not going back to WoW unless something major changes espically for pvp. So going to give ff14 a true go. Almost 30.

  6. Honestly as a World of Warcraft veteran of 14 years I decided to give FFXIV another try 4 days ago after trying it 6 years ago mainly because I wasn't happy with how Blizzard has changed the game in the last 3 years and after playing FFXIV I don't think I can go back to World of Warcraft now lol

  7. I actually started FFXIV back 2020 around August when it was on sale for like $20 with Shadowbringers. WoW was in its "last patch before new expansion" drought so I figured why not if its that cheap, so I leveled to max, and this was before the free trial and before the ARR changes (Even then I didn't despise ARR, it was still way better then WoW leveling, the 48-50 gap was weird though). And oh boy, all the systems/core was just designed better then WoW. Classes were fun (I leveled 1-80 as Archer/Bard), dungeons and trials were a part of the story! And besides the ARR and MSQ roulette instances, weren't complete push overs. I mean, bosses in a dungeon not dying in 20-30 seconds and actually feeling like bosses instead of WoWs target dummies in leveling dungeons or low level m+. I could go on and on about the things I prefer over WoW.

    In the end, I still went back to WoW when Shadowlands launched because that's where I had so much time invested (10+ years) and new expansion! I really loved WoW, I was competitive, consistently getting purple and orange parses in mythic raid. But after continually being disappointed by design decisions, and my mythic guild falling apart at SLG, I took it as the perfect time to make the swap to FF as I already knew how much better its design is. Now I am excited for my first new expansion launch day in FFXIV in November!

  8. I don’t understand any of this battle between games and why it matters… I have been playing wow for 14 years and will never stop and I have Ben playing FF14 for 4 years and will never stop and I play ESO since launch and will never stop! Bring on more MMOs.

  9. I do bet once 9.1 drops it will overtake ff14 again. I hope 14 can stay on top but I don’t think it will. I wish they would tell us how many are free accounts.

  10. For me, the biggest indicator to summarize the difference in WoW and FF14. My weekly playtime with FF14 was my daily playtime with WoW.

    I played about 4 hours of FF14 this week. I tanked 3 instances and started crafting. I hit level 40 after about two months.

    With WoW, this was a daily average
.not weekly. I would tank a weekly raid. Do TONS of battlegrounds. My Paladin would switch to Holy and heal PvP arenas for my weekly points. I would do dailies tanking the 5 mans and so my weekly raids in raid finder.

    I like FF14 but don’t LOVE it like I did WoW. I think the reason was the Battlegrounds which I LOVED and the general lore behind the game. The raiding was great as well. I can’t get into the bunnies and things like that.

    Healing in a battleground was just about the funnest thing I have ever done in a game.

  11. This website pulls numbers out of thin air Brian, I really hoped you'd at least read into how they got their numbers before throwing this info out there to people who won't think twice about trusting it. The website takes esitmations of playerbase based on social media interaction. You can clearly debunk this list by going to old school runescapes website, it shows an average 60 to 100k players per day. Not 1.7million, os rs just has active community on reddit and twitch. You can go down the list and look at other games as well that are clearly incorrect and I can guarantee its wrong about WoW and FFXIV. Especially at a time where tbc launch being such a big thing currently. List is innacurate every where, really hope you look into this stuff next time. Don't need misinformation going around! love the content you and Chris provide otherwise, yo.

  12. Such an amazing game. I've been playing since 1.0/2.0…I never got too deep into WoW but I did enjoy it when it first came out.

    For new viewers and new players, Brian is awesome and a great source of information. Been following him for a few years now on his Work2Game channel.

  13. 5 days – 30 lancer 30 mage on "same" character, this is def the game for me, even if i don't play it every day i can just jump in and play without feeling like i missed out on something. Wish i had joined this yrs ago. Then again after WOTLK i was so into wow not a lot could have pulled me away but since post legion and BFA for sure it gradually made me need to move off, cant keep accepting the same old same old things. Modifying things that worked, and brought in things people don't want. I for one cant wait to get up to 80 on FF and simply enjoy the coming expansions. I don't have to say "OMG thank you NOVICE NETWORK" you are complete stars. So helpful. Subbed and belled BTW.

