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#FFXIV #Meoni #Dawntrail
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
I'm so fast!
Sake pronounced Sawkey BTW, the Aloalo roselle hedge looks really nice on either side of the Imeg arbor…matches well at gate entrance.
Thank you for these showcases! They give me ideas for my house decorating.
I'm a fan of the Sake Barrel. I have one in my kitchen and it just adds a lot of character
I didnt know about that new hingan window, definitely look more intricate than the one from the restoration area we have. Oh its a door ? Ill use it as windows lol
I thought they Were intending to add double-dye to housing items? Seem to remember it specifically mentioned when it was announced.
The arbor would look nice in Island Sanctuary. Lots of space to put up 3-4 and have seating around it.
i love the arbor and the glam you have! thanks for showing them.
If you put a warm light under the Pile of Gold, it has a really nice glow and shine.
As someone with some knowledge of Japanese. What it says on the sake barrel is… actually nothing. Much like how the Eorzean alphabet isn't an actual roman alphabet Eorzean kanji isn't actual kanji. And considering even the slightest of different strokes can completely change the meaning of Kanji it isn't as easy to figure out that the meaning, especially when the writing is stylized like that and for someone with rudimentary skills like me. Best I can really do is that the first one is completely alien to me, the second Kanji has some resemblance to: 氷, which is artic ice. And the last two appear to be hiragana わろ which doesn't mean anything.
But it doesn't really matter as what would be written on the barrel would be the company of which produced the sake. Things like this are donated to shrines and it's kind of like an advertisement for whoever donated it.
Those with better skills in Japanese feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
I changed my underground into Treasure Vault with Crystal throne in the middle and crystal chandeleir above, and it's one of my favourites places in the game now xd
Decorative Hingan Door is exactly what it says on the tin. We have a few other doors like this already, I may have to replace the fake door I have in my house with it.
This is terrible, this pacing is terrible, 7.05 when the game has been out for 2 months already?! why isn't it 7.1?
Are they planning in milking this mediocre expansion when it's already struggling to keep players active? servers are closing since nobody is playing!
I hope they aren't planning on taking another 3 years to release the next expansion.
I like the sake barrel but wish it was more than just a single barrel, or at least would like there to be a version of it with multiple/stacked barrels. Whenever you see those barrels in real life they're almost always in multiples.