Getting started in FFXIV PvP as a Summoner and playing on a controller? I’ve got you covered with this PvP Summoner controller guide. This is for PC or PS4 Guide and PS5 Guide
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I don't know why but PVP slipstream looks awesome. I main SMN for PVE but weirdly I don't particularly feel like using it for PVP. Normally I hate playing melee but I think I'm strangely leaning towards trying DRG for PVP.
Great video Brian. That tip with the LB macros is really gonna help. I use some of these in pve but for whatever reason never thought of for pvp haha. Will help a lot with mchs turret too! Thanks a ton!!
Summoner has been my favorite DPS so far! They’re kitted towards being an AOE burst caster, and when your damage falls in line from Slipstream > Bind > Crimson Strike > Limit Break all at once, plus Festers to follow up and finish people off! They’re very fun!
I can't find a general guide for keyboard, lul
I absolutely love these videos and I am extremely excited to see videos like these for the classes I primarily play
Nice guide. Have a question, how I use Megaflare and Everlasting Flight? Can't see it after summoning Bahamut/Phoenix.
I m crystal right now as summoner and I ve to say , probably the worst class in pvp with dancer xD ahahaha
You re doing good as long as people don t hit you otherwise you are gone in 1.2 seconds
So how do you set up a Hud for normal play (PvE) and a Hud for PvP that you can just easily switch to?