  14. I am a "WoW-Refugee" nerded the game a lot between mist and BFA I got to say, the final fantasy community is one of the friendliest communities i have ever seen its not like the warframe community that fakes the friendliniess behind toxicity

  15. This article is actual fake news cuz the data they use is not factual. They are measuring more of popularity rather than player count. Actual numbers need to be released from the devs, anything else is just speculation. Its like saying bananas are eaten more than apples just because they are talked about more.

  16. This site is dumb, they count Wildstar ;D If You look on google trends, Twitch and YT views number WoW is waaaaay ahead of FFXIV (also news author is FF and jrpg fan soo….). I play FF now as main mmo but it still not there yet and it's rly hard to belive that they beat the numbers from the Shadowlands launch that was 1 mil+. Someone should rly check how they gather data for the site instead of spamming videos about WoW donwfall.

  17. There are plenty of valid criticism you could make on FFXIV. But the "criticism" I just can't understand is the whole issue with cat girls and tiger people. Intelligent anthropmorphic animal species have been a staple in human lore, storytelling, mythology and entertainment since the dawn on mankind.

    I especially don't want to hear this "criticism" from WoW players, since WoW literally has anthropomorphic cows (Taurens), foxes (Vulpera) and pandas (Pandarians). On top of that there are also wherewolves (Worgen) and space goat people (Draenei).

  18. One thing to note though, is that these numbers are likely inaccurate, and probably wrong. I know lots of people kind of just ran with it, but the methodology ALONE should be enough to warrant scrutiny. Not counting WoW Classic (same sub) for one, heck, looking at the actual list of games in there and their purported numbers (looking at you Wildstar)

    So no, I don't think FFXIV has surpassed WoW at this current time but what this does point out is the already obvious: FFXIV is trending up while WoW is trending down.

  19. Started 2 days ago in FFXIV after 16 years playing wow. Rolling a Dragoon as my first character . 😉, so far it’s been pretty good.

  20. Neither games release their sub numbers so this is little more than speculation on both sides. I've found numerous sites that say WoW is still #1 especially if you combine it's classic with the modern but how reliable is their data or the data you claim makes FFXIV #1? Fans on both sides will believe whatever they want if it gives them a sense of superiority.

    And for the record, WoW doesn't deserve to be #1 but there's no proof it's not other than speculative data from FFXIV content creators.

  21. shadowlands is the first wow expansion i haven't bought. like many players after seeing such an unfinished expansion, really didn't feel like beta testing an expansion AGAIN, rip wow.

  22. Dude literally that article is clickbait and so bias, wow players play both retail and classic. People are just waiting for 9.1 and playing classic right now instead these are clickbait titles. Retail + classic is the player count not just picking and choosing.

  23. That website was proven to be absolutely not accurate. It's so inaccurate, in fact, that it even shows that Wildstar (an mmo that has been shut down completely since 2018) still has 16 000 playerbase. Even the creator of the website admits that this data is invalid.

  24. I've been watching your content and guides for quite a while now, And I've finally taken the leap and bought final fantasy 14 do you have a guild in FF14 that accepts new players due to the fact that I do not have any RL friends that plays the game?

  25. This is just insane how much FF 14 has grown. It went from the most reviled mmo (the original 1.0 version) to being one of the best especially after the Realm Reborn update. Meanwhile, Wow is declining in quality with each passing year.

  26. I'm fortunate to have enough gold in WOW to keep my sub going without paying. But I'm only playing TBC. Yesterday we were clearing gruul and mag and all I could think was "let's get this done quickly so I can get back to 14." We spent the entire hour of farm clear talking about 14 classes. Btw black mage…. black mage bangs


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