FFXIV Shadowbringers – Not Done Yet

I didn’t hear no bell.

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24 thoughts on “FFXIV Shadowbringers – Not Done Yet”

  1. Without giving spoilers, once you reach a significant moment, it would behoove you to do the few quests around the area, as it will help to bring a lot of context to the final part. Not necessary, mind, but worthwhile none the less.

  2. I love how they add tiny little scene inbetween all these emotional rollercoasters. Like the scene with the guys at the shipyard was prolly one of my favourites in ShB…it seemed so normal and random and still I loved it so much x'D

  3. You're becoming my favourite for this expansion rn, you really do just keep the themes of the expansion in mind and treat things taking place with the sense of gravitas they deserve without being over the top about it – has certainly made watching you doing this both entertaining and relatable, for sure!

    The home stretch to the end of this tragedy is clearly in sight…time to take this home and bring the first some true peace! <3

  4. Gosh, I just can't wait to see your reaction to the ending of Shadowbringers! I'm always hyped for reactions to my favourite parts of the story, but your playthrough especially was lots of fun to witness so far.

  5. There's something to be said for shutting up and paying attention. It's something you do very well, and it's appreciated, so never feel like you need to apologize when you haven't talked in a while, especially during a long, voiced cutscene. Your thoughts on it are half the reason we're watching play through the story, but you have to actually pay attention for that to happen.

    And I was in perfect synch on my screen, godsdamnit!

  6. This speech by Gra ha is in my eyes why FF14 is a special game & why we are seeing so many MMO players from other games flock to this game. The Warrior of Light we the player is the driving force for the story. We the player is integral to everything that happens in the game & you know what that feels good.

    We aren't some side character that has nothing to do with anything, overshadowed by others in the story.

    Just hearing Gra Ha talk about us & how we are the beacon of hope just gives you goosebumps doesn't it.

  7. The cutscene with the Scions at the Crystarium was the very first cutscene of this game that I saw and I immediately loved it because the Scions care so much about you and I love it when games show that the party, your friends, really love you.

  8. It’s entirely possible to believe exarch wasn’t Graha given that at the beginning introduction to the crystarium when he mentions the towers doors are open he plays dumb if you chose to ask about graha as one of the dialogue choices saying something along the lines of “ no such person was there when he brought the tower to the first”

  9. One of the Tales From the Shadows entries goes deeper on the whole thing about the WoL being the unbroken thread of the dying world that the Exarch comes from
    In essence, it reveals that Cid and Nero were in the Burn when a message came in saying that rhalgr’s reach had gone dark without warning after the empire released a “new weapon” to the ala mhigan front. Chain reactions ensue and we fast forward to after we’ve died and the ironworks are picking up the pieces and trying to figure out what went wrong and why on such a scale. Once they set their plan to time travel before the First is rejoined, most people aren’t too keen on it since why bother saving a world and timeline that isn’t their own anymore. But once they offered it as a chance to save us, to guide a world where the warrior of light fought on undefeated and unbroken, what remained of the entire world gathered as one and pooled their resources to send the crystal tower off with a newly awoken g’raha inside of it
    They pulled out all the stops to make Shadowbringers a personal story as much as a story about the big side characters

  10. Awws you missed us. I got feels when you were asking where we were when we weren’t waiting by the Ocular. I’m glad you liked the surprise.

  11. Big fun times. The ends are nigh. And I certainly can't wait.

    Fun little tidbit a ton of people miss (for obvious reasons) is if you go around Norvrandt to some of the places you've been like Slitherbough and such, you hear of the group running around desperately asking for ways to handle the light inside you. Just an interesting little thing that a lot of people would miss just cause you'd hard feel to run around quite literally everywhere for such, but the fact that it is there is really nice.

    Now unto the depths of the Tempest, powerful narration and otherworldly sights. I can't wait to see you reach the end.

  12. D'aww haha it's sweet that you've got the mirrored experiences going on at the same time. WE NEEDED SOME FREAKING HUG OPTIONS AND IT IS A CRIME WE DIDN'T GET THEM!

    Pardon my Urianger simping for a minute, but man I love that his VA actually spoke 'fae' lolol


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